Fuck. now what?

fuck. now what?


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When’s the last time you actually considered Colt for an AR15?

Now you don't have to choose between Bargain Bin brands and Colt for a poorly finished AR.

When I win the lottery?

Who the fuck was buying from Colt in the first place? Richfags buy from whatever the hottest flavor of the month company is, poorfags buy from PSA. What was thier customer base? The rare non-fudd boomer?

AR market is oversaturated as fuck, it makes sense some companies would fold under the weight. If the market ever balances out I guarantee they'll be back.

...And this a bad thing HOW? When you cheap high prices for utter shit, why are you shocked when NO ONE is buying your shit product?

Article is misleading (surprise). Colt is discontinuing all civ long guns, not just the AR-15
They're doing that to focus on military production as opposed to any political pressure

Odd. I thought the M4 was about to be phased out.

boo fucking hoo they're just doing it as a pr stunt because noone was buying their 2.6k a1 clone and now no one is going to buy anything from them

colt m4 are being phased out for FNs

Yeah they might be on a course for certain doom, or they think they have something the military would want. Still have their revolvers though. No matter how much is sold off I feel that'll be able to trudge along

Fuck colt. They should be shamed.

lol shareblue retards think Colt is the only ar15 manufacturer

Nobody was buying them anyway. They could compete against cheaper brands like aero and PSA

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Lmao their loss. Fucking unironic retards.

i want to buy an ar-15 but dont know where to start. is there a guide or something?

I mean it’s not like those mouth breathers put any effort into researching what they’re protesting against. Imagine how quickly their heads would explode if you told them about double-barrelled 1911s and legal flare guns that shoot 12ga?

PSA AR-15s or a S&W M&P-15

do i just want to google those and buy the cheapest or are there websites you'd recommend?

thanks for the reply i'm a total noob but i feel compelled to exercise my 2nd amendment.

If you're super new look up a 22. Cheaper gun and ammo to learn the fundamentals

thanks lad ill look into it

Fuck you cross posting Jow Forums shills. DIe in a fucking fire.

>now what?
Wait for Colt to either return to the market at a higher price point once demand has increased or wait for them to file bankruptcy again in an attempt to restructure.

>phasing out AR pattern rifles

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Everyone will keep buying the much cheaper and higher quality ARs made by other companies

And buy an HK

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Good riddance for civilians. Too bad for the servicemen.

I have to ask, when was the last time Colt was actually good? They bought the 1911 off JMB. They bought AR-15 off Armalite, and you might be able to argue that they were some some of the reason early M-16s were shit . The snake guns seem overrated, and I don't think there would be a demand if it weren't for a TV show.

>it's another OP's image is thumbnail sized thread
fuck you OP and fuck you for making a thread that has been made multiple times already
it's not like anyone buys colt shit anyway, it's not the 20th century

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Oh so sad lol

Boomers throw their expanses on Armslist for $1500.

This! This belongs in Jow Forums this is in no way related to guns or weapons.

So what’s next them filing for bankruptcy again?

No, they're going to submit a rifle for trials a day late that's 10 years out of date and ergonomically obsolete, lose the trials, cry about it, THEN go bankrupt and get bailed out again.
If they had any sense they'd get into crew served and smart weapons because they sure as fuck cant handle producing small arms.

They're just cutting a large expensive product line because it doesn't make them any money, it just so happens they can use it to look good to lefties aka the establishment right now so it doubly reinforces whatever contracts or government considerations they might get, especially in blue states. They could care less about banning civilian ownership.

The thing with the colt snake guns was that the craftsmanship was impeccable. They were expensive when colt was still making them, but it finally got too expensive to produce and all the people who made them retired or died. The new snaks are just a cash grab.

so they will not be making them for cops anymore? pigs are civilians

It's a fucking outrage bait thread which only serves to get
>muh librul
circle jerk posts. It's just as bad if not worse

They are only temporarily closing the line. There are thousands of rifles sitting unsold at distributors and in shelves so they are going to focus on building what's selling. This isn't a permanent situation.

Theyll just sell off the service contract production lines, which means they wont sell at all because Jo-Bob Bean Counter will save on administrative overhead by buying even an LMT because it's a semi.

Nigga we are going to be using M4's on Mars and the asteroid belt wars of the 2100's at this rate.

This shit. Why, in this day and age, would you go for a Colt when superior options are had for FAR less?

are pythons even that good? gp100 seems stronger and it's cheaper. and those fucking niggers only brought back the Python in the shitty barrel length.

Use gun.deals to pick which website to buy from. It's a price aggregator for gun stuff.


seriously, who fucking cares anymore. besides the old farts on ARFCOM and the clone correct autists.

The M16 family will be standard issue for a looong time.
The spoopy oper8ors will continues to acquire whatever highspeed secret squirrel stuff they need, but rank and file joes will carry M4’s and AR variants for decades to come.

shhhh let them think they won some great prize, and not that colt is a pack of raving shiteating retards that killed thier own golden goose a dozen times over by htemselves. they get lazy that way.

>now what?
time to add these faggots to a boycott shitlist.

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You may not like it but this what peak business looks like, the market is saturated with cheaper ARs that function just as well so no one is buying Colts, it's not political just business

Good! Fuck colt and their sup par shit.

Meowdy there stanger!

Theres no reason to boycott Colt.
Okay, there is, but that reason is trampling all over the name of Samuel Colt by making cut rate garbage in his name, but this shutdown is because of their incompetence not because of politics.

