/ak/ thread

Remove Kebab Edition
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Ebin :DDDD

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Yukari :)

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why is the i serif but the rest sans serif

nigga pls don't I'm too autistic not to reply to you. Sakuya is confirmed human multiple times in game. Remilia even remarks she knew humans were useless after Reimu beats her.

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but bro who tf do you explain red eyes and vampire hunter and stopping time powers. Even if she was born human I wouldnt consider anyone with that much power to be human anyway, much like reimu and marisa, the difference being sakuya works for a nonhuman and yokai and really doesnt seem to sympathetic to humans
also >ankle pad

>no anime qt operators operating operationally game
feels bad man

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im sure theres some chinkshit fps that lets you play as anime girls

i want jagged alliance 2 with animoo qts

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Why does everyone hate MGSV? Missions with Bae are comfy.

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How fucking tall is Sakuya supposed to be in this image that she's fucking DWARFING what looks like at least a 14.7" AR?

7.62: High Calibre has a qt japanese waifu you can hire as one of the best mercs in the game.
Radar a cute.

Magical girls with red eyes!? Who could have come up with such a shocking and innovative twist?

This, she's much more prefferable than the other Buddies. I feel more comfy with a human being watching my back than a dog

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*blockiert deine Straße*

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i don't hate it
it's just not that great and quiet dresses like a slut not a qt

>quiet dresses like a slut not a qt
True. She should be more modest.

Depends on what you make her sortie with, for me its the XOF uniform.

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and she's got a total man face in that one
some of the generic females you get from mission look better

Im kinda new to guns and would like to own an AK. I live in CA and I know this state has very restricted gun laws. I just breifly read I can own AKs built before 1986 in some states. I havent kept up with gun laws in recent years or ever. Is my hope of owning one lost living in this state?

Your hope of owning anything that even resembles a gun in that state is low.

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That gun is all fucked up

>but bro who tf do you explain red eyes
it's anime lel. How do you explain Marisa's yellow eyes?
>she too powerful
that's fucking dumb.
>vampire hunter
What needs explained about that?
>timestop powers
She's just cool like that
>she isn't sympathetic to humans
So human isn't a species, but an attitude? And she's not a once-human youkai like Alice either.

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>big boobs
>perfect aiming
>perfect scout
>inflitrates outposts by herself
>doesn't talk
>pleasant humming
>qt ponytail to match VS's
You dummy.

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Also my ass is colorblind so I kinda went with you on it, but Sakuya's eyes are blue dork, even I can see that.

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Its Kojima, what did you expect?

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Made a weeb build today

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from what google tells me the only real difference is you need to have one of those retarded grip fins
but i dont' live in ca so hell if i know

He spent half of the modeling budget recreating Joost's feet, pretty based if you ask me.

ur waifu a slut


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Shes not my waifu.

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Maid dump okay or just Sakuya?

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Does anyone have that pic of an Amazonian-looking girl with a Type 89 converted to 7.62x39mm?

fug i want to get out of this state but i have my business here. id love to live in MN or WI i hope those states arent cucked

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All maids are good

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How much it cost ya?

God, I love Soppo so much.
About $1,950, all parts and accessories included

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All guns are good girls but she's definitely best girl

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Very true

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God, I just woke up from the most surreal nap. I dreamt that I woke up in a beach house on a bed with white sheets, white drapes, beige wall, and window cracked open giving me a nice view of the beach below. Then I felt something nudge my thigh and when I looked to my right it was Iowa still sleeping but facing my general direction. My heart started pounding and I thought this was real! Then she put her arm on my left shoulder and mumbled "I love you" then I immediately woke up in a cold sweat and decided to type this in the middle of the night because I feel like tomorrows gonna be a good day.

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How much of that was just the EOTech?


Thats not bad actually, I need to stop being a fag and start getting parts together for my own build

I bought a lot of my stuff off of the secondhand market (Gunbroker, Tacswap, etc.) You just have to look around, and it'll come together piece by piece.


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Hey GI, I have a joke for you.
What's red, white and blue in Northern Vietnam?

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Wait what? people don't screech in pain when she starts humming? When the game came out and I played through it, I killed her so I didn't get her as a companion. But in 2017 I replayed it and didn't kill her. Sadly, her humming made my ears bleed, along with 95% of the fan base. Also desu she kinda ugly.

