/meg/ Military Enlistment General

ENVG-B edition


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For Forces info, obviously.

All around SOF website. Great info and run by former/active members of saigamarine's SOF unit. Mentor program. Also has forums for international SOF.

For all Army SF info.

For Navy Corpsman info.

This is an all-inclusive thread for MARSOC/Force Recon stuff. Good site for Marines info too.

For Coast Guard info. Good site, lots of vets able to answer questions.

French Foreign Legion recruitment website, for you criminals, autists, and mercenaries.

For info on the Australian Defense Force, and how you can shitpost on the world stage.

Naval Aviator forum with info on Navy OCS as well

Before you ask a question, check the FAQ

>Should I go Navy Enlisted Nuke???
tl;dr: Long hard school, to do shitty work, and the job prospects are a lie.

Info on sf86

previous thread:

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Which is the best branch if Im looking for a future career in aircraft mechanic/maintenance?I was thinking AF or Army, but Marines and Navy seems to have options as well. Would rather not go AF because I've heard negative things

>Would rather not go AF because I've heard negative things
Like what?


join the military, not the air force. dont be a faggot

USMC Reserves or National Guard to be a bad ass weekend warrior?

how difficult is it to go from 68w to commissioning as a PA?

Can i lift weights as OSUT? Not lifting for 6 months would suck

Should I go to a doctor before MEPS for spondylolysis to get a positive recommendation, not bring it up, or just tell them and see if they pass me there?

>or National Guard to be a bad ass weekend warrior
NG has Special Forces and PSYOPS

AF or army. marines does have an aviation mechanic field but you cant choose your job so you dont know what you get. army 15 series is a good place to research.
Depends on whether you want to say oorah or hooah. NG gives better benefits depending on your state though


AF: static.dma.mil/usaf/csafreadinglist/index.html
Army: history.army.mil/html/books/105/105-1-1/index.html
Marines: grc-usmcu.libguides.com/usmc-reading-list
Coast Guard: dcms.uscg.mil/Our-Organization/Assistant-Commandant-for-Human-Resources-CG-1/Civilian-Human-Resources-Diversity-and-Leadership-Directorate-CG-12/Office-of-Leadership-CG-12C/Reading-List/
Fat Navy: navy.mil/ah_online/cno-readingprogram/

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When I was 18 I went and got approved for medical cannabis use in CA, where I still currently reside. Renewed it a few times but then stopped a few years later. As far as my recruiter knows, I have never smoked weed or done any drugs, and that is what my paperwork says too. I signed a contract for a job which requires a TS clearance, and was interviewed by the person once already. They did not mention anything about it. I leave for BMT soon and my investigation is still ongoing. From what I understand, dispensaries and mmj doctors in CA do not usually hand over lists of people who they see. What are the chances this information is found out, and how should I proceed if questioned about it? Thanks in advance.

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Don't say a fucking word about it
Never admit you had it before joining the army
Only get it checked out after you graduate from Basic Training and AIT (or whatever the other branches call it)
Definitely get it diagnosed before you get out of the military, you'll get a nice monthly check from the VA the rest of your life. But you have to say that it only occurred during your time in the military.

>AIRcraft mechanic
I'm thinking you should go AIRforce
Also, you're life will be 10x better

Don't mention it at all. Hopefully you had good references that won't say anything stupid
The TS investigations generally just look at your past conduct, jobs, friends/family, and finances
If they find out then you'll just be denied, and will have to find another MOS/job. Maybe have to get a waiver. If they want to be dicks and "threaten" you, then just say you forgot. Don't admit to lying.

>those gogs

Thermal fusion and twin-tube white phosphor for the line? I'm jealous. When III comes out PEQs will be obsolete.

thanks for the advice bros.

Got it. Thank you very much

How the fuck can I change my rate once I'm in DEP? I signed a contract for HM but it seems my recruiter thinks his job with me is done, since I already have a contract. I keep hearing that jobs open up every day in the Navy, so what gives? If I've requested to reclass, shouldn't I be hearing something?

