/arg/ AR thread

I ain't linking the old thread because its fucking trash edition

Old thread: youdidthisroidanon.png

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Other urls found in this thread:


no i didnt i linked the old one and did it right but you made this shit show first so we are stuck with this trash.

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probably gonna get a BCM upper with a PSA lower next, will it explode on me?


Is the NX-8 any good?

>will it explode on me?
What no why would a lower explode?
And fuck this general it is trash.

Why would it explode?

Yes and no

Are you still in the closet about getting gaped by emy amethyst?

Dude what the hell did you do to make this guy sperg for literal months every single thread?

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Trip on fatty!! A2Grip is the only person here worth posting and you buy shit lowers, and shit uppers.
get some new jokes loser.

Fuck you too faggot ass. go fuck him if you think you need to defend him

Illum is good, clarity is good, size is good, weight is good
Eyebox, fov and pricepoint leave something to be desired.

If you are expecting a red dot + magnification you are not in for a good time. Ill dump some pics I have of it.

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How do AR pistols compare to rifles in the terms of overall effectiveness?

What legal ramifications will someone have for using an ar pistol upper on an ar rifle lower?

>What legal ramifications will someone have for using an ar pistol upper on an ar rifle lower?
Prison. Ass gapage.

you would be making a SBR and if you get caught it will be Big boy ass pound prison for you.

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Interesting, thanks.

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>ar pistol upper
kek. stupid question. go away fedfag

Both the NX8 and ATACR have nice upper ranges and suffer in the lower end performance. So if you were considering JUST an acog with offset irons or acog+rmr it might perform better depending how much time you are spending behind each setting.

Also consider elcan

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These are cool but you should have something more distant for even cooler effect

Have sex

Why not go Aero lower? PSA lowers really are not much cheaper. For a while yes it was the case that PSA lowers were about half the cost, but if you hunt around you can find Aero lowers for about the same cost now. Just don't get the M4E1 because that shit is gross.

Nice. I'll do an M16A4 eventually.

I've never used one but from what I've read and seen it is a pretty great jack of all trades master of none, but high pricepoint to get that. I would avoid it. Poor 1x, very small eye box. Main complaint I have heard is about the eye box.

>overall effectiveness
Apples and oranges. They have different intended uses.
>legal ramifications

Wow the edge distortion

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I do with your mom every day.

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Elcans seem nice, but the mounts seem pretty atrocious.

>very small eye box
Just sort of not asgood as the pricepoint
Mount is fine, especially if you add gen2 arms

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Has anyone filmed a Gear Queer in the wild setting his gun up to take photos of?

Sort of

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Ya know I was gonna criticize a 1080p webm but at 740KB It looks pretty good

Anyone have updated infographics of buying an AR or buying parts to build one?

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SR15 Upper
SR15 Lower

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So if the NX-8 isn’t really that good of a buy, what is? I’m really interested in a quality 1-8

s&b pm2 dual-cc

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>Geissele (super duty if you are a pig)
>Stop being retarded and poor
Venture outside of these and you are in semi "need to know what the fuck you are doing territory"

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Still need to chop the Axis down to 14.5 or so and pin and weld a Key Mo device. Considering throwing it in a chassis so I can get a folding stock on there. Could be done for around $350 or so.

Best I can do is tree fiddy

Post budget and intended purpose and philosophy of use.

ATACR or find a used Accupower for less than $900 and be prepared to change batteries.
S&B if you want to go full gucci. Dual CC PMII
Or consider 1-6x

Elcans would be a solid option if they were cheaper. You can get VERY similar performance in almost all respects except perhaps durability for like 1/3rd the cost with a variety of 1-4x LPVO, and at the cost of the elcan to around 3/4 the cost of the elcan there are some solid 1-6x LPVO options as well.

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Emy Amethyst
Emy Amethyst

I was looking for options I'm not that rich and looking more for something entry-level that I can upgrade.

Dont put your gun near all that rust man. It's infectious

>Considering throwing it in a chassis so I can get a folding stock on there

BCM Upper
Aero Lower

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Colt le 6920 or equivalent

G06 Smell Good. Yeah!

>Colt Canada
Stopped reading there

>Colt Canada
>PSA Premium and colt on same tier
What a retarded load of shit

>Venture outside of these and you are in semi "need to know what the fuck you are doing territory"
I used M4s in the military. That said building an 80% lower sounds like more of a pain in the ass than I would like to get into right now. I do have a rifle wrench but my friend gave it to me I never built one myself.

