How would I go about Liberating a 155mm cannon Display

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Attached: Howitzer.jpg (1024x793, 195K)

Just hitch up and drive off

You'll pull it 5 feet and the axle will snap in half.

because they weight so much or because must single tire pick ups suck?

most of these display pieces are permenantly deactivated in ways that you really can't fix, shit like concrete being poured down the barrel and the breech/firing mechanism welded shut in a way you can't undo without wrecking the thing. honestly, nigger rigging one from the ground up would probably be easier. it wouldn't be nearly effective but i'm sure you could make some kind of shell flinger. it'd still be easier to daisy chain a bunch of hobby rocket motors together and fit them to a pipe filled with nails and gunpowder, and impact fuzes aren't anything particularly difficult.

Of course, nigger rigged solutions are never as effective as purpose built ones. for the time, effort, and cost it would take to put together the operation to steal it and reactivate it, you could probably buy a smaller purpose made piece for cheaper too.

Because it's rotten and the wheels are flat. Actually you're more likely to rip off your bumper and flip the thing on top of one of your friends or yourself so go ahead you have my blessing.

>shit like concrete being poured down the barrel

Would you not just chip/drill/melt it out?

Replace the barrel?

If you're in a position to replace the barrel you may as well be fabricating whole new guns

They usually remove or fuse the firing mechanism alongside so if you can manage to chip it all out without fucking the barrel or somehow find a replacement barrel you still have a nifty paper weight on wheels. Wheels that also cost a fortune to find/replace.

Why is everything I want, like, wish to own always fucking out of reach?

the government

This is the equivalent of finding an ar-15 on a statue with the trigger pack ripped out fake trigger epoxied into place and some 18 year old enlisted taking a welder to the chamber to seal it up

I thought they were the cockblockers...Them and the Jews

>This is the equivalent of finding an ar-15 on a statue with the trigger pack ripped out fake trigger epoxied into place and some 18 year old enlisted taking a welder to the chamber to seal it up
But you can still restore it, right?

Get your hands on a pair of government plates and a vehicle that one would expect the government to own, dress in the stereotypical "I wish I stayed in so I work for the government" veteran look then just hitch it and go.
If anyone asks anything act like its perfectly normal and if you want to go the extra mile write up and print out a "official government documentation" regarding the transportation of said canon to be placed outside some veterans or government facility.
As long as you can get it moving without drawing attention to yourself no one will bother asking questions because you look the part and they generally don't care anyways.

If you could you wouldn't need to steal one off a statue, there is a guy on YouTube who made some lowers from casting soda cans.

You know. When I worked for a moving company we had to deliver a desk to cedar point. We found out that no one fucking checks anything if you're in a delivery truck and neon yellow vest. Ended up going to cedar point at least once a week that summer and security never once stopped us.

>hooking up a derelict artillery piece to the ball hitch of a truck
>dragging it through the yard scraping up the asphalt
At least bring a trailer if you want to have a modicum of credibility. It also weighs 6 tons so good luck with that.

Would be cheaper and easier to start from scratch.

In a different world where civillans never get access to information. It would be great to steal then take a set of calipers Tonto get the dimensions to reverse engineer

For fun, let’s say you do somehow liberate it to your garage... do you have a stockpile of 155mm shells to feed it or do you just want to look at it?

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Never steal. Never.

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Its true, you would be shocked what you can do just acting like you belong in a place and looking the part.

LOL, Go be a Nigger somewhere else.

I volunteer on a WWII aircraft carrier and the retards poured concrete into the water storage system to comply with some gay demil law for military vehicle displays. They do it everywhere.

>poured concrete into the water storage system to comply with some gay demil law for military vehicle displays.

....Your fucking with me..

We have an M48 tank on a nearby former military base. The Soviet inspectors insisted it was part of the national arsenal of tanks as per the then agreement. They relented when the base guys ran to the toolshed and got a huge axe, then chopped clean through the fuel tank.

That old machine has seen some shit. For a couple of years the local lefties were campaigning to have it removed because the refugees coming in "were going to be traumatized to see a tank". They never found an actual refugee saying that. That is some time ago. Refugees are long gone. Old M48 remains. My kind of steel.

... leftist ruin everything...

Because it's and it's about 10x heavier than it looks.

One of my neighbors had a 210mm Krupp Howitzer in his front yard. In working condition (according to him). Just no ammo. He moved away this summer and took it with him (sad day). They just hired a truck and rolled it on. It had solid (cast iron) wheels, not rubber.

Ironically, tanks are some of the few things that usually DON'T get de-milled in the US; usually, they're parked without fuel or ammo and with the MGs removed and it's assumed that nature will render them non-combat effective on its own.
Poor Arnold had to fetch his tonk over from Austria, and they did things to the gun. Not even the Bongs are that cruel.

That's odd. I would have expected the ATF to be on the ball right away. Not because it's much of a weapon any more, but because they are the ATF.

The tank in my story is Norwegian. We never had more than a couple of hundred tanks in total, and a lot of them were M48s until the 80s. Being on the Soviet border their inspectors were pretty keen on the treaty counting but this was stupid even for them. I should have given good money to watch their faces when we bought 50 or so Leopards for scrap from I forget which NATO country that needed to reduce their numbers of tanks, scrapping about 50 M48s who were barely driveable so we still stayed within the treaty total.

..damn, that is sad, have a weapon, no ammo