What's the first gun you ever held? For me it was a Liberator
What's the first gun you ever held? For me it was a Liberator
tt-33 on a polish shooting range
>first ever
I don't remember. When I was 7 my grandfather gave me a single six, and I'd been shooting a while before that. Probably either my dad's 10/22 or my brothers break action rossi 22/410
My dad's 1911 when I was 11, because our neighbors were robbed and he wanted me to know how to use it.
Also where the fuck did you hold a liberator
S&W 686 loaded with .357Mag
I was 8
>Uncle Jimmy was an asshole
>Inna gunstore as a teen
>Looking at a .22 for Christmas
>See a Liberator and my Mom asks what it is
>Start telling her about it and the cool shop owner gets it out and hands it to me without me even asking
O/U 12ga shotgun of some sort
This one. My Dad bought it for me when I was 8 and taught me how to fire it when I was 11. I miss that little rifle.
Whoops. This one I mean.
Fucking Rad/10
Either a shitty 22lr viper, or a break action 4/10. Shot them the same day. We went to a golf course that was closed and shot into a hillside. A herd of 10 deer ran out of the woods next to us, it was pretty cool. No we didnt shoot at the deer
Brothers m16 the day he graduated from basic
Money was the dirtiest Ruger MkIII I've ever seen. Thing jammed every other shot.
When I was 6 or 7 the police came to our school and they let us hold their rifles and shotgun.
Ruger 10/22
Fairly certain it was my dad's AK, not sure what kind or anything though
We only had firefighters come. Also native Americans did an assembly where they just shamed us for an hour
>Heritage Arms rough rider
First gun I ever shot was a Beretta O/U at a range for sporting clays. Two years later. At 17 years old (I'm in my mid 20's right now), that was the most fun I had in my entire childhood.
Earliest I can remember is a Henry pump action octagon .22 rifle my grandfather owned.
H&K USP 9, also the first gun I have ever shot. Dad took me to a rental range because of the +1 rule and I think I shot like 10 rounds total. I must have been 11 years old at the time.
>Also native Americans did an assembly where they just shamed us for an hour
Mine did too, then one of their shitnosed kids shot up the school and we haven't heard from them since lol
Some kind of semi auto 22 rifle that I don't think my grandfather owns anymore. Can't remember exactly what. I do remember my second, 44 magnum Redhawk with a scope. Never shot it, but held it.
Don’t know but I have baby pics with a 1911 mag in my mouth.
MP-446 Viking.
Remember it well, as I'm a late bloomer and did so in the ripe age of 28, when a friend asked me to go with him to range. We shot Viking, Makarov, CZ-75, Glock 17, and some lever gun (Rossi 92, I think. Was fun as fuck) that day. I pretty much ended up here after that.
I missed somewhat of an opportunity in school, when our class been going to range in 10th grade. Had a fever that day. The overall event was a shit though. There were 3 7.62 rounds for some Kalash and a mag of 9x18 for Makarov, so no one even realized how it feels to shoot. It was early 00s, country was still poor as shit, even military who was responsible for whole event.
Fun thing - just some 3-5 years before that, some dumbass sneaked some 9mm round or two to school. The range of reaction was hilarious - from "WHAT? ITS A BULLET! IT WILL EXPLODE AND YOU'LL GET US KILLED" to "WTF is that bro? Haha, nice catch!". I don't remember if teachers managed to confiscate it or some older guys got it.
t. Russian
Some beat to shit 22 bolt action at Camp Cherry Valley. Being a young califag at the time that shit was a spiritual awakening. Dad moved us to Mormon Switzerland for work a few years latter and I never looked back.
Where at?
I think it was an M240 when I was on work experience at Puckapunyal, or maybe an F88/Steyr AUG
neither compared to getting to drive a Bushmaster PMV though, first car I ever drove and it weighed 12 tons. Very easy to drive.
Probably great grandad's deactivated Beretta M1934 or C96
My dad's green Remington nylon 66. I was 11.
I laughed
My gramp's .22 carbine
m16a2 and I was probably 8-10 years old.
select fire, but it was unloaded and with no magazine
Single barrel 12 gauge at the scout range.
An MP5 in some police exhibition at a mall. I still have that image of 10 y/o me kitted up in 80s SWAT kit.
Martini henry
>”This’ll show those dirty whites plaguing our land!”
wew, good question
probably a 10/22
can't remember
A pistol I found under my moms heroin dealers bed when I was like 6
My retarded crayon munching uncle's ruger in fuddyfive. I remember thinking it was ugly as fuck and god damn my 12 year old self was right
Stevens .410 double barrel when I was 6 or so. Obliterated a coffee can at 10'. Couldn't crack the barrel so my dad had to help (totally wasn't holding the gun and just letting me pull the trigger, totally)
FN Model 1910. Still have it too, my Grandad left it to me and I'd be fucked if some knobhead shooting up a school in Dunblane was going to make me hand it in.
boy scouts chipmunk gun
My dad's Mossberg 500. He let me use it to learn how to shoot along with my friend letting me borrow his .22. After I learned how to shoot, he gave it to me. I bought him a new one a few years ago so that we could both have one.
goddamn it was so long ago
I think my dad's bolt action .22?
Some old .22 bolt gun my grandfather had when I was like 10
friend of mine has one of these. i actually like them. smooth shooters.
When I was single digits we'd try to pop squirrels/gophers with my grandfather's pellet gun from their deck when we visited (they lived in the mountains). First real gun would've been my other grandfather's 22 he taught me to shoot when I was 12. Then when I was 13 a family friend took me shooting and taught me how to use his service Glock (.40 S&W, no idea which model). Then I did bird hunting with my stepdad for a bit when I was 14.
sig 550
Remington 870 express
I've never touched a gun
A FAMAS at a military and police convention when i was in my "'collège" years (the equivalent of middle school)
I wish i shot it but we couldn't :(
Fuck, that’s great
The Liberator is kind of a priced collectable in Italy, it goes for 800-1600 euro depending on the conditions
How much for one in the US?
some water-gun, I guess...
and does an air-presure-rifle count?
Some fud side by side shotgun while clay pigeon shooting
after that it was AK5 ( FN FNC )
my granddads service revolver in 9.4mm
it is my most treasured family heirloom next to my great granddads iron cross war trophy
single action army in 45 lc