Purchasing the first

Which one of these three in pic related is best option? Or should I go for all three? Which is the best to get first to train on then? Any other recommendations or tips welcomed too

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>Which is the best to get first to train on then?
The 10/22 for the cheap ammo

thats what i was thinking. is the three a good assortment to start out getting into the hobby? i dont want to drown anything i buy in accessories also, at least in the beginning

Prioritize getting an AR-15 since grabbers are trying to take it away and states are bending over for grabber laws which will make acquiring them more expensive as time goes on, you never know what's gonna happen
Shotguns and 10/22s will be fine since fudds like them but ultimately all 3 will be worth

A 10/22 is now literally a "semi-automatic assault weapon" in WA state.

2nding this.

They're all good for getting into the hobby. A full size pistol in 9mm would be a good choice to add to the list too.

You should get all of them eventually. If you plan to conceal carry, put a compact pistol on the list too. Once you have those four guns, you have all the basics covered.

>Prioritize getting an AR-15 since grabbers are trying to take it away and states are bending over for grabber laws which will make acquiring them more expensive as time goes on,
This is true and I've been thinking of it. I live in a red state so I think I have some time though.

If you can get all 3, go for it.

Personally I started on a 10/22 and I wasn't that fond of it. Just didn't like the sights or the overall quality all that much. If you look around you can often find a bunch of classic .22 bolt-actions from the 60s-70s with good sights for like $70-100 used. I owned a number over the years and got a lot more fun per dollar that way than my 10/22 ever gave me.
That said if you must buy new, a 10/22 is sensible because you can do anything you want with it down the road.

An AR is something I'd get sooner rather than later. It's an election year so prices and availability can fluctuate. They have never been cheaper, so now is a good time to get one.

As far as the shotgun, I'd modify it to a Mossberg or Maverick combo deal. You get a shorter magazine tube (5+1 instead of 7+1) but you get a 28" barrel in exchange. Useful if you take up skeet shooting or hunting down the road. You also get a shorter barrel for home defense (18.5" vs 20"), but that capacity loss is basically permanent as Mossberg 500s and Mavericks don't take tube extensions.
Getting the combo just covers all bases as far as shotguns go. It allows one gun to do everything a shotgun can.

Yeah but if a federal law is changed you are affected no matter where you are.

Also if people think it's going to change and start panic buying they're going to be out of stock forever and the only way to buy one will be to buy used from some guy on Armslist for double what they cost now.

Election is just around the corner. Prices are rock bottom now. Now is the time.

Start with what you want it for and then pick the best tool for the job.

If it's now or never for an AR, do you recommend ordering parts online or walking into a store and buying?


It'll kill anything inside 100 yards™

Depends on the type of person you are. Buying one in a store is easy as hell.

If you are mechanically inclined, like to min-max shit, enjoy custom stuff then build your own. Of course, that requires more research on your part, and the added expense of some specialty tools.

If you're trying to save money then you can just buy an AR lower receiver (that's the legally restricted part) and then build it later.

>If you're trying to save money then you can just buy an AR lower receiver (that's the legally restricted part) and then build it later.
Thanks for bringing this up because if now is time to purchase than its short notice for me. But why would the lower receiver be the only restricted part, and why wouldn't the other parts be targeted for restriction as well in the future?

I went shotgun, AR then 10/22
Would probably grab an AR first if you have shooting experience, if not get the 10/22

Attached: IMG_20180513_194051430~2.jpg (3824x2582, 1.96M)

Fuck that. Full sized pistol first.

They will be, for now, the receiver is the "gun"

>Fuck that. Full sized pistol first.
No. here's an unpopular truth: The *only* practical purpose of a pistol is to carry it. Otherwise, don't bother even owning a pistol - all of your needs would be better served by a long gun. With that said, full-sized pistols only really make sense for people like cops, soldiers, and security guards, for whom concealment is not an issue. For a civilian who wants to conceal carry, anything over the size of a Glock 43 is unnecessary, impractical, and, frankly, ridiculous.

Before you SHALL me, I'm not saying that you shouldn't own a Glock 17 if you want, or a Deagle if you want, or the gun the Joker pulled out of his pants in the 1989 Batman if you want. I own plenty of impractical guns just for fun - if you want to do the same, knock yourself out. But the fact remains that a full-size duty pistol is a practical weapon for a cop, but not really for a civilian. The use cases for a pistol are very different from one to the next. An LCP wouldn't make sense for a police officer, and a Glock 17 doesn't make sense for you.

Buy in a legal private sale. The fewer people know you have it, the better.

>For a civilian who wants to conceal carry, anything over the size of a Glock 43 is unnecessary, impractical, and, frankly, ridiculous.
Just because you can't conceal a 19 or even a 17 doesn't mean no one can, Mr. Skinny Jeans.

>But why would the lower receiver be the only restricted part, and why wouldn't the other parts be targeted for restriction as well in the future?

