Which one of these big choppers should I use as my innawoods knife? I'm in the pan handle and want to replace my old Ka-bar I lost in a move.
Which one of these big choppers should I use as my innawoods knife...
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Kukris are cooler but i think it would be better to get the other one, it looks like it would be better for stabbing if you needed to. Straight edge might be more useful to. Thats just my poopy doodoo opinion.
out of those, kukri for sure
Harbor Freight machete: $5
Guaranteed to not be collecting dust 4 months down the line after you realize it's not a heavy useless gimmick.
Explain something to me. Am I just poor? I see a $200 dollar knife here. I've seen a 640 dollar switchblade at my lgs. I feel like 85 bucks is pushing it for a sharp piece of steel.
>For 1095
You do know that you can get a Microtech otf for around 300 right? You can get a protech tarctical respnse auto for 200. You can also get an auto Boker kalashnikov for 40. So stop complaining. You cheapskates are hard to listen to.
Buy a real kuk you absolute mook, it'll be cheaper by quite a lot and much better than that cheap kuk-shaped knife. Because that's what you're getting, not an actual kuk but a knife shaped like a kuk.
Stop complaining about a 300 dollar switchblade?! How the hell is it worth anything near that?! It's just some steel and plastic! RREEEEEEEEE
Buy a himalayanimports kukri if you want a kuk. Auntie will send you some good shit.
>Buy a real kuk you absolute mook, it'll be cheaper by quite a lot and much better than that cheap kuk-shaped knife. Because that's what you're getting, not an actual kuk but a knife shaped like a kuk.
I planned on going that route but I wanna buy American as well as replace the knife scales and such. What's a good hard use authentic Kukri bud?
Both sorta. I wouldn't waste my woolongs on expensive EDC shit because to me it should be reliable and replaceable.
Everything is "just" something. Bourbon is corn liquor left in a barrel too long and there is some very expensive bourbon. It's all about what someone is willing to pay.
I have the Panawal Gripper model, I've been beating it up for like 10 years. I've cut trees down with it, beat in hundreds of target poles into the ground with it, pried shit open with it, batoned logs in half and to kindling, done all manners of unfriendly shit to it. It's still awesome.
Probably gonna buy a Sirupate at some point from these guys.
It depends on what the steel is and how finnicky you are. In middle of the road knifemaking the margins are usually low enough that makers are spending half of the retail price on the steel to make it. In most pricepoints near $100 you can expect to get something like A2, D2, S30V or some other "basic bitch" steel. While these are considered very bland and mundane steels according to most tests I've seen they hold their edge for up to ~2-3 times longer than a plain 1095 or O1 steel blade. If you go above $150 then you start getting into supersteels that can last up to 5-10 times longer than 1095.
If you're getting into the realm of folding knives and switchblades then you have a whole different kettle of fish: Tolerances. Much like guns have tolerances, so do switchblades and knives. And much like how some people are willing to accept sloppy actions, shitty triggers, and overall garbage tolerances while some aren't, some people are willing to tolerate blade play (wobbling when its open or closed), poor centering, weak lockups, and gritty painfully bad actions while some people aren't.
It's not that they're cheapskates, user, it's that a lot of people genuinely don't see whats wrong with $20 knives. It's like trying to convince someone that they should get a tricked out $2k AR when all they've ever used was their grand dad's double barrel. It's what they know, and they've never had an issue with the gun at all so they fail to see the point or why you'd spend that much even if you have legitimate points about where the AR is superior.
I have so many friends that buy several hundred dollar blades and then never use them because they don't want to damage them. I prefer sub $100 blades because I can use and abuse them and not cry about it. They are a tool, not jewelry.
A schrade kukri costs like 30 burgerbux and they get decent reviews. Go with a tool you don't mind fucking up
>On a chopper.
here. Neither, both of those knives are absolutely useless when innawoods
How come? I've carried heavy shit all my life and this don't look that bad. I want my knife to also double as a weapon if need be so a large blade would be nice.
Its not going to last that long
>being this poor
Stip being a poor fag.
Own both. The Bk9 just performs better all around, while Bk21 performs more at chopping, the BK 9 chip, baton, easier to sharpen, looks cooler if you mod it, can skil you hold very high on the spine, but sucks. Bk16 is better choice. Pocket knife with a hatchet or saw is best.
Chop, baton,
A poorfaggot would go "$200?!!? for a knife?! my $5 opinel can do just as much if not more!".
I ain't complaining about the price, I'm complaining about the fact that you're getting a $50 knife for $200. That's like spending $600 on a PSA AR. Or, lets say, buying a BCM BCG instead of a Toolcraft even though BCM uses the same exact BCG as Toolcraft. If you wanna buy a fancy BCG then go ahead man, just make sure you're actually buying something fancy else you're kinda retarded.
I edc a Chris reeves bog oak folder. Bitches go for almost 500+, So stop complaining poorfag.
Are you reading what I'm saying? I just said that that's okay. I literally just said that spending money on something fancy, which pretty much anything from Christ Reeves is fancy and pretty much worth the price, is cool. I'm not complaining about spending $200 or even $2k on a knife.
I fail to see the purpose of either of those. When I go /out/ I carry with me a sog multitool I got for $30 and a hatchet i bought at scout camp years ago.
Of those two get the kukri
>Are you reading what I'm saying?
Kinda so, I'm pretty smashed, user. Lost both my parents tonightm. Sorry if I misunderstood you, thought you meant the 360 on that, how spending money on shit like that is bad.
