"I'm assembling a crew."

"Only the best need apply."

Attached: 1568407731065.jpg (593x859, 219K)

Other urls found in this thread:


May I?

Attached: -Lupin-the-Third-001-lupin-iii-40140518-576-864.jpg (576x864, 41K)

lets get cheely

Attached: iii.png (464x406, 241K)

Attached: 5AD21380-03F6-4AF5-9C38-96923A78C395.jpg (720x960, 121K)

a crew ye say

Attached: crusviolence.jpg (450x531, 33K)

Will I do, komrade?

Attached: Screenshot_20190911-175438~2.png (871x563, 643K)

you will know my vengeance

Attached: BCE5F723-34DF-4126-9D9C-8DC4D72D4EEF.jpg (823x1029, 374K)

Attached: biglaguns.gif (260x260, 3.44M)

ты дoвoльнo хopoш

Attached: 20190918_220500.jpg (904x483, 246K)

Alright, but no commies.

Attached: FluoridationMandrake.jpg (600x363, 67K)

No nazis please


Attached: 1566974822464.jpg (1034x766, 138K)

Communists are fine
Keep up the fight comrade

>that guy with the naked mosin action in his belt
what the fuck


>This is a time for heroes. A time for legends. History is written by the victors. Let's get to work.

Attached: Shepherd_Close-up_Endgame_MW2.png (1680x1048, 932K)

Fucjing die


Don't worry, well feminize you guys first

You can have one

Attached: 1551550304712.jpg (600x396, 43K)

Why do half these threads turn into Nazis erping with each other as communists


pay is same, Da?

Attached: Strelok1.jpg (2592x4608, 2.53M)

You have my beats.

Attached: slav.jpg (600x900, 106K)

Count me in.

Attached: 1568784243010.jpg (468x519, 42K)

>thinking ruskies carrying obrezs and naked mosins like pirates carry spare flintlock pistols isnt the most metal thing of ww2

One last time for my Frens!

Attached: IMG_20171128_15360.jpg (3456x4608, 3.64M)

Supreme taste in anime, fren.

Looks like Dagoth Ur in the thumbnail.

Will there be niggers?

Attached: pumping gas.jpg (481x642, 39K)

Calm down steve, day ops only

With pleasure.

Attached: n3y3ln3QPY1tvbmgwo1.jpg (750x508, 135K)

need a bard?

Attached: 1559803150979.png (376x490, 66K)

Do you like hurting other people?

Attached: 530-90_55c49f51611e3.jpg (530x530, 119K)


need two?

Attached: fireandflamesintensifies.gif (629x708, 797K)

You son of a bitch! I thought they killed you in Rangoon!

Attached: Crete 1941 101.jpg (465x550, 59K)

(faint NOD hum)

Attached: 1566030324034.jpg (2160x2156, 1.13M)


Attached: 1523920762548.png (1149x1770, 2.39M)

Let's have a trio, pardners.

Attached: busterscruggs1.0.jpg (1200x800, 90K)

Attached: fwNLezd.jpg (640x397, 130K)

Attached: 1466385432825.jpg (497x722, 144K)

These guys behind the masks

Attached: The_nihilist.jpg (800x478, 73K)

Attached: 1489885382606.jpg (1197x2160, 881K)

You lads need a wing man? Buster?

Attached: 1556339764636.jpg (801x1187, 253K)


Attached: I'M COMIN.jpg (1214x1499, 615K)

Attached: 0_7bfa2_594a6dd0_XL.png (800x525, 446K)

Who is this? He positively radiates Chad Energy.

Dennis Hopper when he was shooting Easy Rider, out in New Mexico during the 70s.

Attached: 1496744099327.jpg (2048x1342, 334K)

may I suggest

Attached: ccw class.png (600x960, 723K)

Hehe let's get it done

Attached: 1530237709438.jpg (347x347, 39K)

I heard you needed a technician

Attached: 1529799845112.jpg (750x528, 62K)

A job you say?

Attached: 62bac14e3859758ad47af8cfe3fef80c.jpg (321x240, 14K)

let's get funky

Attached: download_20181216_131512.png (558x744, 420K)

Can we have a mascot?

