How do I buy one of these without my shit being traced? Do I have to use Bitcoin or some shit?

How do I buy one of these without my shit being traced? Do I have to use Bitcoin or some shit?

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Your only untraceable option is to buy one for cash at a gun show.

Fuck. Gun shows around here are shit.

Theyre not illegal to own. Im sure plenty of people have bought them. Only modding the receiver to accept it is.

They're fine to own you sperg.

They are fine to own, just don't actually add it to your AR unless you like butt pounding.

There was a group of guys on a forum that used the m16 auto dear part as a keychain

I know they're fine to own, I just don't want anyone to know I own one. None of their business.

Use a prepaid card and have it mailed to someone else's address.

>posting about it on a public forum
Too late.

you could buy a prepaid card (vanilla one: no names just zip code by phone or computer to shop online) and order it from a public library computer then ship it to a work or other address with alternate name.

i'm pretty sure most prepaid cards require you to register with your SSN or a taxpayer ID for illegal spics without an SSN.

vanilla one, just go to register, they ask for amount you want to put on, it's loaded. to use online just call the number on the back of the card, it's all automated. it'll tell you how much is on it and then if you want to register your zip code. I don't know if it has to be a zip code registered to your phone thus your name though. So you might be right.

anyone who buys a bunch, do your community a favor and sell some at gun shows

choose a retailer you can trust. Thats it.

Use or the privacy app and use a burner cc number

You people worry too much

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I bought one online. Literally used a credit card and my home address.
My dog is no longer alive, but that's completely unrelated to batfags.

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What did you do about milling out that shelf?

You dont need to give your SSN for those prepaid visas next to the checkout at Wally World

If you've got a dremel/file and some patience it's easy, also not illegal to make the actual shelf. Best thing to do is use a router or cnc machine.

Ive never seen a jig for the shelf that the retailer would sell to the general public, i have also never seen actual dimensions of the shelf.
I take it that it comes to removing a little bit of material at a time and just eye balling it?

Is sending it to my PO box just as effective?

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The shelf is milled on select lowers

Might as well mail it to your house if your name is on that PO, dipshit

Not easy to fuck up, just be patient.

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Cringe roll mark, but nice.

No, that leaves a paper trail that can be traced to you. Seller retains a record of shipping the LPK to the PO box; the PO box has your name on it (I presume you used an actual ID to rent one), and if the ATF ever decides to seriously investigate they could easily trace it to you.

Just buy a prepaid debit card in cash, look for a foreclosed house in your area, order it using said debit card and a burner email, and grab it from there. Probably do all this over VPNs as well.

retard here, so literally all you do is drill a normal ar receiver out with that third hole and drop in an auto sear and auto sear pin, and auto selector? everything else should work with normal AR parts?

does it require an auto disconnector as well?

What about 80% lower cerro forge?

Use a prepaid gift card and send to a vacant house, this is first grade stuff please try to keep up.

Do you not worry that since youre too retarded to even briefly look into whats required to convert and AR to FA, that you'd be too retarded to not get caught with it?

No. You also have to remove material from the inner trigger channel width to accommodate the auto sear trigger. As referenced from the picture here >

The shelf has to be milled out too But there are several lowers with M16 shelf
I am not sure how you mean by "auto disconnector," but the entire select-fire control group you need to install is available

That has no shelf whatsoever lol

you're a funny guy.

and an auto hammer, too.

You keep posting these fucking links in every full auto thread. Yet you wont answer my basic question. Will a 80% cerro forge lower work? What about a aero precision or psa lower? Is it machined for the lower deck? I dont get what you keep posting those other lowers for.

Good looking out, bro.

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>what kind of shelf does an 80% have

Ikea shelf.

I'd still be careful.
>friend goes to gun show
>tells me about spergy dude talking to everyone after they walk in
>trying to sell complete full auto FCGs
>pushing it really hard, seemingly won't take no for an answer
>everybody glaring at him and avoiding him, somehow doesn't get kicked out

none of the 80s are milled to take autosears
however if you are building an 80 you already know how to remove material. its not hard to remove a bit more. unless you are a jig baby who cant think for themselves.

Yes that is true.
Stop being a dick.
Auto disconector is in the trigger pack. A standard AR trigger will not catch the auto sear. Its been purposefully radius off.
You also need a 3 position safety selector. (And i dont mean the stamped lower. But a fucking actual selector switch. You dumb fucks) easy to buy. Botach sells them.

Everything I've read suggests it's illegal to own if you own an AR receiver, third hole or not.

