How do you guys make enough shekels to buy your guns. I make 13 an hour and it's hard to get everything I desire. Got any practical suggestions?
How do you guys make enough shekels to buy your guns. I make 13 an hour and it's hard to get everything I desire...
Other urls found in this thread:
get more money
spend less money
Step 1: Don't make shitty threads on Jow Forums
Step 2: Everyone in your life appreciates you and everything starts going your way
Step 3: You can now buy more guns
get a better job
>oh ok let me just go do that
yeah maybe work on a plan to get a better job. it may mean you have to go to school but consider it an investment for guns.
i live off my savings and pay for it with gi bill moneys
>learn a trade
>start as a helper, youll be bitch deal with it
>couple years in youll get a raise
>eventually become middle class
Your dad should have already told you this shit
Learn to create Wordpress web pages, and a little CSS.
If you're not totally retarded, you can do this in a week. You just earned yourself a $50k salary in most states.
OP's dad either wasn't present or wasn't aware enough to tell him that. Mine was present but he thought college was the answer like a fucking retard.
well what degree did you go for
College can be the answer sometimes, shit degrees never are though.
>I make 13 an hour
Well there's your problem lady. Hahaha. What state? Your income is shit.
If you only make 13 an hour focus on getting a better job. I make 35 an hour and I consider myself middle class. I drive a used Honda, have 1 AR-15 and a couple 9mm pistols.
convince your parents to let you live with them without paying rent
don't go out partying
don't drink booze
don't smoke or vape
don't eat out every week
if you don't or can't do the above, do what others have said and get a better job.
Learn a trade if you don't want to go to college. Look up the trades near you. Near me it's basically mechanic or carpenter or fuck off. You probably have it a bit better. Trades cost ~2-10k to learn all of which can be taken care of with loans and all of which can be payed back within your first year of apprenticeship easily, because you're paid to learn the job in the trades.
I'm not a tradeshill. I'm not going to pretend it's the end-all-be-all that some people claim it to be and that college is a total scam. It's only a scam if you get a retarded degree and are shitty with money. However if you're unmotivated and not sure what you want to do with life then working towards learning a trade is the best path forward as it allows an impoverished person to move up to lower-middle class within a few years.
Some people don't have dads to teach them, user. Some people are clueless because they had no chance to gain a clue. Hence why children without fathers regardless of race or financial situation have a massively increased chance of going to jail or falling into poverty.
College can be an answer if you go for chemical engineering, petroleum engineering (though that's sort of iffy with the whole Iran-Saudi thing), electrical engineering, aerospace engineering, or other similar ones. Mathematics is extremely lucrative and probably the single highest job growth on the market right now due to its demand in cybersecurity, programming, and actuary/insurance crap though usually you need a masters at least if not a PHD to attract anything past 80k salary jobs.
Eating ramen noodles for 3 month before getting a gun
Professions and trades that make money for the less fortunate
Aprentice at: cnc helper, grinder, pipe mill, steel mill, fabrication, insulation helper, construction, pipe fitter heper, welding helper, sub arc operator. You start about $10.00 to $15.00 in the low end but make 80+ hours a week with 1.5x pay for overtime. You can turn this in to a career if you have a few years of experience and join your local union. Youll be making ~$35 an hour. You really only need to show up and not be a pussy to get these jobs. I've done all of these, they are ok.
Quasy class: masseuist, fork lift operator, line welder/assembly. 13 to 30 hour normalish work week shitty jobs, these all suck.
Study these: EHS(best) EMT, welding, machining, diesel mechanics. These are straight up careers except for EMT, you will burn out.
Just apply: corrections guard, ice facility detentions officer(best), DPS, BPS, CBP, as long as you dont have a record snd/or are retarded you'll start with a decent wage and kill them with overtime. Also career potential. I've done some of these i started making $21 hr. There are people who put in 100 hour weeks on the regular.
Machine and tool tech. Settled for a cert because it's the same value in a shop (none) and I learn all the same shit, just without doing general faggotry courses like queer theory and Feminist dance therapy.
Have you tried not working for Walmart?
Rich family, dont work (couldn't due to illness anyway)
live NEET.
secretly spend NEETbux on guns.
>Work 12 an hour
>Transfer to a job that pays 22
>Have to leave the country for family emergency 2 months into probationary period
>Job says I leave, I'm fired
>Family first
>Come back home 1 month later, 12 an hour job offers my old spot
>Have to go through all the hiring motions
>Apparently 22-an-hour job talked the maddest shit about me
Still looking to move up, but I'm almost glad things didn't work out.
>How do you guys make enough shekels to buy your guns
I own a payday loan company
Us army has clan tech? Does comstar know?
Dude a shit 15 is like 500 assembled and kits are 300 + tools
Then there's total crap like highpoint but I assure you that they all go boom
Lol no. Your career comes first. I've been working for 20 years and have yet to encounter a family comes first type that does consistent heavy lifting. You faggots are constantly missing because some cousin got hit by a bus, or I need to take care of this kid or whatever the excuse is for the week. If you want to move up, career comes first.
Nice LARP, basement dweller.
