Does the 2nd amendment protect illegal aliens?

Does the 2nd amendment protect illegal aliens?

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No. The Constitution only applies to US citizens.

based borderjumper Jow Forumsommando

And some legal residents right?

I was arguing with some CivNat retard about this a few weeks ago. He kept giving me the canned "the 2nd doesn't grant rights" bullshit, completely ignoring the actual point of the argument.
It doesn't grant rights, but the point is that the US government is under no obligation to recognize ANY rights of foreign nationals, especially ones whose mere presence in the country in breaking the law.

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So does an "illegal alien" have any constitutional rights?
1st? 4th? 5th?

Does that mean we don't need to present evidence or give a person accused of being illegal a trial, since they don't have those rights? We might *accidentally* prosecute some US citizens but it's OK because they wouldn't have a hearing where they'd have an opportunity to prove that.
While we're at it, why not accuse people and then just beat a confession out of them since they can't plead the 5th?
And we can execute them afterwards since cruel and unusual punishment aren't a right.
And we can start with anybody who speaks wrongspeak, because freedom of speech is only for citizens and you can't prove that you are one after you confess that you're here illegally.

Seeing some problems here?

>So does an "illegal alien" have any constitutional rights?
>1st? 4th? 5th?
Nope, and neither do you. If you think the government already doesn't trample the constitution when and wherever it wants well buddy, I've got a bridge to sell you.

Wrong. Constitutional rights extend to anyone and everyone, and can merely be enforced within our territories.

Wrong. Of that were the case ot would have applied to slaves.

I can definitely see that. Plenty of people getting their dogs shot or "suicided".

>US government is under no obligation to recognize ANY rights of foreign nationals
doesn't sit well with me. Whether or not they do, they are supposed to. If you are accused of a crime, you are supposed to get due process. Otherwise they can accuse anyone of that crime and skip directly to punishment.

Wait, wait back the fuck up.
Slaves were legally not considered people which is why they had no rights.

Then we had the 13th and 14th Amendments, abolishing slavery and extending citizenship+all due process rights to everyone born within the US. Slaves included.

Foreign nationals are not citizens, but they aren't considered chattel. They are legally recognized as being people.

When you say human rights, yes.
When you're talking about real world, no.

The real world is neither fantasy, nice, or even fair by its own standards.

Thanks for the daily DnC thread you discord shareblu fucks

At the risk of sounding like a dick, whether it sits well with you or not is completely irrelevant because it's the reality of the way the government works. They literally have publicly known off-country black sites like Guantanamo where they will ship people they *really* dont like just so they can torture you.

I believe that was a supreme court decision right?

>14 amendment abolished slavery
Jesus fucking christ what do they teach in schools these days? The 14th LEGALIZES slavery (for any criminal who is imprisoned)
The implications of that are pretty staggering when you also consider the US has a for profit prison system and a judiciary that openly supports recidivism

It actually doesn't

Yes, they do
Back to pol retard

oh nvm, you

you arent pol, you're a straight up shareblue tard that thinks blacks shouldnt be thrown in jail for criminal acts

I'd really love to type out a structured essay for you on why the justice system intentionally promotes recidivism instead of rehabilitating criminals and reintegration them into society once time is served but I know you wont listen anyway

So yes you're a shareblue shill, and you won't type anything because you've been pegged.

The 2nd amendment doesn't protect anything. It just enumerates a natural right. The willingness of the people to kill anyone who infringes their rights is what protects it.

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And just from that statement i can discern you don't even understand what prison is. Look up the root of penitentiary.


t. gun owning green carder

>t. Smoothbrain

no, because if you are a non-citizen, illegally in a nation, you do not have the legal rights and protections which are granted to citizens of that nation.

the only rights that you do have, are basic human rights.
and they do not include:

>illegally voting in that nations elections
>illegally getting welfare from the government, paid for by that nations taxpaying citizens
>getting to stay in the nation once you are there

in my personal opinion, there should be a citizens militia guarding the border, and they should be allowed to shoot dead, any and all illegals who cross the border into the US.

start doing that and they will stop coming.

Constitution applies for anyone within America
Bill of Rights doesn't specify "citizens" for a reason you know

The constitution doesn’t grant rights dude, you have a human right to defend yourself and we all know what happens when laws get passed that specifically target minorities

The bill of rights DOES NOT GRANT RIGHTS it only recognizes the natural rights you have as a human being from the second you are conceived.

