Cruise missiles and UAVs are Iranian made.
Saudis held a press conference
Iranians could nuke Riydadh and Tel Aviv if they wanted to start a war.
These were deployed by Yemen, obviously.
>These were deployed by Yemen, obviously.
15 rials were deposited in your account.
Iran cant nuke anyone, because they dont have nukes.
>Another war for israel so they can repay us by mailing us shitskins
Cool I'll pass
Do sum nigga do sum
Not Soumar
Why's everything in english
Maybe Saudi Arabia should stop attacking the Houthis if they're so concerned about retaliations.
Are you sure? Actually does kind of look like the Soumar missing that last stage...
IMO, these were Iranian supplied, launched by Yemen.
This image is ripe for meming
Iran doesn’t have nuclear weapons.
And yet the saudi's tables were swedish made. Really makes you think.
But it's cool that none of these missiles or drones are ones that were known outside of iran. Like the wings on the drones look like the rocket powered target drones except with wingtip fins, and the missiles clearly are more sophisticated than the karrar cruise missiles.
But why?
I mean, lets assume Iran did this for a second, which they may or may not have I don't know but lets assume they did for a thought experiment. If Iran did this, what would be their motivation? To destroy Saudi oil production? If that was the case then why didn't they strike more plants at the same time? Are they betting that nothing large will come from this and that their hit will give them more political sway by showing they're willing to use force? Is this a bet?
I don't get it. What does Iran gain from such a tepid half measure? This isn't enough to cripple or prevent pretty much anyone from doing anything and too much to really get away with. Unless they're absolutely sure for whatever reason that little to nothing will happen in return.
It's the same with Yemen too actually, who wins from this?
> Latin Alphabet on tube
> Iranian
6 shekels have been deposited into yours
The lower one is Quds. I'm a bit concerned its not Quds. There are minor differences. Could be Quds variant.
They can't. They don't believe they can match Tehran militarily.
Hence why they called the attacks "Iranian sponsored", when it's unlikely the missiles were fired from Iranian proxies, or if they were, they definitely had IRGC assistance, which amounts to direct Iranian involvement. It's also ignoring US accusations they came straight from Iran.
Because if they blamed Iran directly, it would raise the stakes and they'd have to respond militarily and escalate further.
Similar to how the Israelis deliberately avoided taking responsibility for strikes in Syria for a long time, and how the Syrians claim no damage was done. Because if you maintain plausible deniability over weakness, it allows everybody to save face, even when everybody knows what's really going on.
The Saudis don't want to say "Iran has shown the capacity to buttfuck us, and if we started shooting back, we'd eventually lose". But that's what's going through their mind. So they'll drop bombs on Abu Kamal instead.
If you are unironically cannot see at least 5 possible actors, motivations and strategies in current events around Iran, I doubt you're worth my time explaining it. Just look at the pretty pictures, then go take a bath with a toaster.
>reduce a regional rival’s oil income
>damage an enemy that’s attacking your proxies in Yemen
>punishing Sunni infidels
>projecting an image of strength both internally and to potential enemies
>demonstrate an ability to effect the world economy if they don’t get their way
As long as the US decides to let them get away with it, the Iranians can only gain from actions like this.
Is this what you had in mind?
If Iran is so stronk why did they need Russia to save them against goat farmers in Syria and why do they never retaliate when Israel bombs them weekly?
fucking state of today's Jow Forums... shit.
Iranians are routinely putting English lettering on their weapons. Look it up.
>WhY WoUlD IrAn Do THiS iT MuST Be FaLsE fLaG
actually not hard to figure out. Iran's economy is being raped by US sanctions and they're desperate. Just like when North Korea gets desperate they start attacking SK (see those various artillery/sub attacks during the early 2010s) so does Iran strike out at their neighbors when they're crying for help. They hope it'll lead to rounds of negotiations that will give them more aid to keep them afloat, specifically from the EU.
If EU agrees to give more aid to them (macron has promised $25 billion in gibs for Iran but it's still not enough) or if a new Democrat administration lifts sanctions on them Iran will probably stop lashing out like this as much for a time.