Yes. The Khan of clan Star Adder was quite generous to gift them to Comstar for domestic use.
Business owner
>live in low cost of living area/state
>internet business so I can live in the middle of BFE, as long as I have a post office around I'm golden
>make around $250k a year in profits
And that's how I buy my guns and everything else in life.
In other words you sell Chinese junk on Ebay
simple -
>take gun
>rob bank
>get more money
>buy more guns
>use guns to rob more banks
>get more money
>keep repeating til you have a lot of guns and a lot of money
>has mech
>doesn't have elementals
>cant work due to illness
steven hawking couldn't work either.
Well, I don't think it's exactly like the clans to gift personnel, is it?
>No genetically engineered snu snu.
'Tis a shame indeed.
>the bank teller gives you the "bait cash" which has its serial number marked
>you spend it and get traced
>you get arrested and can never have funs again
>try to rob bank
>money rendered useless because the dye pack popped
>you get arrested because you look like a smurf
>try to rob bank
>get lit up by the clerk who is CCing
This is half correct. Family comes first as long as it's your wife and kids or your parents are dying. The easiest solution, however, is to develop basic fucking skills and get a job with PTO.
Career over job all the time is how your kids end up being raised by a single mother. In that case great fucking job, retard, you irreparably fucked up the lives of the only people who you're responsible for. At least you're making an extra 20k though I'm sure that was worth it.
Actually yes, buy LINK, as much as you can hold for a while without noticing it.
I'm talking about chainlink.
Another thread full of good resources for info.
Idiot that's why you go to a lake and put each bill on a hook and cast a line before you spend it. If the fish bite it it's bait cash and you toss it.
>convince your parents to let you live with them without paying rent
>convince your parents to let you live with them for $200 a month
Nobody likes a leech. OP, chances are you're shit with money. Learn to not be indulgent and materialistic.
>pro tip: saving $500 and spending it all on a gun is not saving money, never drain your bank account to buy something you want (read: don't need). Have a safety net at all times so you're never broke.
If I stacked up five figures on $10 an hour, so can you. Most of what you buy is useless, and all of those useless things could be purchased more efficiently. Think buying a case of Mountain Dew for $7 instead of buying of one bottle for $2 every day. Save your receipts and see how much money you waste in a month. Chicken is cheap, Popeye's chicken sandwiches are not.
Don't spend money on stupid shit
>Nobody likes a leech.
Agreed, but the free idea is better. Free doesn't mean you are leeching though.
Instead of paying for your room with cash, pay for it with labor. Do laundry, yard work, cooking, etc. Fix things. Weed the garden, repaint the house, etc.
>Most of what you buy is useless, and all of those useless things could be purchased more efficiently.
THAT is the best advice given in this thread, period. Stop eating out unless it's a special occasion, like you're taking your GF out on your anniversary. Fast food, sodas, junk food, snacks, are a huge waste of money. Don't spend a penny on those things. Learn to cook from scratch. Don't piss away tons of money on vidya subscriptions, cable TV, etc.
How stupid would it be for me to pursue gunsmithing as a career? Looks like avg income is going to only be $15 an hour, but it’s something I’d enjoy doing. I’m on a waiting list to get in Montgomery’s program but it’s going to be like 4 years until I graduate. I currently own my house and cars so no worries about those payments to meet. I just want to be happy
Shut the fuck up Jow Forums with the Link memes.
I make over 180k a year and still can't get everything I want or spend recklessly. Patience and discipline are important user.
IMHO it's far better to pick a field that you enjoy rather than working doing something you hate even if it pays better. Waking up every morning and being excited about work is sustainable. Waking up every morning and dreading going to your job is no way to live and it will fuck your physical and emotional health in short order.
Budget well, stop wasting money on stupid shit.
>do your parents' laundry for rent
>take up time you could be making more money or taking the steps to do so in the name of saving money
You'll be putting in a disproportionate amount of labor compared to offering a very small sum of money. This is a common mistake people make. Being the lawn bitch will get you less than getting a second job as a landscaper doing the same thing would, and takes up that time you should be using to better yourself and your situation. Instead of going to class, you have to make dinner, mow the lawn, then fold the laundry and put it away. Now you're in the same position: a McDonalds background with no time to improve your condition. If you can get away with living with your parents for free, do it, but don't offer to be a slave. A cash offer sounds much more palatable than "I promise I'll wash the dishes mom" too.
>You'll be putting in a disproportionate amount of labor compared to offering a very small sum of money.
Not necessarily.
>Being the lawn bitch will get you less than getting a second job as a landscaper doing the same thing would, and takes up that time you should be using to better yourself and your situation
You can mow the average property in less time than it would take you to drive to a job and back again. There's no additional maintenance and fuel costs on your vehicle commuting to that job. No money lost to taxes. And if you have more useful contractor-type skills then you are acutally making/saving a huge amount of money. If you can do plumbing, electrical, contractor sort of stuff then everything you take care of is saving a $100 house call plus $75/hr hiring a pro to do it.
>Instead of going to class, you have to make dinner, mow the lawn, then fold the laundry and put it away.
