Iran's army is only slightly above africa tire and even then its not much

iran's army is only slightly above africa tire and even then its not much

convince me how we will not anally fist these dudes' army in the first 2 weeks of the incoming war

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Other urls found in this thread: human wave attacks reagan propaganda&t=ffab&atb=v168-1&ia=web

it wouldn't matter if they were the best trained and experienced army in the world, the thing that always will prevail in any conflict is the american air force who does 99.9% of the job, no one can compete our even try to take our air force off the game, after bombing them into oblivion you can have woman, trannys and even kids rolling around with guns to do police duties since the army has been blown out to dust already

It's not the army you have to worry about, it's the hillbillies with rusty AKs you have to worry about.

America does not know how to win, they only know how to squeeze out taxpayer's money.

If I want to subdue Iran, I would immediately bomb and destroy Iran's oil fields.

No one wants another war that only benefits Israel

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This. If the goal is to dismantle their state, we’ll be done in a year at most, however, it’d be pretty irresponsible and dangerous to get rid of a regime without at least making an effort to build a functional successor government.

>iran's army is only slightly above africa tire and even then its not much

So what's the problem?

Why don't the Kikes SOLO Iran?

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have you ever looked at a topographical map of iran? it's one of the best defensive theaters on earth. they don't have to be good. tehran is snuggled deep behind the zargos mountains. there's a reason the persians have ruled persia for a thousand years.

iraq's army is only slightly above africa tire and even then its not much

convince me how we will not anally fist these dudes' army in the first 2 weeks of the incoming war
i change one letter and suddenly its 2003

Oh, hi Moishe.

Why doesn't your tribe fight your own tribal enemies, rather than trying to rile up the Goyim with an "us vs them" sports like rivalry?

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>convince me how we will not anally fist these dudes' army in the first 2 weeks of the incoming war
That's more or less literally what happened. The US once again proved it's complete incompetence at statebuilding afterwards, but the actual invasion itself was quite effective.

are you deficient? i don't want to argue if you can't even figure out my point
where are you getting a 'fight iran on behalf of israel'? the military of iraq got its shit pushed in within weeks. the occupation was over a decade, probably should have been longer, and the pullout arguably fucked up the region

and you wanna do it again? insanity

>africa tire

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Army vs. Army we would stomp Iran in about 2-3 months. !AD and 1CAV may suck to be in, but when it comes to killing tanks in the desert we have that shit down to a science. is right though, our air force will do all the killing for us, and we won't have to do shit other than underground ops and clearing cities. This will take us 6 months to a year, as they have a lot of underground bunkers and large population centers.

I really don't want a war, but if we do have one maybe this time we can blow shit up and dip, and leave nation building to someone else.

Well for one, it's a retarded analogy because the Iranian forces are not going to concentrate in one flat spot next to your staging grounds, and then get REKT like Saddam did.

Iran has a disseminated population and their defenses are DEEP with topography that has proven disastrous for America.

Keep fantasizing about America fighting your wars, my curly haired, desert nomad friend.

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>I would immediately bomb and destroy Iran's oil fields.
This. Not saying we should right now, but if it comes to it? All of their infrastructure is vulnerable and right off the Gulf Coast, not far inland at all. Go right for the jugular. It will either induce a revolt when the country deteriorates or bring them quickly to the table on our terms.

I'm for a war if it means we're conquering them desu. I'll take expansion over the slow decline the west is experiencing now.

Iraq, and Afghanistan turned out so fantastic! It was just swell.
No, we're not doing another war in the Middle East because some oil sheikhs got rekt for fucking with the Houthis. We have our own oil and natural gas now, Trump was bloviating about it in his New Mexico rally. We don't need the ME anymore, time to pull out.

Plot twist: Those hillbillies (IE the Kurds in Iran) will welcome the overthrow of the islamists.

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fine, a month then.
otherwise you do realize youre agreeing with me that it would be a shitty idea even if their military is pushed over?
why do you keep calling me a jew?

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>above africa tire

jesus h christ

Can we at least capture some of their Chieftains, F-4s, and F-14s intact?

>build a functional successor government
So you mean having thousands of young American men die for yet another war for Israel while we try to force a puppet government into power that isn't hostile to Israel? Sounds awesome. It was so worth it in Iraq and Afghanistan. We should do it all over again!