>Will a 80% cerro forge lower work?
Why wouldn't it?
>What about a aero precision or psa lower?
The shelf is too narrow and/or too tall
>I dont get what you keep posting those other lowers for
Because all other lowers require more than a pair of1/8th inch holes drilled

So gift it to a non ar owning friend until you sell yours.

The only part of an ar15 that is the legal part of a firearm, is the lower receiver. To confirm this, you will notice it is the only stamped part of the firearm. That is because the government requires it for sale. If you build your own and dont intend to resell on a large scale. Then you dont need to serialise your lower receiver.

Because of their many uses, Picatinny rails and accessories have replaced iron sights in the design of many firearms, and they are also on the undersides of semi-automatic pistol frames and grips. Their usefulness has led to them being used in paintball and airsoft.

Owning an AR lower and an autosear is allegedly seen as constructive intent by ATF, even if the hole isn't drilled.

It also exempts you from the National Firearms Act, logically speaking

Found them on ebay you could use ebay gift cards now figuring out where to ship it is the issue.

You aren’t allowed to own parts that can CONVERT a semi auto into a full auto. A full auto fcg cannot convert. You need to MANUFACTURE a machine gun to be able to fit it in an ar15. Therefore it’s legal, unlike a glock auto sear which can convert

that's how I buy my dragon dildos

You're really pissing me off. I have studdied law and criminal justice. And in zero cases. Has someone been convicted for having objects. Simply owning a blowtorch and a ski mask doesnt make one a bank robber.
The police can arrest you for literally anything. However convicting one of a crime is an entirely different outcome.
Your average cop is a mouth breathing high school educated fuckwit. He will likely tell you he can arrest you for simply having a gun. The police are sued on a monthly basis for infringing on citizens rights on a daily basis. Cities have literally gone into bankruptcy over such matters.
Cops frequently arrest and then get the case dismissed for violating civil rights on a damn near daily basis.
So dont tell me about what is or isnt illegal

27 CFR 478.11 - Meaning of Terms:

Machine gun - Any weapon which shoots, is designed to shoot, or can be readily restored to shoot, automatically more than one shot, without manual reloading, by a single function of the trigger. The term shall also include the frame or receiver of any such weapon, any part designed and intended solely and exclusively, or combination of parts designed and intended, for use in converting a weapon into a machine gun, and any combination of parts from which a machine gun can be assembled if such parts are in the possession or under the control of a person.
>any part designed and intended solely and exclusively, or combination of parts designed and intended, for use in converting a weapon into a machine gun

I've never seen an ATF opinion actually saying that. I suspect it's overly cautious FUD from the bad old days when everyone was afraid of the ATF murdering their family for no real reason.

>any part designed and intended solely and exclusively, or combination of parts designed and intended, for use in converting a weapon into a machine gun

That applies to things like DIASs and Swift Links. No amount of wishful thinking will turn a full auto FCG and a semi auto lower into a machinegun. You'd need a drill.

The topic is buying the complete full auto FCG for an AR and it being illegal or not to own.
>any part designed and intended solely and exclusively, or combination of parts designed and intended, for use in converting a weapon into a machine gun

Yes, I know. And that definition is why you can't buy a DIAS or Swift Link. But full auto FCGs are commonly sold, because that definition does not include them.

You ain't converting shit without the pin holes

Cite cases of people being convicted for that.

The majority of cases that have come up in media are where a person has manufactured a DIAS. An actual auto sear conviction is when they can prove there was actual intent, such as a mark on the lower in the location one might put the autosear.

A reasonable defense would be...
Purchase for memorabilia sake
Creating a momento (keychain, necklace, etc.)
Purchase for spare parts that CAN be used in a normal semi-automatic AR that happens to include an auto sear, so long as the auto sear is not used

There are a number of legitimate reasons one might legally own parts and also own an AR, the government can't solely prosecute based on possession of legal parts alone.

Fact is there are numerous active ATF agents monitoring these threads, wish they would be helpful instead of sitting in the sidelines like little bitches.

Hey us little bitches need to be careful what we say we sure don't want to give legal advice or even opinion. We just log your answers and track your ip, please continue.

We would never do anything illegal Mr. Glow

Calm down niggers. At the very least the ATF may prosecute you and cost you tens of thousands of dollars, so if you do hypothetically pursue this shit then don't tell your neighbors.

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Can someone source me drawings of the full fun parts? I've got a mini cnc.

>You keep posting these fucking links in every full auto thread. Yet you wont answer my basic question. Will a 80% cerro forge lower work?
YES IT WILL WORK. People are probably confused by your question, because anyone milling an AR lower is assumed to know what they're doing. 80% lowers are blank canvases. Not a single sliver has been cut out where the FCG pocket goes, in order for it to be sold as a non-firearm. Your question is like asking if a car chassis will work to build a car with a manual transmission. You do the work and install the parts you choose yourself.

