What is ks boogaloo rifle?
Ignore paranoia sewing retards.
What is ks boogaloo rifle?
Ignore paranoia sewing retards.
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You are intentionally spamming this board with SHTF "boogaloo" bullshit in an attempt to sllide quality threads. Go fuck yourself. Jow Forums has been unusable today
For Americans: An AR
For Canadians: An SKS or Vz. 58
For Australians: A Remington 7615
For Brits: A plastic spork.
Yes so natural
Mods do your job
>not Jow Forums's
>not even Jow Forumss
>ks boogaloo rifle
how long is this going to be happening
If genuine, this deserves its own thread.
They'll change their tactics if it gets it's own thread
Observe and be smart
Forever and ever and ever
I don't have a rifle
Stop being paranoid
K has been about boogaloo from the start
>Shills want to start a fight between the FAL and the G3
How does bringing up the bush war serve as any kind of disruption? Im confussed
It's Jow Forums you shit heap and you mean the happening you underage cancerous fuck.
Make people paranoid
Because they then use bushwar to derail into racism. Have you been in ANY Rhodesia thread in the past month? Literally within 10 minutes someone starts shitposting about how Rhodesia was racist and shits up the thread.
Because you get retards who are butthurt because they think it was a race war, as well as retards who constantly spam polshit because they think it was a race war.
This is like your fifth thread about this shit today
Spotted the share lube
As a new yorker, i'm stuck with the SKS. Would never own an AR in this state. I do like my yugo rifle though, i think the platform is one of the best in this shit state, besides VZ or M14/garand/Mini 14
Gentle reminder to leave feedback about the state of the board
Thanks bratan