Unbullpup Weapons Thread

Show weapons that are treated in the normal way

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What the fuck, OP. Put it back.

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Someone post the Samaf

Dudes, I’m the fucking Bullpup Hater.
I hate those guns that looks like assplugs that you can shot, so no, I’m gonna continue because is prettier and more beautiful than the actual design.

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wtf i love the foreign legion now

Gross find a way to use that freed up space in the rear


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I mean move the carry handle forward and it would look great

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>a bullpup based on the AR-18 becomes an AR-18 when in standard configuration


this is just awful

Attached: tardvor.png (579x220, 48K)

Yeah but it's mostly about the aesthetic. Lots of AR-18 derivatives look really different.


looks like the scifi ACR from the Tom Cruise movie "Oblivion"

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I'm actually shaking and retching involuntarily.


They already basically made this, the OTs-12 Tiss. Carry handle looks pretty cool, though. Kinda Saiga 12K-ish.

Kinda hot.

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I want to straf that monster on my arm

these actually look ok


the tavor is so ugly it doesnt even matter at this point. it cant be fixed but also cant be made much worse

It’s like HK had a stroke

Is that a Samaf?

>not supposed to like these
>like these a lot

Welcome to my unbullpup weaponry club.
I hope you’re having a great time with us.

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This looks pretty good accually


It looks so fucking bad.

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You nigger.

>not supposed to like these
Says who?

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what kind of lolita is that?

The girl, how do I get one?

TFW no Pancho Villa gf

MaySakaali is her name.
You’re welcome.

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