Attached: SnekTenk.jpg (700x663, 90K)

>“Sure, this guy is giving me some problems though, lemme finish this real quick”

Attached: C706698B-215C-4447-8BE2-4C2D0E91DE9C.jpg (1115x1496, 1.26M)

>”Sorry about that, now what’s the job?”

Attached: D18B09C1-7FC3-433A-ADAE-13B6BF787E16.jpg (1116x1506, 1.23M)

Whatever happens, happens

Attached: 1548993520542.jpg (400x298, 32K)

>”Why yes actually I do”

Attached: 32CF7D6A-5C17-4611-B7AB-8D7C080E7CBB.jpg (725x1101, 204K)

With a car you can go anywhere you want

>me on the right


Attached: 0-boy-rebels-corbis-0000280792-038-900-613-572820.jpg (900x613, 136K)

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that's a gecko

Attached: Sam.png (1024x583, 761K)

and he's doing his best

Attached: freddie_thumb.jpg (200x205, 19K)

I just saw the ad

Attached: ad.png (794x794, 605K)

I'll be there to help clean up those "happy accidents"

Attached: 1551677141251.jpg (720x960, 111K)

That's Russian Civil War

Time to street sweep

Attached: 1547360266543.jpg (651x1024, 155K)

Why yes, I am a highly trained tactical skateboarding muhreen! How can you tell?

Attached: 46e6e063ee99f74c3f0f5600a9be2df8.jpg (427x640, 193K)

I'll be taking charge

Attached: bolt force.jpg (720x960, 312K)

Room for two more?

Attached: North Hollywood.jpg (1280x1707, 231K)

Fuck this super hero wanna be ass

Yeah just don't fucking kill yourself this time

Let's boogaloo

Attached: WIN_20190809_09_10_24_Pro.png (842x1024, 1019K)

Attached: 1509688539061.jpg (1464x1080, 180K)

Nigga I'm dying
>unpaid LARPers
>probably have budget as fuck gear
>created solely because the founder didn't like being a rent-a-cop
>basically operate as snitches
>unironically use the citizen's arrest line
>act like people don't see them a mile away in their fucking mountains of tactical shit
>bootlicker as fuck
and the icing on top is this bullshit quote from their site
"Bolt Force targets the high crime areas of a city and is stealthy, dressed all in black body armor. We are like shadows in the night and the criminals have no idea we are there. When they see us it's to late. They are surrounded by Bolt Force."
pic related, their founder in some faggy contacts.

Attached: da80c0c6c84cc72729cb0f336c9eea9d.jpg (1440x810, 456K)

Holy fuck how can one man be so sad

Imagine you're some fat LARP king with almost zero training or experience as an LEO, and your only buddies are some dudes you picked up and your trusted piece of pussy.
Now imagine you're not just Dog the Bounty Hunter, but a shitty knockoff of him.
That's how.

Attached: 1552982676714.jpg (527x935, 182K)

Ready and waiting

Attached: elite.jpg (960x688, 49K)

Let's go Lads!

Attached: 1530046666599.jpg (689x693, 63K)

Roger dodger.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 18K)

Let's give 'em the what-for.

Attached: Bat Mang.png (143x397, 72K)


Attached: 1567280950391.jpg (960x639, 135K)

Ready and waiting

Attached: MP5 emoji.png (703x625, 732K)

standing by!

Attached: 1554598564469.jpg (1080x1350, 280K)

lets heat the wok

Attached: 1560536840043.jpg (407x600, 34K)


Attached: 1568719927032.gif (640x532, 3M)

me and the boys standing by

Attached: 1567028351099.jpg (1014x606, 29K)

Judging my the the composition of this crew, thread theme:

That's work for me

Attached: 7d4.jpg (576x634, 52K)

damn the new zombie panic: source looks like shit

>neighborhood watch
how long do you think it would take for them to cause trayvon 2 electric boogaloo

Attached: thorni-we-are-the-mighty.jpg (480x272, 30K)

10/10 would operate with. Also, this is literally me.

You lot need some company?

Attached: cutie.jpg (1080x1080, 218K)

Ready to reach around and touch someone.

Attached: camaraderie1.png (500x712, 634K)

Bust 'em.

Attached: 1385454922490.gif (640x360, 336K)

that shit would break your finger I don't care how proletariat you are.