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nicotine is bad for you

so is drinking

weed is as bad as drinking

doing unhealthy things is for gay people who like to spread the AIDS virus

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OP here, I'm actually gonna be one of the first guys to get issued those. I'm probably gonna post a thread about it sometime next week. From what I've seen they have a tentative designation as PSQ-42.


you don't think they'll catch it during the physical?

The physical at MEPS is fairly relaxed. Hopefully user doesn't have kyphosis/lordosis/scoliosis which can be seen if severe enough.
As long as user has a fairly good range of motion, and doesn't show signs of pain then he should be good. If the condition is severe enough to where he can't bend over, then he shouldn't be enlisting in the first place

Always lie about medical m8

could a person from outside the US join the military in order to get a passport/stay and change his life? got eastern european non EU citizenship from former yugo country. very decent english.

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it's just a tiny little bump in my lower back that you can see if I try to like, touch my toes or something.

Yeh nigga.
Best way to enlist Army edition
>Become citizen (way more job options)
>have bachelor (become an officer) EZ job, berry good pay. Have to be in at least 6 years in the service.
>have associates (come in as an E4) ok pay. Better than privates. Don’t have to pay for rent, food, electricity so you just rack up your monies to hire prostitutes or whatever you wanna do with it.
>High school education/GED (start off at the lowest of the low. Lvl 1 call of duty style

>have associates (come in as an E4)

what do you do at MEPs for your physical right before you ship? people keep telling me its just a mini-physical but that doesn't really say much

you have any refs that confirm that?
is it possible to get anywhere except army?


>recently 28
>USMC raised enlistment age to 29, or so I've read a few places
>definitely a sign from God that I have a little more time to become a man
>losing weight, getting fit rapidly bc I quit drinking
>decided I want to join the USMC Reserve as 0311 if it's available in TX
>in a healthy long term relationship with beautiful blonde leading to marriage, or I'd go active duty

How much will I suffer trying to manage school, P/T work, gf/wife, family, and the USMC Reserve? How many years do you have to be in the Reserves to get good benefits?

Any Marine Reservists here? Any Marines here that have worked with 0311 reservists? Any good USMC Reserve units in/around TX that I should know about?

Different user here
You can definitely get your citizenship through the army. I've seen people from Nigeria, Virgin Islands, the Philliphines, Croatia etc... So I'm sure you can enlist through the other branches as well. I would shoot for Air Force if I was you. Call the nearest US military base or embassy, and I'm sure they'll let you know more.

I've done a fair bit of research on this. How would this work when embassy websites specifically say they don't offer advice on how to join the US military as a foreigner, and it's against federal law for a non-US citizen to be commissioned as an Officer.

Plenty of foreigners enlist to get green cards and eventual citizenship. The available jobs will be limited depending on the clearance you can get though.

Anyone here an officer in the Airforce/ANG? Or at least can answer some questions about it and OTS?

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could one get into infrantry and work their way up to SF if not complete brainlet? how long to serve in order to get permanent res permit?

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Give me the skinny. Are there a lot of white people in the USAF? I’ve seen some recruitment ads for the Marines and the Army and it’s all brownshit skins and niggers.

his job is done if you signed a contract. his job isn't to let you back out of contracts and sign new ones just because you feel like it.
you can try to convince him to let you do that, which will require another meps visit, or get removed from the dep and redo it all, or wait for 1 year to get removed from the dep automatically and do it all over again.
the only one where the ball is in your court is where you just wait until your time in dep expires.

no one cares that some depper wants to switch rates so you'll need to be very clear and reasonable if you want to rework that but the recruiter has no obligation to do anything for you on this.

why the fuck is this thread so hooked on clearances? the vast majority of military personnel don't touch any classified info.
this place is weird and stupid

>give me the skinny
racists legitimately don't belong in the US military. it'd be a bad time for the racist more than anything having to take orders from inferior humans or whatever you believe.

