>And remember, if you're not an NRA member to join up
And remember, if you're not an NRA member to join up
Other urls found in this thread:
Another eceleb bait thread? Oh boy!
he said it was an old video dweeb
Reminder to send in feedback about the lazy nigger mods not doing any work
Jow Forums.org/feedback
Needs to be posted more. I still half believe the WLP suit scandal is a psyop in a similar vein. Of course WLP and the cat lady are plants.
Do you think YankeeMarshal is an anti-gunner in disguise or just a dumbass?
Whoops. Sorry.
lol no this post right here is what the anti gunners want. They want you like like these "Pro Gun" people so you will eventually your views will shift towards more liberal ideas "Ugh Hickcock said we don't need bumpstocks so I guess we don't need them!"
Though people like Paul Harrell and Colion Noir are great, and I guess Tim is alright.
But Hickcuck, Ian and Karl deserve all the hate they get
>if you don't dickride my ecelebs then you must be an undercover leftist
>can't criticize youtubers at all or someone says you're trying to assassinate somebody's character
Fuck off retard.
Dude is a literal faggot, and he said he voted for hillary.
Trolling outside of /b/ is a bannable offense
There's no reason why he can't be both.
Do you mean, like, "fuck both the NRA and GOA?" Or do you mean "fuck the NRA, support GOA?"
that's 85% of pol threads
And what board are we on?
We do to people just as much as anti-gunners do to us. At no point in history has there ever been unilateral "unity", conflict is healthy.
>tranny jannies delete threads about Trump's backdoor ban on private sales
>tranny jannies leave up eceleb bait thread
Then report it dumbass, don't just sit there and cry like an invalid.
He rescinded his sponsorship from the NRA. He still has a membership but he doesn't tell people to support them anymore.
So is Hickok not based
Holy shit, this comment is DANGEROUSLY based!
Based, just not redpilled
Stop posting your own shitty screencap every e-celeb worship thread
Ian is a literal John Brown Gun Club member, he's a commie who doesn't believe in gun rights, the worst and least authentic kind.
Tell the NRA VP he is not getting my money. Corrupt and supporter of the bump stock ban. Not a penny. The NRA sold us out, and wasted our money. Put your money in something like the 2nd Amendment Foundation.
I think waving the confederate flag is stupid, but why’s he such a baby over it
Someone showing up waving a confederate flag is a strong indicator that an event is about to turn retarded.
Is there any proof of the john brown thing? Nothing came up in my searches. It seems like ian avoids politics specifically because of spergs like us.
Absolutely based
Having a pic of you taken with a confederate flag in the background is a great way for you to loose credibility with the general public.
Or it's a group of normal people in a Southern State and hickock45 finds it necessary to virtue signal so that he's not tarred by associating with the dissident movement and lose his channel.
Stupid fucking boomers, it won't be "bigots" who kill you and steal your shit
Why doesn't he fuck off and move north then?
Harrel IS a murderer.
All the Ian memes were character assassination. Him and Karl and peak lolbertarians.
FucK the NRA. They don't do shit but take your money and send you spam in the mail. Their certification courses are fucking joke you might as well get your Crossfit license the same day and they can't even hide the naked grift anymore
They were going to build LaPierre a $6m house until they got caught and their president is quite literally a traitor to the United States
>Karl the satanist jizz drinking cuck isn't antifa
>self defense
Fuck off commie
How it was a self defence?
Someone was driving their vehicle into him and his family. Assault with a vehicle is an excuse for justifiable self defense in my state, Ohio, although I don't know what Oregon law says.
>driving their vehicle into him and his family.
How do you know it? Because he said so?
my first guess was the latter
You don't think the forensics team would have figured it out? It's pretty easy to tell which direction a car is going and how fast it was driving, its basic physics. They analyze this stuff for even non fatal accidents, I know because it happened to me. I wrecked my car as a stupid teenager and they could tell exactly what happened and how fast I was going.
You be the judge.
Marx is (was) for everyone having firearms. If you're a "leftist" in America and you're against having weapons then you're, very obviously, just a neoliberal on the same level as capitalist cuckolds.
Daily reminder that more gun control came about because of blacks attempting to arm and the state not liking it.
A jury of his peers acquitted him.
>Ian is a literal John Brown Gun Club member, he's a commie who doesn't believe in gun rights
This is very contradictory. You see the contradiction, right? Think very hard.
Marx was also an atheist NEET who had a grudge against authority becuase he got his ass beat by the nuns when he was in school. He didn't even invent communism as an idea, he just published a semi-coherent manifesto. The only reason he's even a major historical figure was because he was the first person to put the idea of "hey, all these kings and oligarchs are kind of being assholes. We should do something about that" into writing.
this is too based to post here...stop now
Journalism and writing isn't a job? I don't know where people get this NEET thing from. Seems a bit like... character assassination and ad hominem. Bit ironic.
As for the rest of your points I'm not seeing a problem here. Care to explain why informing people of truths is bad? Or being "beat by the nuns" [citation needed] refutes anything he wrote? Are you conveniently ignoring the multiple volumes he released?
>The only reason he's even a major historical figure was because he was the first person to put the idea of "hey, all these kings and oligarchs are kind of being assholes. We should do something about that" into writing.