>I dont get what you keep posting those other lowers for.
See pic related for a basic idea of the difference between the AR-15 civilian (left) and full-auto (right) receiver FCGs. The civilian AR-15 FCG has a narrowed pocket around the selector hole, to prevent people from simply drilling the .125 inch auto sear hole and putting a full auto parts kit in. While most AR receivers are like this, there are certain AR lowers by certain manufacturers that are cut exactly like an full auto receiver EXCEPT they lack the auto sear hole that defines it as a machine gun. BCI Defense and Sons of Liberty are the two main ones. If someone wanted to get a full auto AR-15 with as little effort as possible, they would buy one of those lowers, drill the hole, and install the parts kit. You know, the thing I explained earlier that most manufacturers prevent for liability reasons.

Attached: m16vsar15receiverprofiles.jpg (601x446, 95K)

I apologize. The way you have presented it makes sense.

I've been posting this a lot lately, got to let Jow Forums know before the dems ruin our fun

Just fucking buy it, what're they gonna do? You have a machine gun now.

I'll laser cut one for you and sell it to you ...just the sear

>without manual reloading
So if I replace the spring in the mag with a manual lever system it's not a machine gun despite firing multiple rounds with one trigger action? So I could rig up a bicycle powered chain feed system too?

What would be the best way for a layman to cut the hole?


The full auto FCG doesn't convert a firearm to a machinegun because the only way for an AR to accept the parts is to have the hole for the autosear pin, but that already makes it a machinegun, ao nothing is converted.

So will the atf blow up my dog If I order one of these?

Why not just use only the other parts and make a DIAS? Then you can at least chuck it in the grass quickly.

This. Drilling a third hole is retarded if you ever plan on shooting in public again.

This. Drilling a third hole is retarded if you ever plan on shooting in public again.

aren't 3d printed lighting links unreliable? the real deal ones are spring loaded. you also lose the ability to switch between auto and semi with a lightning link.

lighting link ---> DIAS

3D printing? Lightning link? Bro I said DIAS. A lightning link is for semi auto fire control group bolt carrier. A DIAS works with the select fire parts. And why would you 3D print it? Shit nigga just use a dremel and a file, they aren't that complicated. Use aluminum for the housing and tool steel for the trip. DIAS has a spring too just like the real auto sear, it's between the trip and the housing.

Whoever made this infograph is doing the good Lord's work.

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I just want the selector lever/switch, can I just buy that and not trip the alphabet agencies?

Always have illegal shit sent to your home address, its a lot easier to say "I'm not expecting a package, and I don't want to sign for that, return to sender please" and maintain plausible deniability for illegal shit you knew was coming but was suppose to come without needing to be signed for. Than it is for you to pull up on a home that isn't yours and specifically remove mail from that mailbox (already a felony) that possibly being staked out waiting for some idiot to come pick up the illegal shit.

t. Bought drugs off the internet for years and years.

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He doesn't know a spot on the ass-end of nowhere

The DIAS is unable to be cammed by the safety selector, which necessitates its installation on the take down lug before pivoting the upper into place and additional wear on the sear face

That's true but if you make it out of tool steel there's no fucking way the bolt carrier is ever going to wear it down. Do it like this guy:
Other rifles like AKs don't even bother to cam the auto sear out of the way on semi auto anyway.

That's because GayKs can't even be placed in condition zero with their dust cover closed

Just sayin. It doesn't matter unless you are a dumbass and make the trip out of aluminum. More importantly, you don't have to buy any sketchy jigs from online glowniggers to make sure it is timed properly and the evil mushin gun is an itty bitty scrap of metal that can easily be lost rather than a big serialed lower receiver with an obvious hole where there shouldn't be one.

Still illegal to have the select fire control group installed, by your line of reasoning, the Swift Link is superior

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Swift Link>>>>Swift Link made from a coat hanger>DIAS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>a literal piece of shit>>>>>>lightning link.

It is not illegal to buy an F/A FCG unless your state says otherwise.
Even then, just buy from a forum. Nobody gives a shit.


I always wondered if these setups were reliable or if it would cause malfunctions. Pretty stealthy and would be a better alternative than to permanently modify a lower. In Syria, of course.

Swift link is by far the safest method certainly. No select fire though and I wonder how long they last.
I certainly wouldn't store any guns with select fire control group installed but it only takes a minute to swap out.

Google "gat crank"