How true is this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>sure lets waste so much time and effort for 1 gun
You tell me.


You run a much greater risk posting pictures of your gun, especially with you in them, on Jow Forums and/or social media than you do by buying a gun from an FFL.
Even if you become a prohibited person, if you already own the gun, it's not all too likely anyone will come to take your guns if nobody knows about them. Government bureaucracies are that fucking inefficient and retarded. Most of the time, when guns are seized from felons, its because/after they're committing another felony.

Basically, in order of most to least importance, you should do these things in order to avoid gun confiscation:
>don't post pictures of your guns anywhere with threats or jokes that could be taken as threats
>don't post pictures of your guns on personal social media
>don't post pictures of your guns with you in them without censoring identifying features (BASIC FUCKING OPSEC/PERSEC)
>don't post pictures of your guns with you in them
>don't post pictures of your guns
>buy your guns in private sale only
>build your guns from 80% lowers only
>3d print your guns using a reprap printer you built yourself using instructions you looked up using Tor, with filament made from replacement weed eater strings. Make ammunition from nail gun blanks and pellet gun projectiles.

The dangers of federal databases and that sort of thing are vastly overblown relative to the likelihood that you post a stupid joke on Facebook or Snapchat and some DUMB CUNT WHORE BITCH reports it to the police, they look at your profile, see that you've posted pictures of guns in the past, and you get ERPO'd. 17 states have ERPO (red flag) laws now. Make sure you aren't in one of them, and if you are, act accordingly.

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>17 states have ERPO (red flag) laws now. Make sure you aren't in one of them, and if you are, act accordingly.
okay, but what happens every state has red flag laws?

you dont interact with anyone

Don't make the fact that you own guns public knowledge.

>Just completely cut off a piece of human nature because your nation and culture is corrupt
lol no. bitch and betapilled

have fun getting redflagged by a soccermom who saw you and was afraid

Very true. Only schizos are afraid of going through the FFL

>implying she'd ever know i even own a gun
have fun going schizophrenic living as a hermit missing an integral part of human life

telling the government you own a weapon is as bad as telling the government you smoke pot. even if its for as innocent as a reason as back pain they'll still use it to persecute you


They know what brand of toilet paper you buy. There's no secrecy. The only thing they don't have hard numbers on is the amount of guns you own.

so how many server racks do you think it takes to hold all the data from electronic 4473's that get filed and passed every year year after year with a corresponding tally of number of times an individual has passed? maybe 5 or 6 by now? it's got to be a couple TB's at least. I bet they keep it all on the second floor starting at the second rack as a joke.

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don’t forget never shoot your guns

just make ur handwriting on the 4473 illegible

Buy as many as you may need or want, what the fuck. A big plus for ARs are that every manufacturer was pumping them out by the pallet in anticipation of a big payoff come November 9th 2016 but now they're stuck with overstock. They're the cheapest they've ever been right now and once stock normalizes they're going to be at least a hundred dollars more expensive. Probably more.

The Federal Government is explicitly prohibited from making any searchable database of 4473s.

Also to take it one step further, stop buying guns. It's the only way to be completely safe. We'll show them they can't arrest us for having Constitutional rights!

Shooting your guns is fucking fine. Just be careful who knows you have guns.

>Shooting your guns is fucking fine
No, using firearms as targets is fucking stupid

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Do you really think the govt. gives a shit if they are or are not prohibited from doing something? Last time I checked infringing on the right to bear arms (NFA, GCA, AWB, etc), warrantless search/seizure (ERPOs, no-warrant wiretaps, bulk data collection), taking private property for public use without compensation (civil assets forfeiture) and the list goes on and on.

The government doesn't give a fuck, they do it anyway, because it's better (and cheaper, and more effective) for them to ask forgiveness and pay out a penance of a few million than ask permission.

>using firearms as targets

They're prohibited from most of the shit they do, whats your point?

That is what every moron who utters the phrase "shooting guns" is communicating unintentionally

But only pedants are autistic enough to cry about it.

Since 2002, the United States Department of Homeland Security can do anything they want to do to you, your family, your community, anybody. Claim your Constitutional Rights, and they'll bust down your door, shoot your dog and drag you out in the street naked. While the whole alphabet of Federal law enforcement (FBI, BATF, NSA, CIA) have been pulling some sick shit, like burning down a structure loaded with women and children, sniping unarmed women holding children, and assassinating unapproved politicians with impunity, Homeland Security has been given even a freer hand to do whatever they want to do to you with no repercussions. It's the LAW. If they decide you are a threat to pubic safety, they will breach your domicile, and kill you and your family. Try to sue, and you'll be laughed at. This is what the American people let happen when they were asleep.

>>using firearms as targets
>That is what every moron who utters the phrase "shooting guns" is communicating unintentionally
Wut the fuck are you even fucking talking about?

>I went to the range and shot some guns
This phrase is as retarded as
>I went to the kitchen and cut some knives

>>I went to the range and shot some guns
>This phrase is as retarded as
>>I went to the kitchen and cut some knives
Yeah, right. Lay off the drugs, you fucking retard.

