/arg/ AR15 general

Dont act like women hurt by a real man Edition

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>203 without heat shield
into the trash it goes

the other general started first i believe so post there.

Is a P4Xi enough magnification on a 20inch 5.56 or should I go more. Looking for recommendations of solid variable optics.

I don't actually have a heat shield in my armory, we just put the 203 and 320's under the KAC rail. 40mm shoulder fired rounds don't really have any heat and with the tube on it your hand won't be near the barrel anyway

Peak performance right here boys

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Y'all got any of that old school tacticool?

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>decide to finally order my first stripped lower from PSA
>add to cart
>look around on the site for other stuff
>go to checkout
>lower isn't there
>try and add it to cart again
god damn NIGGERS. are anderson's mags the same level of quality as D&H's?

Fuck tripfags and fuck jannies

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I still prefer the broom handle foregrip to all the modern fancy low drag dildos you all fall grips
Debate me

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If I needed to spear someone's face in using the front of my AR-15. Could I do permanent damage to the barrel?

Can you put a suppressor on that AR?

It's been a fantasy of mine to have a CAR-15 with a scope, suppressor, and M203

CA neutered AR15

Fixed stock, faux flash hider, fin grip.

>look how they massacred my LMT.

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is he gone?

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>rent freeeeeeeeee

no i'm talking about a different sperg this time


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so how does /arg/ think the lawsuit against Remington is going to pan out? Some Sandy Hook parents are trying to sue them because the shooter used a Remington AR platform weapon. They're using a loophole to attack the company saying that their advertisement promoted the gun as "military combat capable"

>quad rails
>mlok rails

mlok is the standard in 2019

Needs a higher quality pic that’s not sideways

Roast my weeb build

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Soppo is a good girl, Hitler

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>A2 grip

The barrel disgusts me

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dildoposter inc

I like them.

>only semi auto
you'll never own a REAL gun

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Just bought a LaRue Ultimate Upper Kit and billet lower. 4-6 months on back order. Does anyone have anything, good or bad, to say about this rig?

Accuracy, particularly beyond 200 yards
Gas blowback

Any info would be great. Thanks.

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What the hell is the part list on this thing? It has SPR parts, a retro/Diemaco stock, but an HBAR and a CMORE. I'm confused as fuck but I love it.

Guess my spare parts build is real.

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Is 16" too long to have a red dot make sense?

So I was at a local shop yesterday and I found this AK74 style'd brake but for AR 15s, no clue how it performs yet, but it was only 20 bucks. Anyone have any experience with this kind of device on their ARs?

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Is the Sig Romeo5 decent for what it is? It’s the only poorfag optic i’ve seen with good reviews.

Soup niggers.
Got a Bushmaster A2 Carbine ban state model that I'm slowly building up. I just have a question about the barrel, if only for the sake of aesthetics. The 1:9 featureless HBAR is a fuckin fat ugly bitch, and I want to replace it with a 1:7 or even a 1:8 CHF barrel with a profile that doesn't weigh 4 pounds. Only thing I want to look at is length and whether or not I want to keep it at Carbine or move to Rifle/Midlength gas(if I go with an 18 inch). This is an example of the latter mocked up in Gunstruction. I already have the CAR stock and even a 4 position slidyboi. I just need some thoughts on which looks better or if I should just stick with a different 16 inch barrel.

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And the rifle length. Keep in mind that I'm sticking with the round handguard. I'm also going to look for an old Colt 4x or a modern clone of it along with an M7 bayonet.

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both look nice imo

can you order an short barrel upper with no problems or will the ATF shoot my dog?

If your intentions are to build a pistol or to SBR a lower and you will not put that upper on that lower until you've received your stamp, then you're fine.

hey frens, a few years back a coworker helped me order and put together an ar. i havent shot it much but id like to get deeper into ar15's in general. was wondering what you guys thought of this upper receiver or if i should upgrade?
i feel that the handguard is too wide and front heavy, but if its what you would consider a good upper ill keep it. also, my coworker had told me that it had a 1/9 twist rate but online it now says 1/7, maybe they updated it since it was a long time ago so im really not sure

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My intention is to build a pistol but how will they know that for sure?

I've heard only good things about LaRue, but the wait times are crazy. I had an ultimate upper kit on order myself but ended up cancelling and going with BCM. Buffoni makes an amazing rifle and I've never regretted it for even an instant.

been burned before? better buy buffoni™

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So, would a light on the 16" be stupid? If so, does anyone have recommendations for a quad rail that would work on an 11.5"?

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Yeah, it's 4-6 months on mine, but I'm not in a hurry. I have plenty of buddies with ARs if I want to go shoot in the interim. I've never heard of Bufoni. Do they make AR-15s?

So you’re saying that every gun made before the machine gun was fake? All service rifles except for full-auto rifles are fake? Basically every handgun in existence is fake?

Why would a light on a 16” be dumb? Plenty of people use 16” rifles for home defense.

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based and buffonipilled

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I know, I'm just divided on which one would be better. I'm going for an SFOD-D look(because I watched too damn much Black Hawk Down and Heat) but the 18 inch idea came from my homolust for the Canadian C8 while still wanting something considered a "carbine". It's basically retro-tacticool if that makes any sense

>would a light on the 16" be stupid?
are you going to use it for anything other than daytime dirt shooting?
then yes you need one
very nice choice of parts other than the stock
>does anyone have recommendations for a quad rail that would work on an 11.5"?
BCM, Centurion, URX II are your options there

How many SR15's is /arth/ up to now? What is the confirmed count. I think it's like at least 7. It's nice to see the thread guccifying over time. I think we may even have more SR15's than that LMT shits.