>tfw the last flyable F-14 gets unceremoniously yeeted by an AMRAAM from 50 miles away

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>implying 60% of the armed forces of the USA wouldnt defect outright to Irans side and finally rid the world of its infestation problem
>kurds, turks, ISIS, Hezbollah, chechens, bubbas, tyrones, juans all united in ridding the world of the eternal enemy
thy will be done lord.

I for one would defect in an instant if the persians gave me a real shot at the people ruining my country.
I aint got no quarrel with them viet khan. aint no persian ever called me goyim.


>implying 60% of the armed forces of the USA wouldnt defect outright to Irans side

Jdams and f35s dont care about mountains

>this is what muslims believe
Even if 60% of the military had that major of resentment Itd be more possible for a coup to occur and if they somehow all just defected to another country to fight america you have a better chance of a peaceful united korean peninsula than Iran being the choice country

This has already been addressed.

Some F-22 jock should finish one off in a dogfight with the gun. Give the F-14 one final chance to work her stuff, and give her crew a workout, before she's put down in a ball of blazing glory.

Iran's Army, Navy and AF will been beaten within a week. Just like Iraq's. But, Iran will have launched a lot of missiles in that week. So, they might bloody America's nose a bit. The insurgents will never be beaten though. They'll be far more sophisticated and effective than the Taliban. And, because their society is homogeneous and united, they won't descend into a sectarian civil war like Iraq.

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yeah I totally agree.
thats why you hear soldiers chanting
>2 decades more for Israel!
nobody in the service is resentful of being ZOGbots foot soldiers for decades on end

So what was in this thread
that got it baleeted by glowies?

what tier is the US?

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Defeating in the Iranian military will cost us a decade worth of GWOT casualties, and that's the easy part. If we decapitate their government and fuck off into the sunset, we will leave behind an ultra fundamentalist Hezzbolah run terror state hell bent on revenge on the Great Satan. If we stay, we fight a domestic Islamic insurgency the likes of which have not been seen since Chechnya.

>imagine having to park your carriers in the Persian Gulf to strike Tehran.
>now imagine chinese hypersonic missiles accidentally end up in Iran
whoever think that would be a good idea because "muh tech" should be shot.
Technology has made the top brass retarded.

Iran knows it'd lose conventionally, and lose badly. They aren't stupid. That's why they fund and supply militant groups and engage in asymmetrical and hybrid warfare.

No, you take out missile and drone factories and the conventional military assets, plus the oil exporting facilities. There's no point in hitting the oil fields themselves.

There's no deniability for China in that. Your little story is not at all thought through.

I dont think you understand the sheer capabilities of the Iranian Navy

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>chinese shipment of missiles to SA got detained by Iran.

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they're undefeated against the US

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Yeah just like Afganistan and Iraq not to mention that iran has 80 milion people

why dont we just leave desu

>We couldn't take and hold Afghanistan, a country of 32 million.

>But we sure can secure Iran, a country of 80 million which possesses chemical weapons and ballistic missiles and which can probably deploy dirty bombs. The same country made extensive use of human wave attacks in its last war, martyring children against minefields. It did not give in to indiscriminate aerial bombardment or chemical attacks.

Unless you're looking for an irradiated New York, several trillion dollars gone and tens of thousands of body-bags, stay out of Iran.

Is that like a lower end version of Canadian tire?

Operation Praying Mantis was kind of a lot bigger of a deal, dontcha think?

>extensive use of human wave attacks in its last war, martyring children against minefields
Surely you don't still believe all that Reagan-era propaganda. The US also blamed Saddam's Kurd massacres on Iran and accused Iran of making mines that looked like toys to deliberately target children.

yeah lol, probably should've googled it first

Lmao you’re gonna trigger the Iran shills so bad

Israel bombs Iran weekly they’re too chickenshit to ever respond tho

They got btfo pretty bad in Operation Praying Mantis

>he's too young to know what Praying Mantis was
zoom zoom

Why is this bait post triggering k so bad? Could it be the Muslim shill meme is true? Why would this upset anyone else?

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>remembers things from 1988

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1.) Iran is vastly overrated on Jow Forums and they’d fall apart against any concentrated campaign by a real military quickly
2.) occupation would be a mess given regular Muslim autism and insurgencies. However nobody is talking about occupying Iran and any talk otherwise are just Iranian shills on this board Trying to spread sky is falling hysterics
3.) Iran’s limits were proven quite well in Syria where they’re much vaunted asymmetric warfare force IRGC were unable to defeat a few Syrian goat farmers with AKs. They ultimately had to rely on the Syrian a Foreign Legion to rescue them, otherwise known as the Russian military. Without Russian bodies to die for them Iran can’t do much
4.) fuck saudis they should be bombed too
5.) the butthurt and hysteria to OPs point shows there is indeed a problem with Iranian shills on this board

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>africa tire
Truly not a great fighting force.