Would it be wiser to go AD or reserves/NG, specifically if I was wanting to go for a commission?

Already have an ok pay entry level job, and I definitely need to work on my fitness... but I dont feel fulfilled at the moment and I would like to travel. I also want to build my skills and get leadership experience, and also go to grad school.

The skinny is you're probably never gonna even talk to a recruiter because you care more about possibly having to interact with Mexicans than you care about work.

if you want to travel then AD is going to give you that...kinda.
NG/reserves you don't travel unless activated for something which can be almost never.

Though "travel" could be being sent to Fort Hood for a few years. It could also mean Germany, Italy, Korea, or Japan.
Too many variables to say.

If you just wanna travel then fucking set the time and money aside and do it.

Uh, you usually need to already be a permanent resident to enlist but there are some programs like MAVNI and stuff that might facilitate that. Call or email a recruiter and they should explain what your options are. It's not a sure shot but there are ways to get naturalization expedited through military service.
As for SF, I'm not sure how the muhreens work but in the army anybody can submit a packet to apply for it if they meet the requirements, but one of those requirements is citizenship. If you really want to make a career out of it though not being American yet shouldn't be more than a minor speedbump in the long term. We've had a Joint Chief of Staff who came to America from Poland at age 16.

>t. Shitskins
I’m a shitskin myself but I like being around white women because they enjoy my accent. You assumed I was a white.

ok thx for your everyones input.

We got a tough guy

if you want to get action with your military coworkers you're incredibly dirty and probably on a road to misery
whatever you are, you are an idiot

Have you ever met a military female?

When did anyone say you were white?
Again, it's obvious that you don't care about the actual job you would be doing.
If you wanna be around white women so much just go to college.

Oh I already try to do that with my 2 weeks of vacation a year. But what I mean is the ability to travel and live in another place or country for a short time without any long term commitments to said place. I'm also a dirty weeb so traveling to Japan would be neat.

I also am keen on trying to change my life course at the moment. I feel stuck career wise and I'd rather not take on exorbitant debt just for grad school (non-STEM degree unfortunately) unless I have too. I've been doing research on this option for awhile and it seems that being an officer is a pathway to many opportunities. I'm just not sure if I should take the plunge and go active or stick to NG.

Well I was active so am biased. I don't pretend to know all the NG/reserve benefits or how easy it can be for them to get what they want as they try to get the best of both worlds.

Which has better civilian prospects, Intelligence or Cyber Security?

are you the guy who keeps asking about civilian transferability in every thread multiple times per thread?

I know you said there's too many variables at play, but do you have any significant influence on where you are stationed?

From enlisted perspective not really and I assume it's the same for officers.
MOS comes into play quite a bit, as not every base needs every MOS to the same degree. You get more say when you reenlist but by then you know how things work anyway.

is flatfoot a disqualifying medical condition

what about minor scoliosis


if i enlist at the age of 23 with no tertiary education, will i have a long and fruitful career without becoming an officer?

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What’s the best jobs in the Air Force that don’t require a ton of algebra/geometry testing initially to test for those jobs?

Looking to sign up for 4 years.

Getting certain bases worldwide like japan or Korea, is that dependent on what job you take or is it a toss up?

Naw, first time posting on /meg/

>is flatfoot a disqualifying medical condition
>what about minor scoliosis
very likely to dq you
will definitely dq you. you stand 0% chance of getting in

>minor scoliosis
How would they detect that do the doctors actually test for stuff like this

all of them
you have to have a 4.0 phd in astrophysics with multiple internships and research papers just to start out as an e-1 in the air force
if you want to commission as a psyber officer you have to pass the trials of man in the ancient and forgotten Egyptian tombs where the rest of the specializations have lodge meetings and hold charity events

being the 102398+ iq overlords over your army slaves will be difficult as they are too brainlet to understand why your living conditions are infinitely superior in every way but eventually they will understand

not him, but are flat feet really a likely dq?