Alright because their monolithic uppers going to SAS and SBS are shit tier

They are irrelevant tier because nobody important can buy them. It would be like putting the MR223A3 on the list.

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Emy Amethyst came inside you

How does a “mil spec” Colt differ from a “mil spec” PSA in any way?

You’re in denial if you hold Colt on a pedestal for any reason. What do they offer over PSA rifles? This is a serious question.

They’re really nice

They’re nice, I think we meme about their issues too much here because of their popularity.

Does buying guns make you feel better about being in the closet?

You don't really need much if any tools to build an AR

Bench block is not really neccissary but you need to be very careful

>Barrel wrench
>Punch set
>Screw driver f & p

Dude honestly everything you would need is probably gonna be in the kit when you buy the stuff

Just buy a quality upper with a good barrel

Quality lower with an ok trigger
And you'll be set

I always feel like a little kid asking the adults a question in these threads then the adults shove me out of the way and proceed to argue the minute differences of hunks of metal.

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I mean if I had to remake the list, I’d make a new tier and label them Unicorn tier.

Nothing. ColtFags are in a rough spot right now. PSA put them even further in the hole and now they can't even make guns for people. Their own ColtFags let them down by not actually buying their products. It's a rough pill to swallow.

Because you are awkward and no one loves you.

Technical data package for the "mil spec" reqs

What that actually means.... Absolutely nothing

Psa premium and colt are virtually identical in fit and finish....

T.colt owner

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I guess I am afraid of jams because every m4 and m16 I ever fucking shot jammed on me regularly.


That happens with 40 years of contiunus fondleing

Colt has repeatedly said that their .mil production line is different than their commercial rifles. I highly doubt they take the time to fully vet commercial rifles per TDP.

You are probably right... But at the same time I'm sure they don't throw out dogshit ya mean?

>S tier
KAC lower
LMT upper w/ good barrel
>A tier
KAC upper
LMT lower

Like in the Military? Here's a pill for you. Even the cheapest Mil Spec AR is more reliable and accurate than an issued weapon.

rate my poor and astigmatism ridden ass

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>Red Dot

They have before...

LMT Lower on KAC looks like shit, pic related

This is true

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Buy a BCM or better upper. Never had issues with the couple ive owned.

nice brace

>Why Colt better than PSA?
The PSA uses components that are similar to milspec that are then assembled in a fashion that is not milspec. Colt is nearly sole supplier construction which is generally superior to PSA lowest bidder shit. You can blindfold yourself and tell a colt from a PSA based on the selector alone. God forbid you have to take the barrel nut off a PSA.

Is it functionally different? No
Is it superior? Yes
Does colt make some ultra high quality shit? No

We can argue TDP posting all day but in the end its just different business models. Colt is in the business of making colt rifles, PSA is in the business of making cheap rifles.
Once again you arent getting much here for the pricepoint. Meh barrels, meh feature set and very meh pricepoint. They arent bad but I wouldnt suggest one.
>They’re nice, I think we meme about their issues too much here because of their popularity.
They can fuck right off with their semi carriers, non chf barrels, exposed gasblock and generally everything else that is half assed. LMT is a fine OEM but anything they design from the ground up is a shitheap.

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>the trap fucker can't build his own so he has to buy factory

aint a red dot, 'tis a 1x prism with etched reticle


Wow, thats impressively hideous

I gotta try one of those. I have Kerataconus or however it's spelled. How is it?

Alrighty, next question Jow Forums what website/sites do look into buying from?

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Hey fags.

Gallium paste is the ideal lube for your AR. You will literally only need one application on the interior of upper and lower receivers for the rest of your rifles lifetime.

What light switch is that?

Does your dick still work? Or does Emy get the honor of being the last person to ever fuck you?


>Posting Airshit as op
No thanks

its because theyre autistic manchildren sperging out over fucking nothing. a PSA premium rifle will do 99% of what a BCM rifle will do. they will perform the same. everyone in this fucking board is an elitist butthole


LMT sucks, though.

technically the truth

Define PSA premium rifle
t. poorfag


dont get mad at me because you overspent on a gat

Is everyone who owns an AR some rich boy pretentious faggot? I would rather buy 10 guns than spend 3 grand on one fucking AR I can pick up off the ground after cowabunga it is.

>they will perform the same
This is a mount stupid take

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>the trap fucker who just discovered kac dick rides it without even owning it yet

>he bought into the quantity over quality meme

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works for literally every military ever on the planet. why do you think the term 'mil-spec' exists?

How heavy is it?