Realistically what are the chances of Colorado lifting the mag ban? I've been wanting to move out of my shithole state to there for a while but the 15 round limit is kind of offputting. I'm more of a bolt action autist to boot but I'd very much like to get a semi with some normal sized mags.
Realistically what are the chances of Colorado lifting the mag ban...
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What's done is done. When an antigun law is passed you will NEVER repeal it.
Its not good. There is nothing in the Colorado state constitution that could be seen as defending magazines or any kind of particular accessory, so legally they have all the power they want to ban whatever they want so long as its not firearms themselves.
>inb4 anti gun shill says I'm wrong
Please name a single federal gun bill that has ever been repealed
please name a magazine ban that has been repealed at the state level
The only gun laws that ever get better are carry laws
A weak example, but California is on track to loosen their magazine laws. They had freedom week allowing anyone to buy whatever they want and thats a good sign for the future of that law.
The Assault Weapons Ban of '94 you fucking idiot.
It wasn't repealed, it just wasn't renewed. If an anti-gun law doesn't have a sunset date, it's not changing.
The mag ban does nothing, any store that's not a national chain sells mag kits that are just the body and the spring in two different bags. That being said, this state will go the way of California sooner or later.
But to answer OP's question, like others have said, about zero.
I wouldn't say that's true, in my shithole state of New Jersey our taser ban was overturned. Illinois FOID card is on life support after the court shot tons of holes in it. NYC's permit is getting struck down soon. But I'd agree mag bans unfortunately have a lot of staying power as the courts seem unwilling to overturn them.
we are doomed
We are certainly not doomed. Common law is not democratic. Unless you can get 33 state legislatures to vote to overturn the 2nd amendment, nothing will happen. Gun owners are winning in court all the time and will continue to win in court. The biggest thing gun owners should be on the lookout for is the push for more democracy. The United States is the perfect balance of representative and direct democracy, most major changes require around 55 to 65 percent public support for many years with a bill of rights that needs 33 states agreement to edit regardless of what the people wish. If we start electing judges like California and abolish the electoral college or make it ceremonial like many Dems are calling for we will be pozzed for all eternity and lose our guns.
fuck off we're full
Round up every leftist/CA transplant, illegal and every cuck in the GOP and deport them, then ban them from every having a say in things,
Colorado-user here
literally fucking no one abides by the gun law so shut the fuck up with "DUHUUUUR HURR RRRRRR COMMUNIST STATE DURRRRR"
Just go pick up some in Cheyenne bre
based Cheyenne county poster
Literally every out of state vendor complies, which is a massive fucking pain in the ass if you own any gun that's not an AR15
Sometimes me and my mates head out to kansas like 100 miles from where i live to get some neat gun gizmos. Thank god for backroads.
also mr ATF glow nigger everything i post on this board is totally fake so don't arrest me.
based boonieposter
You don't want to move to colorado, the mag ban should be your first and most obvious red flag.
Just move to a medical state and get your card that way you can have your mag and smoke it too.
>drive 100 miles to pay gun shop prices after paying for gas
Bro you've reduced yourself to smuggling contraband and you say it's fine.
I just paid 10 dollars a mag for g3 mags here. That's more than 3x the normal price.
>enforcing state laws
>Please name a single federal gun bill that has ever been repealed
1994 AWB was allowed to sunset, which is pretty damn close to a repeal.
>please name a magazine ban that has been repealed at the state level
I've actually got several at the state level. District of Columbia v. Heller overturned the DC handgun ban and killed most of the Firearms Control Regulations Act of 1975. McDonald v. Chicago shot down several firearm restrictions in Chicago and extended Heller. Several states (KW, WY, ID, AK) and many counties across the country are "gun sanctuaries" and bar their LEOs for aiding federal officials enforcing federal firearms laws. In Caetano v. Massachusetts the court affirmed that the 2nd amendment applies to all forms of bearable arms and laid the groundwork for challenges to state based AWBs. CA had their mag ban hit by and injunction for like 2 weeks. I'm sure there are more cases, but these are the ones I can remember.
>Just move to a medical state and get your card that way you can have your mag and smoke it too.
That's straight retarded. You better hope the state you live in never tries to pull a Hawaii. If you're going to own guns and smoke weed don't do medical, do recreational. NEVER sign up to be on a list that straight up disqualifies you from owning/purchasing firearms; it's one of the questions on the 4473 that a "yes" answer to will cause you to fail FFS.
>Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance? Warning: The use or possession of marijuana remains unlawful under Federal law regardless of whether it has been legalized or decriminalized for medicinal or recreational purposes in the state where you reside.
>Several states (KW, WY, ID, AK)
Meant KS
Don't move here. We're full. We dont need more fucks raising housing prices and adding to traffic.
the real question is where will they go after colorado...
>two different bags
Lol not even, I bought a pmag where they had just poked a hole in the original bag and stuck their finger in and just popped the baseplate off
>moved here 6 years ago for a legitimate job to start an actual career
>don’t really smoke weed or care about nature or whatever the Californians like about this place
>degenerates everywhere
>rent is ludicrous
>looking to buy a house and some shitty shoebox condo costs more than my parents entire 2 acre property in Alabama
>traffic is horrible
>still haven’t adjusted to the altitude and feels like I have asthma if I try to play basketball
Fuck off, we're full
Yeah, just like how the assault weapons ban is still active
>The Assault Weapons Ban of '94 was repealed
imagine being you
They just elected a governor that eat's male ass, what do you think genius
he's pretty cool, i met him when he came to my boonie town about a week ago, seemed nice.
>Gun owners are winning in court all the time
Name one time in the last 5 years. Every single challenge is denied by SCOTUS and the Circuit courts have never issued a pro 2A ruling in their entire history.
When the 7th Circuit ruled no-issue and may-issue concealed carry permit laws were unconstitutional and forced Illinois to adopt their current CCW law.
6 years in and you haven't yet adjusted to the altitude? Are you a nigger with sickle cell?
Fuck right off we're full. Shithole Transplants like you got us in this position.
Not hkparts *wink*
Brb crying because I bought a g3 mag for $20