Man I wish I could get a green card by enlisting. Maybe if America goes to war with China they might open up the recruitment of Filipinos again. We were basically your 51st state damnit

The advice above suggest they would not detect flat feet or minor scoliosis, not sure about bipolar...

>How would this work when embassy websites specifically say they don't offer advice on how to join the US military as a foreigner
Not sure. Google might help

>it's against federal law for a non-US citizen to be commissioned as an Officer.
In the US military you can be enlisted (think private or sergeant) or officer (think captain or colonel). You can join as enlisted, and will get your citizenship around 3 months to a year from what I've seen. After you get your citizenship you can become an officer as long as you have a bachelors degree.

Plenty of jobs that don't deal with sensitive information need a clearance and secret is basically like a background check at a private company, barely more than a formality. If you can't even get that there won't be much cool stuff you can do but I guess if you're down for raking sand every day for a few years then it's not a problem.

>racists legitimately don't belong in the US military
Literally every black person in power will fuck you over for being white. The black women are the worst

Okay, but what are you going to do about it white boy?

>very likely to dq you
>will definitely dq you. you stand 0% chance of getting in
well what the fuck am i supposed to do now, rejected from every college and trade school i applied to and have a shitty sub-40 hour a week minimum wage job, i want to elevate my status in life and thought the military would help with that
have some empathy

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You could always go with the French foreign legion

Get out of the military. Go to med school. Live in a nice suburb while making great money. Oh wait! I already did that.

>college and trade school i applied to
how? maybe move to canada?

How the fuck did you get rejected from community college or trade schools?

Your little white girlfriend craves black cock. It's probably no surprised she slept around with black boys in school. Its all the craze these days anyway.

i am in canada
poor grades, they all said i must attend one of those 'adult ed' courses that redo highschool topics in order to boost my grades

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>Oh wait! I already did that.
I don't believe you.

oh, maybe move to America?

You don't have to. Just know that their are better opportunities than the military. And a lot of money can be made in the medical field, especially with a masters degree

how tf would that fix my trouble

>HS grades not even good enough for community college
I hate to kick a man while hes down but jfc

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perhaps american community colleges would accept your mouth-breathing ass

Then lie when you go to your recruiting office. Don't mention anything about your medical issues, and ween yourself off of your meds before you ship out. If your bipolar condition gets out of control then get help, but say you've never had any symptoms prior to joining. Stressful enviornments can bring out mental illnesses so it's believable.

Not him, but are you a nurse, doctor, or some kind of technician? Was your MOS related to your job and if so did it help? I'm looking to join the Army in the 68 series for this reason.

How you rank the separate branches from the perspective either enlisted or officer in terms of quality of life, career progression, career prospects in the civilian world, and overall satisfaction?

And for officers, how would each branch rank in terms of difficulty of getting a commission?

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>tfw wanted to become sere specialist to learn survival stuff but was rejected for medical reasons.
I honestly didn't think it'd hurt this much to get rejected from the military.

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air force > navy > coast guard >= army >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> marines

air force progresses the slowest and army progresses the fastest. also those two branches are the easiest to switch between so it's not uncommon for people to enlist in army and then grind out the first few ranks before switching to Air Force.

dont appreciate the insults buddy
and if that occurs, will they not discharge me from service?

im sorry it- it's just that you're just such a dumbass

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yeah, im the guy that fucked your mom. next question?

I'm assuming switching branches really only applies to enlisted right?

school is just hard okay
really hard

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if you arent good with the books become a mechanic.

You sound like my dad. I bet you also cheated your wife like he did too. Fuck you worthless piece of shit, don't try to tell me how to be a better person when you're a piece of shit yourself.

Really coast guard is lower than the navy?

shut the fuck up you aren't me
i know next to nothing about vehicle repair lol

How do I get stationed in Japan/Korea/Italy/Germany in USAF? Is there a particular job I need to be looking at?

navy gets shit like lobster (on subs) and other high quality high calorie food