Im moving into a bad neighborhood soon and i want some protection but im not tryna kill anybody...

im moving into a bad neighborhood soon and i want some protection but im not tryna kill anybody, i'd like to buy a tranquilizer gun but apparently they dont work on humans because you need to have the right dosage?? is this true? did metal gear solid lie to us? why can the dosage be consistent with animals but not humans? is there any sedative that can be reliably fired at a person of any size safely or am i gonna have to become a kung fu expert to defend myself non lethally against niggas ridin dirty

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It takes a while, if you want the fast acting stuff it'll most likely be enough to kill.

Nobody gives a shit if a mountain lion gets too heavy a dose and dies. Get a kimber pepper blaster, and take muay thai classes.

It will take several seconds to take effect even if you shot them in the neck and hit the jugular and the drug went right to their brain. They could easily stab you or shoot you in that time.
I hope you are just trolling.
If you really really really don't want to kill somebody get a pump shotgun and make the first round a beanbag round. Have the rest of the shots be buckshot because if the beanbag round doesn't make them run they probably intend to kill you.

the dosage isnt consistent with animals

Previous posters are correct. People go through years of school to perfect the art of shutting your brain off for a time without killing you and they still get it wrong sometimes. Tranquilizers are as exaggerated in movies as any car chase or gun fight. You're much better off with spray.
t. worked with livestock when I was younger and have seen plenty get tranq't

Murderers and muggers arent people dude just buy a hipoint atleast.
>he wants to end my life for $50 tops but its not ok if i end his life

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Also pls explain your moral (or legal) conundrum with killing a murderer/mugger/burglar

Animal tranquilizers will absolutely work on humans.
Thing is, even on everything from a full sized giraffe, to a rhino, to a small monkey you have a very small time frame. For example with the former animals, it can take from 20 to 30 minutes after administering the sedative to take effect. Same is true for humans. Likewise, there's also a small time frame of about 30 minutes in LARGE animals before you have to administer the reversing drug or the animal will die. With humans, this is an even smaller window. It's not like a video game. Anything strong enough to put you out quickly can also kill you just as quickly if not reversed. If you have no interest in killing someone or being tried for manslaugher, then I would avoid animal tranquilizer. They will absolutely kill someone if you don't know what you're doing. And considering you weren't already aware of this, I mean this in the best way possible: You don't know what you're doing.

This, but bean bags are retarded and expensive. Just get some rock salt shells.
Some salted meat never killed anyone.

i'm pretty sure paul did a video on how that had the possibility of killing someone, I'm gonna have to rewatch the video though.

>im not tryna kill anybody
you'll get over that pretty fast when you realize they are trying to kill you.
>tranq darts
Are you fucking 12 and just finished watching Ace Ventura or something? Hitting random people with drug cocktails is a great way to kill them and it's a felony.

taser or pepper spray if you really can't bear the thought of putting holes in a violent criminal. used by police, not silly gimmicks like rubber bullets.

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Pepper spray indoors will get you too. The mist goes everywhere. I took my mom's out of her purse and shot a squirt into the kitchen sink when I was a kid. I started coughing and everybody in my house started getting symptoms because the climate control circulated the aerosol through the house within like 1 minute. My mom came in wondering WTF was going on within like 1 minute.
OP should be aware that while the badguy taking a direct hit with pepper spray will be experiencing it worse, just being near it will probably make you cough and might burn your eyes enough to compromise your ability to fight.

Taser is unreliable garbage. Only useful as a secondary option with the ability to transition to a primary weapon when taser fails. Taser as primary weapon is retarded.

Dont do this
I bough one when i started doing security and even though the tought of tasing someone is hilarious i think it's not something i would use in a defense situation, but if a person was being agressive or crazy threatening violence the escalation would be all fucked up because obviously he or she didn't do nothing yet to provoke the use of a less lethal force snd if escalated to deadly force i would likely be in the receiving end of using a gun rather than the available taser, idk the tough rubbed me the wrong way and now i have a $300 150000 volt paperweight. I will probably use it still when drunk around friends but not for its intended use.

If you can use most non-lethal items to protect yourself, lethal force authorization is very close to be allowed. So in the words of Crazy Uncle Joe buy a shotgun, buy a double barrel shotgun now.

Modern spray is very thick and gel-like, it doesn't mist things up, so unless you are emptying it into something close enough to splash back at you, it's relatively safe for the user.