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Remember all those rekt threads on /b/ where you saw ISIS executing Iranians/hezbollah

Good times

Good thing it's not the 15th century and things like strategic bombers, guided missiles, and paratroopers exist that don't care about mountains blocking the way in.

>relevant after market garden

>convince me how we will not anally fist these dudes' army in the first 2 weeks of the incoming war

The US Military is a dysfunctional demoralized mess from Iraq and Afghanistan and Iran has had nearly 20 years to prepare.

A substantial portion of the American public is militantly opposed to war with Iran and unless President Trump declares martial law and starts throwing dissents in actual concentration camps, they would do everything in their power to sabotage the war.

America is unprepared at the societal level for a major war and such a conflict would probably trigger a civil war when it turns into a bloodbath and causes the already political extremism to completely spiral out of control.

>after bombing them into oblivion you can have woman, trannys and even kids rolling around with guns to do police duties since the army has been blown out to dust already

They said this going into Vietnam... It didn't work.

>That's more or less literally what happened.
>thousands dead, the treasury practically emptied, and the half of America wants to kill the other half

Iran is not Iraq.
And no one is denying that USA could defeat the militarily in a few months, but point is that such a move would be idiotic since you would either be drawn into an even worse quagmire or just achieve nothing as you leave quickly.
Only realistic option here is limited strikes.

>be Iranian
>Israel convinces Amerifats to invade your country
>"Well, a conventional army is gonna get it's ass kicked by precision munitions. Everybody, torch your uniforms and go out to the countryside with your rifles!"
>Amerifats bomb a bunch of empty bunkers with bombs that cost 5 billion dollars each
>Now has to run COIN operations in the countryside for two decades until they eventually give up and go away
>Re-instate your old government like nothing happened

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Where is your source that it's propaganda? Wikipedia has nothing on it, nor does a quick search: human wave attacks reagan propaganda&t=ffab&atb=v168-1&ia=web

We're just a little better at bombing shit into actual oblivion these days.

Why would we use carrier based craft against Tehran instead of land-based craft from all of our existing bases in the Middle East? We could probably secure enough ground in southern Iran easily to build a new airbase specifically for launching attacks at Tehran.

>get all your ships, tanks, vehicles, bases, airfields, installations, production facilities, government buildings blown to shit
>countryside is full of Kurds getting mainlined guns, gear, and equipment
>the only boots on the ground are at Abu Musa and the Tunbs

I think Japan said something like that once.

Human waves, child soldiers and minefield clearances by Iran are beyond confirmed.
The child soldiers were part of an organization called Basij.

The difference was that Japan launched an unprovoked attack on United States soil which basically put an end to any opposition to war against Axis (America was still split 50/50 about entering the war right before Pearl Harbor). If the Japanese had goaded the US into throwing the first punch, they would have been fighting a divided country.

Iran presumably wouldn't be foolish enough to give the United States a legitimate pretext to attack it, Their whole war strategy revolves around the world seeing Iran as the victim of American/Israeli aggression.

It's another 'our local allies will do the fighting for us' episode.

The Kurds are not a universal solution to the Middle East. They are driving Turkey into Russia's hands.

Yeah, it did happen. But, it's also largely 'atrocity propaganda'. As in, a lot of shit Iran did in the war was deliberately misinterpreted and exaggerated by Western media, like the 'plastic keys to paradise'.

>Invading Iran in a conventional conflict is the same as propping up a series of shitty dictators while fighting their insurgency for them
Be honest, your IQ is room temp isn't it?

Iran is already buddies with Russia.

>he thinks any ground invasion of Iran won't involve fighting a massive insurgency make Victor Charlie look like a boomer militia

Who's the retard now?

>He can't differentiate between a "war" and an "occupation"
Yeah, you.

>implying they're not one in the same

You're probably one of those retards who thinks Vietnam was an American victory, aren't you?

1. All of the Iranian targets are in the North. Which means 100 miles of ADA there and 100 miles of ADA back.

2. For the last 18 years they have observed the US military in neighboring countries. They have considered the possibility of a US invasion and prepared for it.