Uh... what year do you think Karl Marx existed in?
>Paul is a murderer
So? Makes him the realest nigga of the bunch
13 hours and NOBODY has provided evidence anyone is any of these things listed here. Fucking NPCs here told to hate someone and they do
Because a friend of the perp admitted to it, faggot. Do your research if you want to character assassinate.
his generation was extremely heavily propagandized about everyone being the same and now any mention of race becomes racism even factually correct statements
>No one without a significant amount of training should be handling a firearm at all, which is why I think designated community patrols made up of well-trained, highly trusted individuals who are chosen by and held accountable to said community (and who do not hold any or less power than anyone else due to their position) is a far better and more equitable defense model than messy “everyone gets a gun!” rhetoric.
There are no based pro-gun commies. They use doublethink to make people think they're pro-freedom when really they just want to use guns to take freedom away. It's extremely important to understand there is no such thing as an good commie. Read the whole article and see if you can make it through without raging.
Just a note this has absolutely nothing to do with Ian
This article absolutely supports guns in the hands of everyone (save for domestic abusers but that seems quite appropriate). What's the problem here? The article writer even mentions the divide in leftists and liberals. The writer seems to be an anarchist (as am I) which is pretty close to communism. They have written from a pro-gun stance. Is there some psychic vibration here that says something about people not getting weapons? Is there something wrong with a group not wanting untrained retards handling firearms?
I see those flags show up in Illinois on the regular, in suburban Chicago at that. A neighboor down the street had one in his yard for years before he moved away.
>guns in the hands of everyone
Meant to add "trained with their use." Not seeing a problem with that at all. If you want to drive a vehicle you have to learn how and pass a test. Same should be for a firearm and its use. That isn't taking away guns at all.
what part of shall not do you not understand?
The only way I'd ever support mandatory training for firearm ownership is if the training were free, quick, and doable without showing ID or putting yourself in any kind of database. t. Also an Anarchist.
The American constitution isn't the be all and end all document. It has had many amendments and additions. It's a malleable document that isn't even entirely agreed upon with individual meaning and is, despite what boomers on Facebook (who are fine trampling on the constitution themselves), open to interpretation on many points.
Is it disarming someone if you're preventing them due to their own choices? No. It's prevention.
Fair, yes. Whenever I think of this I think of a civil service that you voluntarily join. Kind of like a gun club. Some records will have to be kept, though.
I am a member.
Are the Iraqivet1488 guys cool? Berry’s the only one who’s name I remember because of how based he was but the fat man and autistic guy seem cool.
t.I don’t have any social media
Remember when this was enforced ? Maybe if it were again /b/ wouldn’t just be porn
>muh constitution is a sacred law written in stone
do you even know what AMENDMENT means?
Pg-13 Jow Forums
Justifiable homicide is still homicide
daily reminder that there is a civil war in the NRA now over its leadership and future, and to chuck the name recognition and the effort a lot of people are putting in is really autistic, but hey it gets >yous so i'm sure Jow Forums will eat it up
you are an anarchist who believes people should have to take a test created by some authority figure to be given permission to own a firearm
I love boomers for this shit, they’ve probably interacted with all kinds of white “Bigots”, had good interactions and didn’t even know their beliefs. Yet have had issues with minority’s their whole life and watch the country get worse as diversity becomes our strength. But Racists and nazis get the bullet first in their mind ahaha
There is authority in anarchism, you know? It's not just chaos and insanity. I'd suggest reading some anarchist literature. Maybe some Kropotkin.
Anarchy: a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority.
God tripfaggots are the fucking worst
>GUNS IN THE HANDS OF EVERYONE who has gone through our training and is part of a "community patrol" chosen by us
So this is anarchism.
The whole basis of anarchy is a state of non authority. People who try to apply an authority figure literally aren't anarchist
Really. Read Kropotkin. Or any anarchist literature.
I am a capitalist cuckhold indeed and will gladly argue about economic systems and governments forever with you, red boy, but the entire idea of firearms being split among American left/right party lines is a fairly recent piece of state fiction used to trick all of us into fighting each other.
Read Kropotkin but also read Bakunin on this matter of authority. He defers to expertise and about allowing authority in that sense. It's the same.
Yeah us leftists want everyone to have guns!!!! We are just like you, sign up to your local commie bloc!!!
(We just control who takes classes, who can pass, who owns licenses, and have the right to deny or revoke this right to anyone)
Whoops that's what we have now isn't it? DIAF fag
Your misspelling aside, the only difference between the parties with respect to firearm ownership is that one occasionally applies the brakes in the direction of disarmament
those are just commies
Are you 12? There's been thousands upon thousands of pages of anarchist political philosophy written since the 1800s. Read a fucking book for once in your short life.
>never criticize anyone on your side of the field or else you're a shareblue shill
Anarchists are irrelevant, they're always the first to die in any commie revolution. They were cucked in both Russia and Spain.
>deferring to expertise
Might as well admit Burke or Carlyle were right at this point, kek
>Read a fucking book
i did it is called the dictionary
I'm GOA and will never join nra
You mean commie-anarcho? Aka literally not anarchy?
Maybe if you're a city cuck