Jow Forums Humor Thread

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Can we not have another abysmal bunch of FB alphabet boys/boogaloo memes again?

You seem to be labouring under the delusion that the point of the exercise is to be funny. It's not. The point of the exercise is to post exactly the same stupid shit as all the other kids. The stupidity proves that you're no longer just an appendage of your parents as you're posting stuff no adult would ever touch with a ten foot pole, and by posting the same as everyone else you prove that you're part of a group (that isn't your family) thus easing the soul-crushing existential dread of any animal looking for a new pack to belong to after leaving the one it was born into. And so an unending stream of the stupidest, most re-posted shit it is.


>176 lbs
>not 1776 lbs
weak shit, desu senpai

>not supposed to be funny
Yeah, Jow Forums HUMOR thread
>we need to post the same exact shit as the rest of the underages
>lolsorandum means you've matured away from your family
It means you're fucking retarded. Everyone hates shitty memes and the equally shit underages spamming them.

this is the best i can do

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holy shit
humor posters btfo

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Attached: k talks battlebots.png (2456x891, 743K)

This is sort of related but battlebots aren't actually super difficult to build. The simplest type is just a horizontal spinner which can be made with any plate-metal processing machine e.g. waterjet/plasma and some steel brackets. Sandwhich the spinning bar between two plates and just have wheels and casters stick out, then run a belt to the largest motor you can fit in there.

Buy a bunch of quadcopter motors and RC components and you'll be done, they're practically designed to snap into each other. Really the most expensive part is the plate metal and how many ESCs you burn through when you fuck up, also LiPo batteries.

t. built some battlebots once

All of the most successful battlebots were the most simple ones, so it checks out.

The difficulty is in building something to BEAT the spinniggers without BEING a spinnigger.
Somebody needs to show up with a hammer with a captive bolt gun in it and pin the fucking shield to the chassis.

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Read the document.
These threads are mostly just bait and honey potting these days.

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you know a zoomer made this

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I ND'd a 12ga into my ceiling last night in a very enclosed space. Surprisingly my ears didn't ring for very long/at all (adrenaline must have masked some of it). Anyway laugh away.

You could replace the ATF with Chris Kyle with that one. Just replace burning with baiting kids with electronics scrap

If this was Suicide Squad I would have watched that movie

That show was such a gem

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My money is on #4, actually has a sling.
#3 is first to die, #2 will lose his mexican carry as soon as he needs to run somewhere or hop a fence to keep up.

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some oc

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Based as fuck

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I'd probably want to be with Rasta Man in a fight but Camo Pants and Barefoot Bowman seem like they'd be fun to hang out with too.


Wow, replacing the text on a meme?

Pretty fucking crazy idea

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>The teenager seems to state otherwise
It gets me every time.

100%. At least it doesn't say "bois"

absolutely excellent.

based barry



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What about 1488?

>Mexican carry
Niqqa's got a belt clip, senpai.

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>it’s an older meme, sir, but it checks out

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Normally I'd give the home field the advantage, but them Romie boys are crazy.

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USA, North Korea, and Australia. US because obviously; Best Korea for zurg rushes when eventually on the offensive; Australia for shitposting psyops.

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Meanwhile, there's a Jew sympathing nigger lover (You) complaining using basic allegories learned in grade school while simultaneously acting pretentious despite having a child's understanding of humorous concepts alien to his own.

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Does this count?

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Embarrassing desu

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Yaaaaas B A S E D!!!

That should learn em!!!!

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Hi Lon

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>magical selection

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When your Empire covers the whole world you always have the home field advantage

hearty laff

More arms than the wackiest Hindu God!

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