>for me its the XOF uniform

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Lack of aircraft in this thread is disturbing.

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Jesus christ, the forward visibility on that thing would be complete garbage.

I wish Erica would make his own book, he has a neat style

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any welsh themed anime Jow Forums girls?

Sakuya padded her flat chest. That's all.

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Artist can't into proportions

>Double dubs and Bionicle
My nigga.

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You should go to the Ban State General. In a nutshell, for CA it's no flash hider, no pistol grip, no extending stock, no mag over ten rounds and no vertical foregrip. You very much can make something that looks like a normal AR with current compliance workarounds, but I have no idea if those exist for AKs.

I second this anons request. I've not heard of JA2 in years. I love that game. IMHO the best voice acting and decent real world physics (non sci fi mode). I'm just stuck at getting to the queens building always geting blown the f out by tanks and running out of LAWs to use.

Any other JA2 fans here? I presonally prefer the 1998 version and not the 3D one.

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Raven, Scope, and Buns are my favs. They are all decent shots and high marksmanship to start and does not take too long to raise them to 99.

Buns and Grunty are holarious in thier in game comments and voice mails.

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Should have fapped right then when you're at your hardest.

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I couldn't even sleep, I kept waking up to take a piss, now I feel exhausted and depressed

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based finnish flamethrower bayonets

That from Gundam? Looks familiar but I can't place it.

Gundam Wing.

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It was an actual project by Blohm & Voss, though.
Never left the drawing board, however.

not a flamethrower bayonet, that's something else

Attached: flamebayonet.jpg (1200x628, 42K)

they are red in EoSD

>they are red in EoSD
Fug, vampire contacts to fit in then.

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She is indeed, best girl

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He actually did, but no publisher wanted to pick it up; was a WW2 themed one.

Does your waifu hunt?

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Why doesn't he just make it a webcomic?

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They made a book but nobody wants to publish it

Then self publish it if you're too "above" webcomics, tons of people have started doing it via amazon.
How do you think we get works of art like this?

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>hot blonde
>lace bra
>has a gun
>nice tits

Don't know anything about WTF that is about but I'm interested now.

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I was thinking about playing as one of your soldiers

It's an erotica book about a virtual reality game where guns are also girls and the protagonist fucks a harem of gun girls. Try to tell me this shit wasn't written by a Jow Forumsommando.

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This thread isn't about AKs, just so you know

Do you think Kay owns firearms? And if so what do you think she brings to the range?

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She's a nip RPing as an American, so either she can't own a gun or she owns the most stereotypical 'Murikan guns she can think of like a Garand and a Winchester 94

1911s too just to cover all the Burger bases?

Of course, I figured that went without saying.

My honest opinion that she has like stock load of American airsoft ARs and Pistols.
Otherwise She might have green card and owns lever action rifle, semi-auto rifles or shotguns just like said.

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Not anime, but manga with great K themes.
70 (korean black ops)
Eden: It's an Endless World! (Cyberpunk dystopian with plenty of good kombat)
Green Blood (latee 1800's story about revenge starting with gang wars in the five points then going to western trailblazing)
Groundless - Sekigan no Sogekihei (a book about a mother turned sniper. Plenty of brutal war scenes and has plenty of realism. )
Gunka No Baltzer (!not! german WW1 major goes to a country still using muskets to help improve their war tactics. Deals how much more brutal new technology is compared to muskets.)
Saga of Tanya the Evil (the art direction is really good compared to the anime but it's self exploratory)
That's just a couple off my reading list

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Keep it coming user.

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>stock load of American airsoft ARs and Pistols.

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Taihou to Stamp (A women from logistics who enjoys paperwork more than war is thrust into a front-line port where almost every day is brought with fighting, much to her dismay)
Front Mission: Dog Life & Dog Style (a series of 5 stories revolving around an island that is thrust into war with mature themes including loss, rape, the horrors of war and more. It's actually a /m/ manga but has plenty of Jow Forums themes in it.
Will add it to the Jow Forumsmanga list.

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D-don't remind me, please.
(We are still waiting on cleaned scans, sorryyyy)

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Which manga do you do?

sounds like gfl

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A hint.

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