Yeah...I'm thinking he's based

Attached: colionnoir.jpg (320x202, 13K)

He's okay, but, why do we need a thread about him?

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yeah, based in your moms bedroom :^)

Colion is fucking hilarious

His only qualification is being black. He hadn't even fired a gun like 1 year before he started making reviews and becoming popular.

Why have I never heard of him until today?! This is gold.

He is; because in a nut shell, you see all these shill threads against him because (((they))) fear a black man that has a logical reasoning gun rights.

are these real quotes?
sides in orbit

He's not my favorite but I appreciate that he places more emphasis on aesthetics and style in his videos. Gotta have some variety.

It's like Chappelle said. "You wanna get guns banned, get as many black people as possible to legally buy them".

Nobody fears him. They just laugh at how he tries to explain every gun in a way that sounds like lyrics to an R&B song. He can't just talk about the fucking gun. Everything is a retarded analogy or metaphor.

If diversity and representation are propaganda for progressive causes, so too are they tools for conservative ones. Normalize blacks as responsible gun owners and you'll see less niggerish behavior and more civilized blacks taking up the cause.

Black man here, can confirm I am civilized. Sometimes I am ashamed of the way my fellow "brothas" act. I apologize on their behalf.

His political coverage and argumentation is solid, and being black gives him some leverage against lefties.

The bottom line is that he is a very strong force for good for 2A, and deserves support accordingly.

>life without guns is like life without life
Kinda yeah

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Gang member here. Fuck da feds. They ain't gonna use gun control to take the white supremacist guns away anyway

He needs to start calling out the NRA on their cuckery. If he does then he will be truly based.

No problem, based nigganon. The good whites understand black =/= nigger
Also, what do you carry?

>Red Sox
>??? White Sox?
>Red Sox

Fucking disgusting.

Attached: Russia.png (485x443, 32K)

>The good whites understand black =/= nigger
I thought like that once. Was friends with a black guy, decided we should be roomates to save money. Worst few months of my life, his nig friends stole a bunch of my shit, he owed me 3 months rent etc. I figured that was just a fluke and moved next to what seemed like a based black family in a white neighborhood. Caught their son breaking shit in my backyard for no reason. I yell at him, his dad chimps out on me for yelling at his son, doesn't care he was shattering shit in my yard. Cussing at his kid is all that mattered. Was hostile to me until I moved a year later like I was the one in the wrong.
I wasn't racist until I tried to live around niggers. Fuck niggers.

That's a really interesting made up story, user. Thanks for sharing.

I once was a virtue signalling faggot like you too.

No, but he has a way of speaking in allusions and analogies about how a firearm feels that makes it easy to joke about.

Did carry a 40sw for a while. I stopped because my holster broke(some cheap shit) I'm probably gonna wait until I get an fnx 45 tactical. Ik ik it's fucking huge tho.

The appropriate addendum is that while good blacks do exist they are a minority within a minority and most of them are still niggers at the end of the day.

>The good whites

Attached: notabumblebee.jpg (595x398, 32K)

Only thing your story has demonstrated is that shit kids have shit parents and communal living is a mistake. Also, never trust mutual friends