Nobody can predict the future, of course. But under current law the lower is considered the "firearm". All the other parts are totally unrestricted (except mag bans in some states). It would take a lot more legal wrangling to ban things like barrels and small internal parts than it would to just ban the "gun itself", and as far as the law is concerned the lower is the "gun".

The other parts may well be targeted in the future, but that's a lot less likely, or will likely happen much later compared to banning just the lower.

boring fucking taste, jesus christ. You're a boring person. This is the most meme list of firearms ive ever seen. just missing a glock 17

Nothing wrong with boring guns for a beginner. Just get the cool and exotic shit after you've got your bases covered.

>imagine typing this unironically
just imagine

The trifecta of poverty and boring taste is the 10/22, maverick 88 and m&p sport. He has posted all 3. There are shotguns and semi autos that aren't these 3 that are also affordable.

Why read so much detail into the pic?
I see it as any 'ol AR, a .22 rifle, and a pump shotty.
Obviously user doesn't have to buy the EXACT model shown in the pic. He can buy whatever .22 he wants. Whatever AR he wants. Whatever pump shotty he wants.

OP even asked about building ARs vs. buying them, so I doubt he's married to a particular brand or model.

>boring fucking taste, jesus christ. You're a boring person. This is the most meme list of firearms ive ever seen. just missing a glock 17
As the great strategist Jerry Seinfeld once said: Sometimes the road less traveled is less traveled for a reason. OP's choices are boring because they're popular, and they're popular because they work really well.

Sorry its not your not niche AK derivative originating from some Eastern European shit hole that you can't pronounce the name of that came out in that one Call of Duty game in 2011. I'm trying to start with something practical with a low price not appeal to some hipster snowflake's tastes.

>Complete AR lower now. Get the upper receiver during the holidays when there are sales going on.
>Glock 19 and CCW next
>10/22 Takedown after that
Once you have those three guns and a bunch of magazines, you can get an AR10 to shoot .308 or an AK for 7.62x39.
>Then get the shotgun. It's the least likely to be banned.

sex have



Personally my first was a .308 bolt action. I however would lean towards the 10/22 though, 1,000 rounds for $50 is pretty hard to beat. Aside from that then definitely AR if only because of political bullshit. The shotgun will still be around for a while so that isn’t as much of an immediate concern.

I gotta agree with all the others in this thread. Get an AR first starting with the lower. PSA is pretty reasonable right now.

>21 or older to order
im 19

>Being born after 2000
Forget it Zoom Zoom

get a stripped lower

Should i buy that ati stock?

A 10/22 would run at least $200, or you could spend it on .223 and have 500-700 rounds to practice with. I love my 22s, but you should factor in whether you will shoot enough to make it even out. I have less than 1000 rounds through my 22lr upper on my SBR, so run through so quick math prior to buying.

that is a stripped lower?

Its a pretty great 3 choices. Add a .22lr pistol and a 9mm handgun and you have a 5 gun collection that will cover almost any situation.

lol im retarded. just buy the full rifle, you don't need to be 21 for that

I've thought about this. Buy in this order.

1. AR-15. As user has said, it's most likely to be impacted by new laws. It's also what I'd have if I could only have one gun, as it gives you the most firepower in the big igloo.

2. Compact 9mm pistol, the biggest gun you can get away with carrying. This gives you much more flexibility in personal defence, a side arm to go with your rifle, and a more convenient night stand gun.

3. 12ga shotgun. This gives you an even better home defense weapon, as well as lots of options for hunting and sport. It's the last of the three because a pump shotgun is least likely to be banned.

4. From here you can do several things. 10/22 for cheaper target practice and varmints. Bolt action rifle for long distance shooting. Revolver for magnum firepower. I personally went with an AK to be familiar with that platform, plus I just like them.

lucas botkin weighs 80 pounds and he conceals a glock 19 plus a spare mag

>Or should I go for all three
All three at once, babe. Triple penetration is good wholesome fun.

All the seething in this thread.
I own only Glock pistols they're insanely reliable never had fte,ftf,or light strikes their perfect.
The ergonomics are meh,the grip is nothing special.
It has the highest capacity for full sized pistols,parts are cheap and easy to replace.
And probably the biggest reason price point to performance.
A new glock gen 4 is $200
New Beretta 92fs$1100
New CZ-75$1200
New HKvp9sk$1350

Its robust and as reliable as more expensive pistols on the market.

Where the fuck do you live? Austria?

buy an AR15, a .22 conversion and a .410 upper

>21 to buy a piece of the rifle
>18 to buy a rifle
wheres the logic to this? is law mandated or is it the seller?