3. Iran is a country of 80 million, half under age 40. 3 times the population of Iraq. Quasi allies like Syria, Turkey, Pakistan, and Lebanon might also enter the war.

4. The IRGC. Iran has spent the previous 40 years training very effective proxy forces (remember Hezbollah and the Houthis) throughout the Middle East. All of their proxies would be given a green light to attack all US and allied targets in their countries.

5. Kuwait and Qatar have large bases of US military and civilians that will be the first targets in a war. They are largely indefensible. So any war begins with thousands of US casualties with irreplaceable skills.

6. In 1921 Persia signed a treaty with the USSR allowing the USSR to intervene militarily and expel any invaders. No treaty invalidated this subsequently and thus the Russian Federation has a free hand to bail Iran out of any war if it chooses. So any invasion risks a war with Russia.

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You're forgetting 7.

>a war with Iran would be extremely unpopular in the United States, making it virtually impossible to effectively prosecute

>implying they're not one in the same
They aren't you moron. When the Allies occupied Germany post WW2 for a decade was part of the war? Of course it wasn't.
>You're probably one of those retards who thinks Vietnam was an American victory, aren't you?
I don't, because it was a police action gone out of control with unfulfilled political goals. There was no invasion, no conventional stage to the conflict (that the US was a part of), and most importantly no declaration of war.

Apparently you're one of those retards that thinks every asymmetric conflict is le Vietnam 2.0. Let me guess, you think Iraq was like Vietnam too, despite literally nothing about those two conflicts being similar.

>When the Allies occupied Germany post WW2 for a decade was part of the war?

That's because there was no post-war insurgency you retard nigger.

>despite literally nothing about those two conflicts being similar.

They were both complete disasters for the United States.

I'm leaving out a lot of things, but I'm less confident about that one. If there was a decent pretext for war it might begin as a popular one. The American press can be told to support it. I don't think that would last forever. A lot of Americans hate Iran, usually for stupid reasons, but I think it would be more popular than it should be.

I think a more likely veto comes from China, Japan, and South Korea who depend on oil from the Persian Gulf. They might be able to economically veto a war or force early peace talks.

We would anally fist them just like we did with Iraq in 2003, but then we would get several new bloody assholes torn up in the long and difficult insurgency that would follow.

Even then it wouldn't the cakewalk that Iraq was by comparison; Iran's terrain would necessitate an amphibious invasion (which they've prepared for with fucktons of mines and missiles) and Iran has much more powerful friends than Iraq did.

If the US military behaves and doesn't rape their women.

>they won't
Hillbillies with AKs gonna slaughter Mike and Jaykwaughn with IRA tactics and it's gonna suck a lot.

>That's because there was no post-war insurgency you retard nigger.
It wouldn't have mattered if there was. Thanks for demonstrating my original point that you're a sub-50 IQ mongoloid.
>They were both complete disasters for the United States.
And? If we're just using broad generalities to describe things then it was actually a victory because we're all humans and humans won Vietnam. Checkmate, fag.

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>That's because there was no post-war insurgency
Werwolf fought a lot longer than people think. They spent most of their efforts in Eastern Europe. Fighting in Ukraine lasted until 1952. To say that there was no insurgency though is just plain asinine.

>slap Iraq
>slap Syria
>slap Iran

An African tier military can't fuck 50% of Saudi oil production with one missile strike.

The Iranian government would be replaced by a western pupet government within a month, the insurgency that government faced would be the worst the world has ever seen and the trillions the US spent propping up Iraq and Afganistan would seem like pennies in comparison.
Basically the US can't bankroll this war but Israel really want their 10% cut of the Qatar / Turkey pipeline and are willing to finish bankrupting the US in the process.

>thousands dead
Meanwhile, in reality, the actual number of killed coalition combatants was 200. Wow.

Yes they very well could.

He's sipping on the RT breast milk.

4,424 in Iraq from 2003 to 2016, can't find numbers for both Iraq and Afganistan to today.

He was refering to the invasion

Are you just trolling?
>convince me how we will not anally fist these dudes' army in the first 2 weeks of the incoming war
>That's more or less literally what happened.
>clearly talks about the invasion
>hur let me just talk about something else so that it fits my agenda

The invasion isn't going to be the hard part, making sure the puppet government won't be hung in the street the second you leave is the hard part and costs trillions.

I wasn't aware we was only talking about the invasion, see above.