>>I went to the range and shot some guns
>This phrase is as retarded as
>>I went to the kitchen and cut some knives
You can shoot guns, that's an understandable phrase. I've never heard of anybody "cutting knives," although I suppose it is possible, but it has an entirely different meaning. Are you a spastic spergy fuckwad, or just a cum-drooling idiotic retard? Never mind, I don't give a shit.

You shoot with the firearm, you don't shoot the fucking firearm, brainlet

>I went to the track and drove some cars
>I rode bikes yesterday

You are ESL, aren't you. English doesn't work that way.

>You shoot with the firearm, you don't shoot the fucking firearm, brainlet
LMFAO. I can shoot my gun anytime. I shot it yesterday, I'll shoot it tomorrow, you stupid fuck.

>you don't shoot the fucking firearm
Yes, you fucking do. Shooting is the act of setting the fucking thing off. You shoot it. You literally shoot the gun.

>you don't shoot the fucking firearm
If I'm not shooting it, who the fuck is? Are you some third world retard that has no command of the English language? Get fucked and go away, fucking retarded cunt.

Are you retarded?
Serious questions here, dont buy fudd/boomer stickers, dont vase your interactions on the fact you have guns, dont discuss guns or politics, worship, and keep your fetishes and hobbies private. Its not that fucking hard unless you are 12 year old white girl.

Ever travel a car or stunt a bike?

Read the above, you disingenuous cunt

Yes, you can shoot your gun anytime, just like you can stab a knife

>Shooting is the act of setting the fucking thing off
No, that's firing it

You're not supposed to shoot your own firearm, but you are free to do so, retard

My friend. The government is the biggest threat to civil liberty. They break the law on a daily basis

ESL redditor confirmed.

>No, that's firing it

Stop saying shit like this. it removes my will to participate in society. seriously

Your insults only betray your frustration and lack of argument

>shoot him in the chest
>fire him in the chest
>fire his head
still not working, user

This is not how english works, I am being fucking trolled.

Get a refund on your English lessons if you can.

>thanks for furthering radicalizing us. the feds should know if they want to treat us like that there will a hundred of these
NOPE. only a lunatic would ever murder innocent people who have never done harm to them. Only a suicidal psycho would want to have a gun battle with law enforcement. The point I was making was about letting idiot politicians and corrupt government agencies do whatever they want, and not even trying to vote them out of office.

>You're not supposed to shoot your own firearm,
lmfao. Uh, OK. retard.

I'm not trolling you, damn it, shooting is not synonymous with firing
If you can burn a fire, then why can't you cut a knife, user?

The ball is in your court

The fuck is wrong with you, you fucking gook? In the USA, you can park in a driveway, and drive on a parkway. Why is the man who invests all your money called a broker? Why is a person who plays the piano called a pianist, but a person who drives a race car not called a racist? If horrific is akin to horrible, why isn't terrific akin to terrible? Why does a ship carry cargo, and a car carry shipments? How is it that a building burns up as it burns down? How is it possible to have a civil war? How can there be self-help "groups"? Why is it that night falls but day breaks? Why do you put suits in a garment bag and garments in a suitcase? Why does an alarm clock said to go "off" when it actually turns on? Why does the word monosyllabic have five syllables?

Argue all you want, cunt, but you just have no understanding of the language.

Well put good shit user.

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>Guy who is telling people to maintain opsec
>This dumbass comes in
Ok redneck version of Karen, maybe don't post saltlife pics and these colors don't run and selfies with guns to your Facebook profile. Be fucking normal and not an embarrassment to the gun community.

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dirty degenerate whores, but i will jack off nonetheless

have sex


>dirty degenerate whores
these women are pure user

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Took me a second. Well played, sir.

>women flaunting their ass like they have no tits

Yeah no user. They are whores. And probably only do anal.

That's very rude user, take that back

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>nail gun blanks and pellet gun projectiles
I just shoot 'em out of my 22
them purple loads have some spice to them, puts those pellets through lawnmower blades

>these women are pure user
Yeah. Pure trash.

The law that prohibits a searchable database is relatively recent in the grand scheme of things. In any case, it's local and state governments that generally have the most desire/use for the information. At the very least, while the Feds may have an illegal searchable database for internal use, they are unable and unwilling to share access to the local, county, and state organizations that request tracking on firearms.

user the gov cant stop crimes it has been directly warned about by either foreign governments or private citizens

It doesn't even go through the fed. It would take another office of people to run and manage something like that. There would also have to be an explicit benefit to do something very illegal, and it would have to extend to a broad range of people that were all in on it. There is no such benefit because the people that would be maintaining that charade wouldn't have any stake in things that aren't likely to happen within their tenure. It's just silly to think that the feds are wasting their time with something like that "because they're evil and that's what they do". Take your fucking meds

Because he's a lunatic? Or because you're also a lunatic

Ass men are literally apes

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We all are, user. Civilation is built on centuries, but falls in a day. But I'm still gonna bounce a quarter off her butt if I can.

mmmm their precious

I'm hardwired for big tiddays, but they are, outside of feeding babies, ornamental and a PITA without a good bra. A nice firm butt means she runs farther and jumps higher, and by God, I will squeeze it everytime I walk by if she'll let me.

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okay donald trump. fuck you sexual harassing nazi piece of shit

>donald trump
Wrong side.

I see the stalwarts are at it.