Source: I live in a cucked nation where carrying a handgun is not possible for everyone, and got my so some spray to carry in her purse. I got an extra can to try out for range etc and to spray at me to see if it would be effective. It was.

you are as much of a faggot and idiot as that nonce on youtube who has a channel about BB guns for self defense.

get a real gun.
this is your life we are talking about. in the event you would have to use a self defense weapon, your life may (most likely will) depend on having a real fucking gun, not some sissy meme bullshit

>modern spray is very thick and gel-like

^ this idiot doesn't know wtf he is talking about

Get a glock 19
9mm is less lethal force anyway lmao

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Anal beads
>his life is worth less to him than that of a thug
>who am I to disagree

It is way thicker than you think, because that's how you make it go far enough and allow you to aim it at a safe distance. It's not a can of fucking AXE bodyspray.

Op, ignore these dumb faggots. If you use a "less lethal" round out of your lethal weapon the DA is going to fuck your ass on the fact that you "clearly weren't in fear for your life, but you used a deadly weapon"

If someone is a threat in your house, just give them a face full of #4 buck shot and save your legal bills for trauma counseling later if you're a pussy that can't handle taking life to save your own.


Kill yourself before someone in that neighborhood does.

Wanna know what an animal tranquilizer is loaded with? Ketamine. Also known as "Special K" on the street.

You're not going to be able to buy any legally.

Just get a shotgun and remember the Non-Aggression Principle.

No sedative will work fast without huge risk to the person it is being used on. When vets sedate animals with guns it can take from 5 to 30 minutes for the animal to be completely sedated.

Vet student in school here.

>they dont work on humans because you need to have the right dosage?? is this true?
Yes, that's true. It's true for animals too. The choice of drug, and its dose, depends on the species and the bodyweight of the animal in question.

>did metal gear solid lie to us?

>why can the dosage be consistent with animals but not humans?
It's not consistent for animals or humans.

>is there any sedative that can be reliably fired at a person of any size safely
Nope. They take far too long to act. There are some very fast-acting drugs that could cause loss of conciousness but they must be administered IV, which you can't guarantee with a standoff weapon, and even then there's a really fine line between an effective dose an a lethal one. That's literally what killed Michael Jackson.

Kill yourself, niggers aren't people.

Just like black folk, the majority of white victims of violence are attacked by their own race.

Learn to tie knots and get some rocks. Bolo that bitch
Alternatively, tiny net

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A AUG will do, bullpop with 556 are less deadly

>im not tryna kill anybody, i'd like to buy a tranquilizer gun
livestream your defensive raep plz. we want to see this no matter who wins.

Bullet are just very permanent tranquilizer. Why not ? It's not illegal if you hide the body.

>why can the dosage be consistent with animals
It's not. If it's at a zoo, farm, or other place that the animal is not wild, they usually keep a record of the weight so you can do the dosage. If it's a wild animal, you pretty much have to guess it, with a high chance the animal will need another dose. Depending on the animal, it actually might need multiple attempts to dart it, due to fur, skin, muscle, all that shit that puts up a natural resistance. When I worked for animal control, did a lot of shit with Game wardens, we'd tranq mid size bear and 30 mins later the bitch is finally falling asleep. Be sweet if the dart can knock your out instantly, it just doesn't work that way. If you want the person out cold really fast, spray them with a net gun, run up and club them with a black jack.

OP, buy a 20guage shorty with 8guage bird shot, you can't shoot guns well so make sure you get one with a buttstock & a pistol grip, sbs it if you want to.

If you're not a faggot though then get a 9mm pistol Calibre carbine, the Ruger pc9 is cheaper, very reliable and 50 state legal. Don't get a handgun since you are new and obviously not willing to train q lot so you can't handle a handgun properly, a carbine is q lot easier to control.

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just shoot aggressors, your options are limited for less lethal implements and I wouldn't trust my life to any of them. If you're dead set on less lethal shit then buy a baton, pepper spray, and start lifting. Spray em, and if they persist beat them.

unreliable meme shit you shouldnt use and why it doesnt work:
requires you to get really close, have to stab people in the right area to make them die, if they have a knife and they're crazy enough to get into a knife fight you're going to die
I'm pretty sure using that isnt legal anywhere, its also made up hollywood shit
both prongs have to penetrate clothing and skin to work, if it doesn't work you fucking die. Theres a reason cops dont draw these on armed assailants
>stun guns
needs bare skin contact to work, also requires you to get personal

also before you bring up legshots like people with your mindset tend to do, no. Shooting a gun at someone is deadly force no matter where you aim, and courts will ream your asshole if they find out you blew an intruder's kneecaps off intentionally.

>what about beanbags
deadly force unless otherwise defined by your state's penal code and can very well be used against you.

>i'd like to buy a tranquilizer gun