This is a sufficient amount of Buffoni. I would prefer the muzzle device and optic mount as well.

Zero'd my new reconfigured sights and got feel of my Geissele S3G. Feels gud mang!

My dosage is re up'd.

Firstly the trigger... i love it alright! I learn to fire double bursts on tap by shouldering stock lightly and lightly pull the trigger with slowly just barely enough force and keep finger relaxed and quickly let go after second shot. It shoot double burst so fucking fast that the spread is under a inch at about 25yds supported and maybe 3inch offhand and didn't really felt recoil until i was letting trigger go basically recoil wasnt really felt until after second shot.

It was nothing like another fa ar i shot i could feel each shot's recoil clearly. But today i felt almost like one recoil but longer and the sound it almost remind me of sound of vulcan(those turrets on naval ship that protects ship from missile or aircraft n shit) going off that my dad described to me, instead of hearing multiple shot go rapidly after each shot it sound like one shot that had its loudest sound frozen and stay continuous like BLAAAA- instead of BlamBlamBlam. Sound i heard today was like Bla(faint short pause here)am basically Blaam. Fucking neat!

However the reconfigured sights does help especially the rear iron sight, it feel like it line up by itself, its so natural. The reddot placed on rear if receiver instead of front i never lost the dot its like impossible to lose the dot because i am so "inside the tube"

Look funny be regardless its much more easy and comfortable to shoot with sights set up lile pic related.

Also the rear iron sight now require less click to change between two zero like 9 or 12click (i forget already) instead of 27clicks the elevation and windage adjust is much more coarse now. pro's change zero faster n easier and aim more naturally n faster but con's less precision adjustment. The accuracy loss is unnoticeable perhaps due to smaller distant aperture make it easier me to perfectly center the ball of precision ball tip front sight post.

I like it!

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Fuck colt, I'll buy DD instead, their even based when it comes to supporting gun control!

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Go shoot it you fucking queer
There's no point in buying a nicer rifle if you don't even shoot it

Daniel Defense is a tone deaf idiot

Any maker of AR15 that costs more then $600 should be run out of business.

PSA is beyond based.

Oh no no no no no.

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>Wasting K16i money on railscales
>He didn't get the Dead Air 3-prong
Double yikes

Those are MCMR's, not URX4's, dummy

gay retard

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Speaking of Daniel Defense, I just snagged a 14.5” lightweight DD barrel from righttobear for $250. Everywhere else is selling them for $280+. This will surely be my last AR

Remember to vote for Bernie in 2020 brother.

nice now buy my Razor 2e and leap mount $1300

Nice Ash clone

Even most of the KAC owners are still half-geared no-nods scrubs

you need to get on that cvlife poorfag

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Tell wuggy about such a deal

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A2 I don't think I've seen you with more than a 4x scope... Is there a reason for that?

If your ar is unsuppressed you're not a real gun owner

>paying a cuck tax and registering and getting permission is a good thing

I to would agree to a new AWB.

RMR arrived today. Is the Brownell's RMR slide the best option?

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This is /arg/ which for me is more /sbr general/
I like SBRs more than I like longer guns because the majority of shooting I do is running and gunning.

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You don't have access to a lathe you fucking larper

brownell's rmr slide is decent on a budget, the rmr cut is good and barrel fitment is pretty aces. also, you know we're in arg right? love you pg bro

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Oh shit, you're right. I shall venture to the lair of Burt.

Hey GT

too unwilling and poor to afford good glass more like it

I mean like thats your opinion and all

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Alright so I messed up. Ordered the radian talon GI safety which is a 45 degree selector lever. For some stupid reason the lever part and the cylinder that goes in the lower are 2 separate pieces, you slide the lever on the cylinder and its held in place by a spring and detent pin. Well, its supposed to go in spring first with the detent on top and I put it in backwards. Now the detent is stuck at the bottom of a very small diameter hole. Any ideas on how to get it out?

TLDR: Small pin stuck in small deep hole, how do I get it out


Backup peep sight.

Not bad.

I know exactly how keymof and mlok works you retarded.

Even after you saw the graph now your excuse of being ignorant is gone you are legitimate stuipd.

Cant understand isometric drawing clearly shown the keymod attachment is relying on sheer friction to stay not get knocked back then fall off.

Mlok rely on mechanism lock which rely on friction knocking mlok in any direction will not make it move well actually it can nove just a little but under no circumstances it will be able to fall off unless screw are specifically unscrewed or broke with ridiculous amount if force.

Keymod fags everybody!

Keymod is only good for sleeving a suppessor in handguard or attaching light n laser but gud luck with vfg and bipod.

If any of your attachment on keymod get knocked from front hard enough which isnt so hard considering low torque limit of keymod the attachment will slide back and if it slide back enough you are shit out luck.

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Imagine looking at walmart shelving and thinking you want that on your gun

I think I'm going to just sell the Razor and try a K16i

How much for the Razor?

same question as - and willing to sell without the mount?

I agree

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Remember when A2grip defended keymod, back before it was officially btfo?
I remember

Keymod is still good user

Keymod was never good
Not even just as good

Silence chief long gap

Remember when user btfo the scar 16 and made scaranons hair fall out and A2 buy a 416?

I have a real Question. so i seen lately you been talking about the Saker it is a good looking can.
I been looking around and kind of like the AAC M4-2000 is there anything wrong with it. Money isnt the issue they are about $100 difference between them maybe less if i look harder. also what about the OSS HX-QD

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>made scaranons hair fall out
I remember hairgate.

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>the AAC M4-2000
mounting system is absolute trash
even comparefd to the asr

Want to bet he would trade every LMT he owns to get his hair line Back to where it was in his 20's

Anyone have recommendations on a not-shitty 18 inch rail?