How do you prepare for not SHTF but a slow deterioration into gangland Brazil/Mexico?
How do you prepare for not SHTF but a slow deterioration into gangland Brazil/Mexico?
Other urls found in this thread:
ccw oriented training
Stockpile ammo
Train on drawing your CCW
Have a bug in/bug out plan
Try to get Swiss citizenship
A plane ticket to somewhere else. Mexico and Brazil are horrific shit holes where the damned live. May God have mercy on their unfortunate souls.
We're going to have to form our own separate communities instead of being individuals for one. And be in a position where we can eventually make a government within a government, like the Amish or Hezbollah for example. The empire's collapsing, it's not taking care of us - it's doing worse, it's hostile to us. We're going to have to take care of ourselves, no one is coming to save us. So we need to make our own camping and fishing clubs, or bowling leagues. Not "militias" though, not anything that paints a giant target on you. We're just a bunch of guys who goes fishing.
This is fake
Fake shit fucj off nigger
Fake and gay
Gay nigger Jew edit
Go ND into your dog glowie
Nice inspect element
Literally fake
Oh boy. 6 in a row. The shills respond too fast.
Shitty fake
Fake lol
Literally been on k since 2003 and I can tell this is fake
nD into your dog nigger this is an edit
All of these shitty emails are fake
Concealable body armor might be valuable
Yeah fake
Been here since 2003 and I can tell
So it's real?
Look up the Hutterites. Not that I'd want to join them specifically, but they're a hell of a model. Self sufficient, highly traditional, white, not afraid to tell Uncle Sam to fuck off in force, and growing fast.
>Hutterites preparing for day of rake
Literally a false flag false flag
>highly traditional
Pick one
breed faster
Hutterites are more traditional than the Catholic Church post- Vatican II
Not really
While there's definitely a great deal of debate over the subject, many sects of Protestantism see themselves as a closer representation of the values of the original Christian churches as described by the Epistles than Catholicism and its wide scale adherence to non-biblical tradition and doctrine. Personally, I don't care either way, but the argument can certainly be made that certain Protestant groups are more traditional than their Roman Catholic counterparts.
>laughs in Orthodox
Establish strict HOA rules in your neighborhood
> InB4 Judaism and Zoroastrianism show up and flex on everyone
Lol what was it
based orthodoxy
Jokes on you, I attend the Latin Mass.
Ay bruh... filioque.
>I think we spun off of a Sumerian war god cult, same Mesopatamian source as the people who would write the Vedic texts
Loterally just don't be poor, invest in stock market, don't fuck with cartel/gsng shit. There is plenty of rich people having great lives in every country, or just leave.
Don’t? Just get rid of the spics and nots we’ve imported and kill the Jews and white traitors that let them in.
>slow decline
Both of these countries have had multiple civil wars in the last century.
>have had multiple civil wars in the last century.
Here I am in the U.S. waiting for CW 2.0. Step your game up, American's.
It's probably going to devolve into something like mexico. Cops have been promised huge pensions by municipalities which will be defaulted on after the next crash. Gangs will buy off the cops' loyalty like in mexico. After that it's a war of predatory gangs and normies. Jow Forumsommandos will go on gang payroll to fuck with feds. That's how I see it play out.
tl:dr; shareblue, a political organization, is falseflagging (i.e. shitposting) trying to divide and conquer, in specific respects to Jow Forums and Jow Forums.
For evidence, see the mountain of 1 liners screaming "fake!"
You have about ten replies in about a minute or two.
If you want to see the actual post you can always check an external archived site, such as desuarchive or whatever.
Normally I'd call you a stupid fucking faggot for responding to so many posts at once...
But I think the force of the denial going on speaks for itself. Awareness of the raids/shills/outsiders/etc is rising very quickly on multiple boards.
Good work anons.
its obviously a schizoposter trying to play the jew by responding to his own post with 'FAKE!' to draw attention
So, this is the playbook is it?
An user posts something, and then he's met with a chorus of posts trying to force a consensus that it's fake. If this is met with no resistance, it's accepted as "everyone knows it's fake, lol".
Yet, when someone calls out the fake mass agreement, all of a sudden it's just one person and he's a schizo.
I'm going to let you in on a little faggot... actually, you know what, I'm not. Never tell an enemy when they're making a mistake what they're doing wrong. Anyone who knows how the site works can easily see those were all unique IPs, which are recorded when you post. It's almost as bad as samefagging on Jow Forums with IDs.
Actually, I'm going to save this thread, and make one of those fun infographs I know is so popular around these parts to show exactly what happened here.
I want you to know that not only will your failure not simply be swept under the rug when the thread dies, it will actually serve to detract from your cause.
Thanks for the link user, always helpful. Normally I wouldn't mass reply like that, but that's just how many times they attempted to force it.
Theyre ruining this board, which is their intent I’m sure
As to a slow descent into mexico? Get out of the cities, stockpile guns and ammo, and build a local community of trustworthy moral characters (ie white ethnotown)
Fuck off, we‘re full.
"Schizo" is one of the shareblue giveaways.
>Gets dabbed on by Graeco-Buddhist Syncretics.
Daily reminder that Jesus was the reincarnation of Gautama Buddha, Alexander the Great, and Cyrus the Great.
>pay off your debts
>move out of cities
>begin homesteading
>begin camping
>buy a 4x4 body on frame truck/suv and learn how to navigate rough terrain with it
>stockpile a shotgun, rifle, and handgun for every member of your family and what you believe is a sensible amount of ammo, spare parts, and magazines for each
>fucking train with your weapons and gear, shooting, maintenance, and gunsmithing
>learn to reload ammo
>create a rotating supply of food, water, and medical supplies for at least one month
>learn basic first aid
>consume as much literature on self sufficiency as possible
>develop as many skills as possible from fieldcraft to carpentry to automotive repair to canning
>find like-minded people in your local community and build strong ties to support one another before, during, and after any happenings
>develop bug out/in plans
>secure your property and prepare it for long term self sufficiency
>develop a plan to escape from your job/home/whatever to a secondary, viable, and prepared location
>mentally prepare for the coming violence
Read Five Acres and freedom .
civil rights legislation will fuck you in the ass
They're even written similarly. Two "literally"s and two "I've been here since 2003"s. They're using a template for their shitty one line replies.
Switzerland is trash, they just gave into the EU's gun-bans and are becoming increasingly liberal. The swiss can eat a dick.
They show you how to solve the drug problem in Mexico at the end of sicario 2 why aren't we doing this?
Have to wait 10 years to get swiss citizenship. and residency very hard for non-EU people. Other way is paying a minimum tax (in this option you cant work, only passive income) and its only for high-net worth individuals. Better option is Argentina- very corrupt- you can do whatever the fuck you want.
What was actually said? I've heard about the "raids" but they seem more like schizoposting than anything else. To what end could it possibly serve
By getting a boner.
not this kind of civil war you want in america, in Brazil we had small revolts, but they were all about someone replacing someone else in power, not race war or state separation
While that's true for mexico, in brazil we're actually in need of a civil war for more than a century.
Fuck, how are the chances of some real SHTF in our lifetime?