>now what?
Nothing since you or anyone else weren't gonna buy them

Colt is a shell of their former selves and they're the nigger of American manufacturers, relying on government money to stay alive. Their ARs cost 3x+ what they should just because muh cult

This is them circling the drain, not a good business move you fucking retard. Focusing on military production? The military production that continually slips out of their grasp as more and more companies take contracts right from their hands?

What they need to do is completely unfuck themsleves, fix their QC, and revamp their civilian production lines. There is room in the market for them, they pushed themselves out with their own incompetence.

But instead they're going to do the opposite, and start burying themselves in the grave they already dug.

I thought that the HK 416 was taking over?

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No. The IAR is only a thing for the marines, and they've shelve it after a while just like their retarded nu1911.

So what are the Marines doing now if they've put aside the IAR?

Using the old beat to fuck rifles of course.

sorry, I'm retarded. Meant to say they'll shelve it. They haven't yet.

But knowing them, they'll probably go for an m16a5. The army is working on extremely high pressure 6.5 rifles, but I highly doubt they're going to go beyond trials.

They offered their customers no chance to customize their rifles, nor was their product superior to the competition. That said, in a world where on could buy a viable ar15 for ~400, why would you spend 1200?

They failed due to outdated business practices, not a lack of demand as the libs would have you believe.

>"They failed due to outdated business practices, not a lack of demand as the libs would have you believe."
Fucking this. This isn't the mid 2000s or earlier where you had less than half a dozen choices for AR manufacturers. We now have several dozen choices, in regards to companies that produce these fucking things, but the socialists are too fucking stupid to realize this.

Colt always sucks liberal dick. That’s why they made large pin ARs.

How do you think this isn't firearms related tho? Doesn't matter if two threads are the same.
>le boogeyman

I don't actually care that they stopped, but it ticks me off that the gun grabbers are celebrating it as some huge victory.

Kind of amazing they couldn't make money off of it.

This is what happens when you dont offer anything over your competitors besides a name. Fuck the pony tax

PSA makes good AR's, but if your budget is slightly higher, you'll love the ruger MPR.

Get a windham weaponry of you want a complete rifle or buy a psa lower and bcm upper if you wanna build

>buying a colt AR for any purpose other than to make a period-correct M16Ax

Nothing was lost

Since like 2010, never. Poorfag quality for mid tier prices, not enough to really flex all this pointless income I have and not good enough to troll other richcells with.

They dont even have a good roll mark anymore

>ruger MPR
I've heard they have issdues with their gas blocks coming lose, anything like that happen for you?

It's Jow Forums related whether you like it or not, buddy. No amount of whining will change that.

I don't know, drinking methylated spirits will get you drunk just the same as fine aged bourbon at a fraction of the price. Really hard to tell them apart.....

lmfao this is such a Conservative Boomer™ mindset.

"Weyull, they ayn't cum for me yet! Wah shewd AHHH cayurr?"

Turns out Sam Colt spinning in his grave isnt enough to keep the lights on.

Get fucked Colt, your demise is overdue.

Or you know, Colt just makes garbage ARs nobody buys.

I built my AR so I can't say for certain (if you wanna build, you can build some really nice AR's for way cheaper than a stock one), but I've heard nothing but good things about the MPR

What do you mean "Now what"?
Colt has been the redheaded stepchild of AR15s for over 10 years easy, this is just the natural progression of them failing to be competitive.

If you want a real good AR15, buy one from Windham Weaponry, and if you want a cheap AR15 that's practically as good as Colt's, buy a Smith & Wesson M&P15.

This, they're garbage.


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What the fuck are you talking about you shitchucking retard? Colt make ovepriced garbage AR15s, and people stop buying them because other companies offer much better alternatives.

This has NOTHING to do with legalities or freedoms, this is about Colt failing to compete in the free market, it's pure capitalism in action and it's as it should be.

>go on twitter
>Beto is treating this as a personal victory on his part by shutting down production of every AR15 in America
>ABC headline says COLT ANNOUNCES CUTTING AR15 PRODUCTION FOR CIVILIANS IN THE WAKE OF MASS SHOOTINGS even though the article they link says nothing of the sort

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PSA or other variant of basic-bitch AR unless you can justify spending more to yourself. I have a gen 1 M&P-15, and it does everything I want an AR for.

When you see them at the NRA/Shot Show, tell them to get fucked.

Fuck em. Let them think they've won.

When it comes to rifles, Colt has been in the bargain bin mass production niche of the market when it comes to the Army contracts.
I doubt it's a coincidence that this is happening after the US Army dropped Colt.
Colt probably has been orienting their manufacturing for cheap mass production for rearguard/garrison military use for a long time, even if the manufacture for military is slightly different. Their civilian ARs haven't kept up.

The free market has provided us with a plethora of cheaper and better manufacturers for AR parts. Colt is just an artifact of it's inception.

>the article even mentions that this is just Colt entering financial trouble yet again
Nobody tell them about PSA or Anderson lowers.

Why couldn't they have lowered their prices to compete with others? Was it pride and admission of failure, or was it something else?

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>Was it pride and admission of failure
That was my thought. They're STILL asking fucking $1000-$1200 for their piles of crap. That's over twice what that build quality should cost, I think even boomers became smart enough to not get ripped off that badly.

Colt is trending on twitter and I clicked on it, all these left wing faggots are praising colt for doing the right thing over the government lmao. Also what’s their obsession with implying we have microdicks just cause we like guns? Some hard core projecting going on or something.

I bought a DD because I love gun control.

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Same with FN, Hope FN and colt go out of business, no AR is worth more then $500


HK refuses to sell certain products to civilians, they also need to be put out of business.

meowdy little cowpoke

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Gun companies would love to hurt the used market.

You fucking preteen fags. Stop being broke

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