Basically, they're poor and want more welfare and don't know how to react besides lashing out. Kim Jong-Il mastered this negotiating tactic.
>reduce a regional rival’s oil income
>damage an enemy that’s attacking your proxies in Yemen
Yeah but by how much exactly? I'm saying that they gotta be really desperate to do this and risk the US sticking their dick in for so little damage. Projecting an image of strength is something I could see, yeah, but disrupting income or doing to damage an enemy? It's only one strike, how much is this going to cause them to lose anyway?
>Are they betting that nothing large will come from this and that their hit will give them more political sway by showing they're willing to use force? Is this a bet?
That is the bet.
That's what I'm saying here. Doing it as an actual act of war doesn't make sense, it's so limited in scope it does almost nothing in the grand scheme of things other than make a show.
Go for it champ.
this. Jow Forumsestinians will keep shilling tho
Iran is a paper tiger, Syria has proven that. They never respond to Israel bombing them because they can't without getting hit hard.
>It's only one strike, how much is this going to cause them to lose anyway?
5% of the global oil supply right before Aramco's IPO. Sweetie.
>right before Aramco's IPO
Clearly I underestimated things.
What is that pitful thing?
They could obtain them quickly.
Not that it needs nuclear weapons. Iran could pretty much raze most Israeli cities with just their conventional arsenal and Hezbollah's thousands of ballistic missiles pointed at North Israel.
Kikes better behave.
>Kikes better behave.
I light of how kikes are behaving now, Iran is a complete cuck.
This. The timing was absolutely impeccable.
>Why's everything in english
It's meant for American consumption. Jew media owners in the USA are going to circulate these images now widely, trying to compel daddy Trump to spank the Iranians.
Why are the Kikes such pussies? They claim to have the best air force in the region, why not just solo Iran?
>thousands of ballistic missiles
They have a hundred at most, nobody in the world has "thousands of ballistic missiles". Even China only has 600-700 in service.
You're thinking of rockets which stuff like iron dome has negated the effectiveness of and can't do all that much damage.
Plus if Iran nuked Israel Israel would just nuke them back. They have subs with nuclear missiles now so first strike is pretty much impossible.
retard. Iran has been labeling their weapons in English for years.
is there anything you Jow Forumsestinians don't scream is a false flag? Apparently, every school shooting and every act of terrorism and every revolution in an anti-american place in human history was by Mossad. You think a legit one would have happened by now, logistically.
I guess mossad is also running Iran's own arms shows huh
I'm referring to the Saudi presentation slides. Isn't that what we are talking about?
Just a little odd that everything is in english
It's likely the Houthis just kicking Saudi Arabia's ass for attacking them. What did they expect? But sanctions against Iran is fucking retarded in the first place, and doubly fucking retarded if Macron is going to give the middle finger to us and give them $25b for free.
Idiot, I mean the Saudi presentation. It's clearly meant for (((Western))) goyim consumption.
>sanctions against Iran is fucking retarded in the first place
No it's not.
Uh, yeah it is. 1) We, the US, shouldn't be the world police. 2) If China did this to us, we would go to war with them. And rightfully so. We're aggressing against Iran by instituting these "sanctions." Fuck that, they can trade with whoever they want. We don't have the right to come in tell other people how to live their lives.
how can i get some yuan out of this?
I support my president! TRUMP and the KSA are going to DOMINATE iran. More dead iranian towel heads are something we should strive for!
Looks like a Jet Ranger with a body kit.
>No it's not.
Sure it is.
For one: it's not working, as evidence by Yahudi Arabia getting their shit kicked in by people in Yemen with sandals and some drone kits from Iran.
Two: Sanctions only drive Iran closer to war, which means basically the annihilation of several Israeli cities and the loss of many US warships and deployed troops in Iraq.
Three: you're wrong and most likely an idiot from the midwest with no education.
HELL YEAH BROTHER, IT'S #MAGA TIME!! Time to send those IRAQIS back to the stone age!! OBONGO wanted to take my SOCIAL SECURITY check!!!