Chasing the silver dragon

What's kind of bullets does Jow Forums cast?

I Just finished some bullets for .32 h&r, 45 long colt, .357.

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I dont cast bullets because I dont want lead poisoning

>I can't outsmart a lead ingot?
>how do fans work?
Now THAT really is lame.

Just be smart about ventilation.

Shooting at indoor ranges is more toxic

work outside and if you are really paranoid, wear a respirator.

A legal AP metal.

What are good respirators

Leadpill me on this

I don't cast yet. I'm planning on just buying ingots, a batch of 50 pounds every few months, then eventually start casting whenever I have a ton of free time. For now I'll just buy cast coated.

>implying molten lead is anywhere near hot enough to give of lead fumes.

unless your somehow vaporizing it, or get it to it's boiling point (3000f+) there isn't even anything that can happen.

>What are good respirators
Pink filters from Lowes work great. Should really wear them at all times while casting lead. Dont be an idiot

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wait why?

Anyone know of any good .451 hollowpoint molds? Getting tired of paying $50 for a box of glorified fishing weights

Cast bullets are cheap and almost as good as jacketed bullets in every respect. Good shit to get into if you want to reload a lot of ammo for the habbening.

Attached: GA38SpecvsRem2inexpwetpack1.jpg (500x274, 32K)

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I cant let a fellow kommando waste his money like this. Learn how to utilize range scrap.

Please be safe user, lead makes Fumes at 900f, keep it lower then that.

Follow CDC guidelines for casting lead bullets.

Have you thought about using .22 rimfire cases for jackets? Isn't that how Berger got started?

>trust your gub
Really? That's what you lead with?

Lyman devastator are kickass, explosive expansion.

Thunderhead rounds add some punch.

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No, but I have thought about filling an inch deep 500 magnum hollowpoint cavity with high explosive then setting ab22 blank inside the round backwards.

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I hate the feds just as much as the next guy, but they've done the research and their advice on this matter Is sound.

So I just cast 50 .458" bullets a few weeks ago but I haven't used them yet. I've been having a hard time.finding out conclusively if using them without sizing them or without a gas check (they have a gas check cavity) is dangerous or potentially damaging. I mostly get answers between "it will only effect accuracy" to "you'll blow up/foul your gun"

Without gas check is fine, just be on the lookout for leading.

size your bullets.

120g Lee TC for 9mm
Any recommendations for a good 9mm HP mold?

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Those are not good casts.

Try Ranchdog?

>9mm hollowpoint mold
I also want to i know this. Lyman devastators in 9mm are the best for exploding watermelons and varmints, but they lack penetration on a human target.

i think full lead taco on youtube was doing some 9mm hp loads he used noe molds you might get some information there

I want a NOE mold for 700 grain 500 mag wadcutters, but they are out of stock. How does this stuff work Jow Forums? Do I need to organize a group purchase or something?

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how's that .32 h&R?

I know it's fuddy but damn if it it's not appealing.

Mostly round balls these days and some bullets for .44-40.

Not him but it's a blast to shoot. Especially out of an oversized revolver.

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Any good 300 blk hollowpoint molds?

Attached: 16-Hunting-in-300-BLK-black-and-clear-powder-coating.png (604x480, 695K)

I have attempted this. My club, while not in the rules anywhere, has told people that collecting lead is not allowed, even from steel bullet traps. Now, it's not like they have cameras or RSOs everywhere, so I have actually attempted to skim lead off the top of the back stop of the smaller, secluded ranges. It seems that there is a lot of fucking rocks and pebbles, and the dirt is so fine that shit flies everywhere. I've been thinking that I'll try again with the rain probably helping with the dust issue, but I busted my back so I haven't been to the range since it started raining two week ago.

The lead I was looking at is like a buck fiddy a pound anyway, so it's not like it's super expensive or anything.

I've heard hushed whispers of boomer lore about cast bullets made of multiple alloys of lead. Various parts of the bullet can be hardcast or softcast lead.

How can I make some? I want a hollowpoint with a soft lead tip, and a hardcast base.

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Harden the whole thing, submerge the part you want to stay hard in ice water with the to-be soft part out of water
Anneal exposed lead


How the fuck does bullet mould purchasing work? I want a noe HP mould but it's out of stock.

I can't believe that people wait YEARS to do a group purchase of a mould type

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Yeah, I emailed NOE recently because every time I've checked they have 0 of the HP mold I want.

A metallurgy term referring to resetting the crystal structure of a me-

Make the shit soft.

Do you do it in the same way you do brass? Hitting lead with heat makes it harder I thought.

What the fuck.

Dear god thats a fuckhueg projectile

Yep. Best part is that you can push em at over 1400 fps if you want to max out the pressure on a 500 magnum.

Attached: 500_RossGC_700.jpg (202x245, 8K)

How much of a difference is there in performance between tumble lubing bullets as dropped from a mold and sizing bullets down? I'm toying around with the idea of a small portable casting and reloading setup right now.

>Annealing vs. Heat treatment

bEcAuSe iTs LeAd YoU fUcKinG TrOgLoDiTe

Having trouble sourcing a .500" round ball mould. All I can find are .490". Double cavity would be great.

Lol. Get fucked retard

you don't need a respirator to casting lead

>full body condom req

Your body will deep cleanse itself over time and you shouldn't have children anyway.

Lead/Zinc mix. Use in a 230 grain .45ACP mould instead of lead. Huge increase in both velocity and hardness. Use a pointed mould, like the French Arcane, to get to the triumvirate penetration.Mas Ayoob wrote about it in a couple of 1979 editions of American Handgunner Magazine. That was the last I know of it being discussed in plain sight.

Yeah because youd know right? Faggot

The reason they care is because retrieving any component of spent ammunition en masse requires you to be a duly licensed and taxed ammo disposal company. Its just NFA BS boilerplate,ight also be EPA, that they are required to ask you not to do, because it is a minor crime if they knowingly let you. See no brass, Hear no brass, Speak no brass. Or in this case, lead.

Just rig up a metal detector. Those things have gotten very good.

Are you pretending to be retarded? Answer honestly. Or maybe you actually are retarded because of all that L E A D P O I S O N I N G?

Don’t mix you lead with zinc, fellas.
Just don’t.
It’s a good way to ruin your lead, melter and molds.
You can set up a second cheap melter and get molds to use for zinc only and cast pure zinc bullets, but zinc and lead don’t play well together.

you just need a fan
i doubt you cast

Holy shit

Anyone cast using pennies?

just did thanks.

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I need more info on this, if anybody knows more. I couldn't find the magazine articles.

You talking about old copper or bronze pennies or the plated zinc modern ones?
Either way its a lot of hassle for something you can get pretty cheap and pure.

Yeah but what the fuck am I ever gonna use pennies for otherwise?

fair point