I see. I had a feeling the Bk9 would be more versatile not to mention carry better. On a scale of 1 to 10 how much more do you like the BK9 versus the BK21? The Kukri kinda suck at every thing or was the BK9 just really good at everything
I bought a cold steel panga machete for $15 on midway, spent 10 minutes giving it an edge, and cleared out my backyard including clearing kudzu off the top of a tree. Didn't oil the blade and left it in the garage for a year, just pulled it out a week ago and not a speck of rust. Smoothed out the folds ends gave it a fresh edge with a cheap cross sharpener, good as new.
>Lost both my parents tonightm
Bruh that's pretty sad.
Terava Skrama
I hate the whole scale thing. I rather just use the Bk 9 more, because it can do more tasks over all compared the 21. The Bk 21 is great at chopping up some wood, it makes for a great pull knife, can do some great feather stickickong.. The BK 9 can do pretty much the same, but able to do finer tasks too, easier to sharpen, looks cooler for larping, just all around a better knife. In all reality I rather carry a Bk 16 with a mid length hatchet.
Niether, get a Condor.
Yes and no. Like a 5 dollar blade is gonna suck, it's not economical to make a blade that cheap be good. But I think around say 60-100 bucks depending on knife length and style quality plateaus. Look at Condor, awesome full tang knives and machetes, I've used them hard for butchering and out doors stuff and the like. Even if they're just 1095 steel they're proper solid and usually under a 100 bucks. My favorite if thier small knives the nessmuk ran me 45 bucks with a discount, I think that's a steal for how good this knife has been. I've splurged and bought a van tomsky from svord, and it's also a great knife but I mean not substantially better than the condor offering despite twice the price.
It can always be worst. Plan on doing a F thread for my dad later. He was a vietnam vet with multiple combat tours, with some fucked up stories with some pics, also some trophies that are questionable. Will make thread tomorrow.
I can't do that. I live in the panhandle lol. I've seen shit out here rust really quick to point I plan on cerakoting what ever knife I get.
At this point I feel like I'm better off with a BK9 and a big Machete strapped to my pack if need be. Good idea, anons?
I'm sorry about your parents bro your dad sound like a cool man. I'll say a prayer for them and you. Keep your head up!
Prices make no sense to me. Like, why do some jackets cost $100? No piece of clothing should be more than $30.
Don't be a larper. 90% chance that you will get more out of a folding saw or a hatchet for innawoods shit.
Use a normal sized knife for knife tasks, and a saw or hatchet for big stuff.
If you just want a big knife because it's cool, get one, but don't be a fag about it and ask for other larper opinions to confirm your wishes.
The lifestyles where the big knife makes sense, where theres actual value in a jack of all trades tools, where you're doing a bit of harvesting, camp making, and butchering an animal or two in the same day, regularly, is very different from yours, so don't let gearfags convince you that you need an epoxycoated shortsword for chilling in the woods.
Hatchets are for people with too many fingers/toes. I prefer to keep all mine that’s why if I’m not using an axe, I only use a saw and a knife to process wood.
My RTAKii is at the sheath makers so I’ve been rocking my BK9 and it’s performed perfectly, I’d go with that one, op.
How the hell are you keeping your fingers with a knife if you are clumsy enough to lose them with a hatchet? Are you splitting kindling while holding the fucking log? In which case, get a folding saw, they're fairly idiot proof even for you.
Hazard fraught machete: 5$
Medical bills after the handle snaps from over(any)use and the unfinished quarter tang slices your arm open: priceless
I mean I'd be willing to drop 100 bucks on a nice jacket or something if it means it'll be extra comfy or fit me better
idk how the fuck people buy t-shirts for like 40 dollars
It isn't even really shaped like a kukri, anyway. People use kukri as a catch-all for forward swept leaf blades like that but the shape and size is pretty specific to it. Most of the "kukri's" you see at the store are shaped and sized more a like falcata or kopis
are you so fucking lazy you call it a kuk instead of a kukri?
Have you ever compared a 100 dollar jacket to a 30 dollar jacket of the same purpose? I'm not saying it costs 100 to make or anything, but there's pretty obvious differences. It lasts alot longer and will keep you warmer/dryer just to name a few
Yes, I get to call something a cuck on the internet, are you surprised?
No, you are $100 correct. 90% of the knife market is hype.
If you want to know thw true cost f shit like this, look at overseas imports being sold at their market rates.
OP's pic is $8 worth of steel, $20 worth of mfging/packing and $170 worth of Ka-Bar executive bonuses
Which pan handle
What do you intend to be doing innawoods?
Fighting off Skinwalkers and Mountain Lions melee? Bowie knife
Doing regular non-autistic innawoods stuff? The kukri or just a regular machete. You can get a survival machete if you want it to look autistically cooler/2spookier than a regular machete.
For Innawoods you want a straight spine on the blade. The blade's overall length minus two inches is the maximum diameter tree you would ever be able to chop or split logs for.
Don't go k-bar. That handle will wreck your wrist before you split anything. Ontario Knives
RTAK-2 is cheaper and overall far better suited for the purpose
kukri to chop
the combat one to have more
also this
W H Y do people buy knives with a blade longer than 5 inches EVER?
ontario knife company is your friend.
$30-100 depending on model and the quality is pretty good from what I can tell. Mine came pretty dull but that's easily remedied and I can't see it breaking any time soon.
cutting branches and stuff. It's for when you want a hatchet but don't want to carry a hatchet around.
The T.O.P.S. BoB is a solid multipurpose knife made specifically for bushcraft and outdoorsy shit. I've got one and I fuckin love it
Why would you pay more than 50 dollars for a 1095 blade?
>my $5 opinel can do just as much if not more!".
it probably can
thread is full of gearqueer brandboys
ur a fucking idiot
Because they're brainlets.
Because they're brainlets.
I wish opinel made blades in vanax or something, then I'd buy one in a heartbeat.