You’re missing the point by a mile

I see no problems here. They don't belong here. Frankly neither do the "citizens" granted it with birthright citizenship or anyone who was given citizenship under the illegal Hart-Cellar act that destroyed this country.

Human rights is a fake and gay thing invented by people who hate America.

Goddamn dude have you read the constitution? What progressives call "human rights" is just their list of free shit they pay for with other peoples money to sell for votes. This has nothing to do with "natural rights".

>Seeing some problems here?


Yeah, it's a human right.

The second amendment is to protect us from illegal immigrants among other things

No, it allows me to protect myself from the wetbacks

>talking about how rights work is DnC

there is a correct answer to OP's question, being wrong just means you don't know how the united states works.

This. Any other answer is inherently wrong.
People who say the constitution doesnt grant rights are 4D retards.

newsflash ..
>illegals cant vote and they actually dont vote, that's a meme created to further divide people
>illegals dont get welfare because you need a social security number to do so, you're confusing illegals with dirty Puerto Ricans
>illegals already pay taxes via sales tax and stimulate local economies
>illegals cannot receive healthcare unless its ER visits or pay out of pocket or head to a nonprofit for care that survives off donations not taxpayer dollars

First and foremost , illegals come here because this is the best country in the world and they know it, they're also based than the average east coaster and lean conservative. The only reason why they lean blue or their children tend to vote blue is because the democratic party has been getting votes from them since the 70s with the excuse of immigration reform and theyve been shilled to no avail by ((telemundo)) and ((univision)) plus with the fact that sadly most central american illegals have the reading comphrension and knowledge of a 7th grader due to poor conditions in their countries, with that being said...the 2nd Amendment extends to ALL people regardless of nationality because they're natural god given rights and every human being should have the right to defend themselves against tyranny and oppression. These people come here because their countries have no 2nd A to defend their 1st A. In most central American countries , journalist dont get a blue check mark in their twitter account, they get fucking killed publicly instead. The Bill of rights was written to be the perfect model for all citizens of the world in the new world or the great experiment which was the United States of America. Why dont you leave your basement once in your life and befriend someone different than you, then maybe you'll learn a little bit than what ((they)) tell you to believe in Fox News or silly conservative commentary, because you sound like a fucking kike.

The 2nd Amendment is to be applied to illegal immigrants. As in, you should shoot them.

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no it's not bait, I just happened to befriend and worked with a few of them and realized it's all a meme created further to divide us.

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Except they do vote in states like California which dont require any proof of residency or identification to vote OR obtain drivers licenses. Which are then used as legal state IDs for whatever they please.
>immigrant pay taxes! Sales tax!
Top hue, I cant imagine thinking that strengthens an argument

You are born with the god given right to do just about anything in this country. The constitution just protects the most vital rights from any legal or governing force.

Yes. It applies to everybody, not just U.S. Citizens.

How about you actually read the Bill of Rights before you go spouting off retarded shit?

The Bill of Rights do not grant a single thing to citizens. It recognizes that these things are inherent to being a human being, and that the Government will not infringe on these things. That's why the law is written "Shall not be infringed", not "Citizens are allowed to".

Go polish your master's boots

No. It does not apply to felons, CMI (chronic mentally ill), drug users (including marijuana), domestic violence offenders, or other person's who have proven themselves unworthy to own a firearm.
Yes we have the right to form a militia but when a person causes more harm then good, they must be restricted from owning weapons


No retard, the 14th Amendment does

>do not grant a single thing to citizens. It recognizes that these things are inherent to being a human being

oh, not you again. go read a law school 101 course on natural rights and shut the fuck up, will you?

if you think illegals lean conservative you're an idiot.

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completely false. The constitution applies to all on US soil regardless of circumstances. Even illegal aliens have a right to trial by jury.

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>relying on stats alone

Remain smooth brained statist mong.

this seems like the average thoughts from the average american. do you guys even read the documents or anything related to them that you parrot and say you uphold?

Low IQ post

This is why nobody trusts Jow Forums, not even Jow Forums trusts Jow Forums with unironic posts like these

>the US government is under no obligation to recognize ANY rights of foreign nationals,

>what is the 14th Amendment
fuckin retard

Can yo breath on your own or does your mom have to remind you every once in a while