Don't think its the seller because every other shop ive seen does it as well. In reality, they don't care how old you are, they just want impatient zoomers to be put on the list instead of waiting a few years to make their own. Not that you should wait, get an AR as soon as you can, but note that that is why they do it

I use slugs for home defense™

>they just want impatient zoomers to be put on the list instead of waiting a few years to make their own.
which list are you specifically referring to? i haven't exactly looked into the purchasing process yet

there is definitely a registry of everyone that has done a background check. Honestly, in 2019, it doesn't matter. You'll be the first to shoot glowies anyways

is there a problem with it being known you've cleared a background check? it seems like that'd be a good thing.

No it won't raise concerns in that way, but they'll know you own weapons. Unless you lost them the treacherous seas that is

Whatever you get make sure you take a long time buying a second one. I have a few purchases l regret before slowing my roll. Now that lve slowed down l only really love like half of what l own.

so you're saying the government will know i own a firearm because i will go through the background check? with all the people that are gun owners is that a problem? could this potentially raise an issue if im just trying to live a normal life and shoot paper every weekend?

No, but if they ever federal ban something you own they could come knocking. Unironically, if you know a fed ban is coming, report your weapons as destroyed or lost. glowies btfo everytime

sounds like a hassle in general, is there anyway to get something without being registered?

ye build your own


There is a lower with no age restriction but you would need a milling machine to actually use it. If you could do it (not that hard honestly) every other part is legal to buy without any checks or age restrictions

okay, thanks ill look into it more. i dont want a cop knocking on my door 20 years from now because i bought a hunk of metal

don't forget P80's as far as handguns go.
>don't glocks suck?
they've a high failure rate, rust like a boat made out of unseasoned pig iron on the atlantic, and the fans are 1:1 exactly the Jeep owners of recreational shootering but a properly assembled P80 PF940v2 that is 0% Glock, 100% GINO will be pretty reliable and CC ready.

Attached: P80ReviewAndRangeTestFromNippersAndRotaryToolMethod.webm (1280x720, 972K)


Just buy one dude the fucking government isn't going to come get you because you bought an AR15 from Bobby Joe's Gun Shop. That guy is another paranoid boogaloo fag.

strelok, if you can afford all 3 get all 3, you can never have too many

10/22 cheap, accurate depending on ammo, cheap ammo, a million ways to customize it. My only suggestion is to swap out the trigger. I bought mine from my great uncle YEARS ago. Didn't care for the stock trigger.
Will never discourage anyone from buying an AR. But don't totally cheap out. Buy the best of what you can afford and practice with it till you can shoot out to 300 meters.
A shotgun is going to be the most fun you have with any firearm. I recommend a Mossberg 500 or 930 if you can afford one.

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Only if you have decently long arms, I would say mine are about average and it works but it's not quite as comfy as my adjustable stock, my ex-gf couldn't use it with stock folded down at all

this. dont go through all that trouble and just buy it

>Buy in a legal private sale
could i get an elaboration on this?

They feel cheap but they're ok for what they are. There's no cheek weld to speak of though. IMO you may as well get a Shockwave and get used to shooting that accurately.

Find gun friend/militia friend/extremist friend

Ask for guns

Friend straw purchases guns

Buy guns for cash

Nobody knows you have guns

You guys are being paranoid like I already said. There's nothing wrong with walking into a store and purchasing a rifle. The government isn't going to track you down if gun control is later implemented. Are you a criminal or something? If no then theres nothing to be worried about....

>yes goy, the government will never turn on you, trust the feds, they will always have your best interests at heart

I'm saying the government isn't competent or willing enough to hunt down every last person that purchased through FFL. There is nothing to be worked up about you guys are acting like the weapon is already illegal.

Who could be behind this post?

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this one doesnt even work

you can get the 10/22 and the maverick for the price of the AR

A stripped lower can become a pistol. A completed rifle is a rifle.

i like rifles. they're cool

this is the NPC loadout

>A new glock gen 4 is $200
lmfao, post a link that is even double that, you faggot, You can't.

>you can get the 10/22 and the maverick for the price of the AR
NOPE, the 10/22 and Maverick are about $200 each, you can assemble an AR for about $350.

PSA. If you don't have an AR, you need one asap.

Shotguns are great, a 22 is great, but the AR is pretty much the perfect combat rifle and millions of servicemembers have learned on it as their first weapon. Training docs are available free online from the Army or maybe the Marines if you can find it.


NPC loadout is an iphone and calling the cops

where to buy PSA AR's in southwest if not online?

I'd recommend a factory AR, preferably used. A S&W or ruger should fit the bill nicely. I reluctantly bought one this year too despite my low interest in ARs. Now is the time.

No. They don't function well and quite frankly, it looks retarded because of that.

At a gun shop...

>It would take a lot more legal wrangling to ban things like barrels and small internal parts than it would to just ban the "gun itself", and as far as the law is concerned the lower is the "gun".

Realistically speaking, could this even be accomplished? Anything could be a precursor to small parts, some dude can just file away at metal or 3D print in his garage and nobody would be the wiser. The only hard thing to get is a barrel, but that's only because those machines used to make them aren't exactly easy to by and are super conspicuous.