What tools do I need to make my life easier when I go to put a lower together?
Assembling my first lower
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Set of punches. Preferably brass punches. And I used a rubber mallet. Other than that good to go
Thanks fren. Is that something I can get at home depot?
Ideally? A pin punch set and stock wrench.
What do you really need? A pair of pliers.
where can i buy that
Google snowflake 15 lower
Google it nigger
for the buffer tube you'll need a castle nut wrench
if you're autistic you'll want to stake the castle nut with something like a center punch
use electrical tape when driving in your bolt catch pin, apply it to the side of the receiver so you don't mar it up
a lower vice block helps
and don't be a nigger, if this is your first time be patient and don't be a fucking nigger
-AR tool (for castle nut)
-Center punch to stake the castle nut
-Roll pin starter & the correct size punch for the bolt catch roll pin
-Hammer for punches
-Detent installation tool for the takedown pins
-Slave pin for trigger
-Vise block to hold the lower while you work on it
-1/4-28 tap to clean threads for the grip screw
-A set of wire gage (number) size drill bits to clean out the various holes; there's only 3 different sizes needed but I can't remember which ones off the top of my head.
-Masking tape, to protect the finish while you install the bolt catch roll pin, and when you thread on the mag catch.
i'll fucking find out if you dicked off and started to turn into a nigger. don't fucking try me kid
you can use a really small thin blade (like a box cutter) to assist those detents. if you're a complete fuck fence buy an extra cheap LPK just in case you send one of those fuckers flying
magnet on your work bench can keep small springs from fucking off
Yes, the detent tool is not strictly required, which is why I said "ideally".
It's the only tool on that list that I don't have. I do my detents like this:
1) secure lower however you like so it doesn't move
2) apply a little grease to the spring, detent, and the slot in the pin.
3) stick the spring in the hole; it will stay there on its own.
4) hold detent with angled needle nose pliers with one hand; other hand holds the takedown pin.
5) The hand holding the pin does all the work.
The hand holding the pliers is just there to guide the detent into the hole. Push the pin against the detent and spring. Once the detent is all the way into its hole, push the pin into place and rotate it so that it catches the detent. It's pretty easy, but the tool is straight-up idiot proof.
Here, step by step instructions, what tools needed and what parts needed.
also if you're installing a roll pin for a trigger guard be gentle, you can easily bend the receiver as that area isn't really beefed up.
I managed to cobble mine together with nothing more than a regular hammer and a credit card (to depress the spring behind the detent for the front disassembly pin)
I absolutely gave my lower a few nicks here and there, but, eh, it’s put together and I didn’t spend anything on tools that I’ll only use once
My set of punches has come in handy working on many random things over the years.
>>she doesn't have any use for tools
>>she's only building one AR
My fellow zoomers disgust me sometimes.
slack jawed faggots like this are the reason why we can't have nice things
stop cutting corners you fucking retards
This. And masking tape. I tape off a lot of areas before working on them. Havent had a gouge in a lower yet.
I also suggest a razor blade and a gallon bag for the pivot pin. Or a large box. Because you will fuck that up.
I did the whole thing with nothing but a hammer but mine looks like shit, so
Who sells the best castle nut wrench? They all look like cheap over complicated pieces of shit.
So I can build my whole lower with just a leatherman wingman?
What do i do if I dont have anywhere to bolt down a drill press vise?
Build a work bench.
The way you listed all of it does not seem like this would make my life easier, dude in the video used like 4 tools and you listed 20.
Dumb faggot niggers every time I have to do something like that I end up needing tools I dont have, i don't want to spend 500$ on tools just to build a psa lower..