Is it okay to shoot .22LR in the house?
Is it okay to shoot .22LR in the house?
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Only when you're looking down the barrel.
yeah sure as long as you have a decent clearing log.
With a suppressor, sure. A telephone book will do as a backstop.
if she says so yeah
lel @ the blood
I so badly want to get a walter .22 and a suppressor but I can't wait 14 months
I wanna play with Malin Akerman's hair.
no, lead from the priming compound will contaminate your house and give you and your pets lead poisoning.
once in a while to kill rats is okay
A .22 CB cap will make a lot less noise, and should also be sufficient for rats.
I'd use the .22 caps. I'd open the windows too, keep it ventilated for your health.
Yup. I shoot shorts and subsonic in my basement with a can out of a mossberg 702 plinkster.
God no! If you shoot a .22 indoors it bounce around inside the house ans kill everyone and everything!
How about you clean your fucking house/apartment? The rats/mice aren't there for the company you fucking dirtbag
.22 bounces around inside of anything, right?
Why does it not bounce around inside of the gun when you fire it, instantly shredding the barrel to its very atoms?
The barrel is already made of atoms
So long as you have a backstop in the general direction you're shooting, you can shoot anything.
Rat made it that way, and then I shot him. Pussy.
I wouldn't want lead splatter all over my furniture. I already have enough of it and asbestos in the paint and insulation in my house. Shoot it outside with a proper back stop
nice catch
What was that one kid from Florida, who's a YouTuber from Jow Forums that shit a mak, krink and AR indoors at phone books and these forums got triggered
I’m surprised no one has mentioned this yet but make sure you have good ventilation and air flow. Otherwise you’re gonna be breathing a lot of lead.
sure, who not, it's your house... isn't it?
This and the smoke builds up quickly.
Best to use lead free bullets. I have used both .22 and 9mm lead free in basement.
So my sand closet would work?
Lead's gonna get everywhere, I ran around my house shooting caps out of my revolvers naked under a poncho and the air got a little spicy. Pretty sure the same shit is in rimfire primers.
My mom wanted to use my .22 to shoot a hawk that was scaring the squirrels away. I had some ideas on how to do it and probably be ok with people not hearing it but it didn't happen
you'll cowards don't even breathe lead
>shooting a hawk to scare squirrels
Both illegal and highly faggoty. Fuck squirrels and your hoe mom.
Should have shot your faggot mom
>shooting a hawk
>for squirrels
Wow woman are stupid
You're the pussy if anything, killing rats immediately with a .22. I put out glue traps and watch them suffer for days on end until they die of starvation. I'll even put food out in front of them just to torment them. If they're lucky, I'll throw them into a bonfire.
I have a long concrete basement with windows on only one side. I have plenty of soil buckets and phone books for back stop. I could set the target on one end and open the windows at the other end.
>but My aim Is shit
I’ve only shot at night but indoors I’ll have light. Should I try this anons?
I Think it came from her growing up and hawks taking their chickens and stuff. It was an awful idea but I had some fun thinking about how to be covert. I wouldn't wanna hurt any animal in reality
Pic related my end is surrounded my windows, the bins will be full of soil
I gotta clean out the rodents sometimes. We had a family of Possum in once. That was a blood bath
I used to believe pics like yours were staged when I first got here ten years ago, now after ten years and dozens of these photos later I’m still sceptical. Like how could you live like this, imagine the smell
I legit can't smell. We poured gallons of vinegar outside and I didn't smell anything but the neighbor did
Do you happen to have Mad Max: Fury Road on bluray? also show us your hands.
No way im posting my finger prints glow boy
I would only be impressed if someone pulls this off in an apartment complex.
A water or gatorade bottle
I could shoot shorts in mine, shot my .177 air rifle in there when there was no furniture for the first 6 months.
I only shoot .22 Short in my Shooting Parlor.
Hawks have much better value and squirrels are evil and my terrier will attest to that
Primer smoke is not something you want to breath.