Who said anything about "instead" of? When I went to university I went to class, cooked all my own meals, did all my own laundry, and did my share of the yard work for the home that myself any my friends rented. I even had time to start a small business making parts for race motorcycles at the same time. You have plenty of time to improve your condition, just figure out what you're wasting it on and stop that shit. vidya games? playing with your phone toy? No.
>A cash offer sounds much more palatable than "I promise I'll wash the dishes mom" too.
Why not man up and start doing the work before asking? If you live at home, why the fuck aren't you already doing a share of the household chores even if you weren't told to?
Also, market research the shit out of everything you intend to buy. Don’t just buy it cause you want it in the moment. That can happen when you’re more financially stable. Dave Ramsey your budget then enjoy your money later. But buy an AR lower before that shit gets shut down.
As long as you're OK with it but I doubt you will be in 10 years. Crunch some numbers to help make the decision.
Unlike the other guy I'd rather work a job I feel meh about that pays well and spend my money and free time on what I truly enjoy
Only the tardiest of the tards are getting married and having kids right now. 100% chance of having messed up kids or getting divorced raped. Might as well just throw your money on a fire if you think having a woman in your life is a good idea.
>100% chance of having messed up kids
>or getting divorced rape
>be a workaholic who never has time for his family
>wtf how could my kids and marriage be fucked up????
Gee, I wonder.
Your wife is going to consume the media and so are your kids. There is no stopping it. The only way would be to bring up your family in an isolated cabin but then your kids are going to be social retards. I'm guessing you have kids and a white and want to pretend the 4 hours a night you spend with them is enough. It wont prevent the inevitable divorce, or the sexual confirmation surgery or femboy outcome. Most marriages end in divorce, most students are indoctrinated into liberal progressivism. Why do you think your situation is different?
>Hurr because I'm the alpha Male of the house and I lead!
Stop thinking like a 16 year old, that is worth nothing.
>Stop thinking like a 16 year old,
The height of irony.
Its usually teenagers who think they're so badass for being le nihilistic and blackpilled on Jow Forums.
>Your wife is going to consume the media
Not all women are media whores.
I’ve been watching bitcoin since it was $0.20, link is the only thing I’ve seen since that is an actually new technology, not just a derivative of bitcoin.
Put $1k into it if you can afford, and remember that your responcr now is the same as if i told you to buy $1k worth of bitcoin when it was $20.
Link has massive industry support and right now it’s cheap due to overcorrection.
13 an hour? Holy shit, you do need to get a better job. I make 16 with literally nothing else but a high school diploma and a month certification.
Imagine being this much of a wage cuck.
Fuck making my boss richer, if people I care about need me I'll be there.
Enjoy advancing on your career while growing increasingly lonely and miserable.
How many "bros this coin will get me rich!!!!!" do Jow Forumsfags have to go through before they stop falling for this shit?
An easier method is to post a picture of the money in a thread. If it derails into Jow Forums shit it's bait cash.
Work as a software engineer in Silicon Valley; clear roughly $180,000 (base salary, bonus, stocks, etc.) a year at the age of 23. This gives me plenty of shekels for ammo and interesting guns.
The downside is that rent here is insanely fucking expensive, so I don't even live in my own apartment or house, but in a room in a house. I draw the line at having my own room (had enough conflict living with someone in college); fingerfucking my guns with someone in the same room would probably raise a lot of eyebrows.
K how rich are you off bitcoin then you faggot? Other coins? We all know you're just some biz crossposter trying to up the value of the shit you're already invested in
Fuck off
>got a few thousand return on ARK before it crashed
Sometimes biz can be right!
I’m a materials engineer, I make $35/hr, if I’m at all concentrated on saving money I wind up with more than I know what to do with.
what are your living conditions with that pay rate?
Family needs money you piece of shit. This is the diference between people with responsiblity and fucking children.
This is why i save money
This is why i timed my wife's pregnancy do that i would have fmla for a few weeks. This is why i married a woman that loved the shit out of me and had similar goals, if people can't take reality for what it is then i don't want them in my life. Your pathetic excuse only works if you have been fumbling around in life until your current age aimless and undirected
Where at?
It's not an amazing sum of money but it's good pay and probably more than most anons will get paid in their lives.
move in with your parents and eat dog food.
>fucking children
user i...
I made around 20-24/hr by delivering pizzas, this is including the average tip along with your salary. The only real problem with the job is that it has zero benefits. Still a good job for an in between situation.
I bet you took lots of tips.
good luck with that attitude and "philosophy" user. I'm sure it will lead you to a good life. Also I got a nice bridge I'm selling cheap if you're interested.
Most of the anons have covered
>move to a career from retail
the other half is learning how to spend money intelligently.
Don't think about monthly fees. Think about yearly (for subscriptions) and total. That car is not 400 a month. It is 16,000. Netflix is not 10 bucks a month. It is 120 dollars.
Sit down and budget out. Where is all your money going? Just for a month keep track of every penny you spend. Figure out what you have to buy and what you could cut back on. It's like documenting your time. If you actually honestly do it, it's jarring to see.