Jow Forums vidya

Jow Forums vidya
Ace Combat 7's mini-campaign trailer dropped, first mission coming out next week
Reminder that arcade flight games and flight sims can coexist

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too bad /simg/ is dead most of the time

Played Tom Clancy's EndWar for the first time a week ago, the voice command feature is really cool and works almost flawlessly for me, I wish it caught on.
>watching my infantry dudes walking to an objective
>the private here wants to tell you all about his gender reassignment therapy

Attached: 1506909649875.gif (422x309, 447K)

>Endwar is now over a decade old
>Remember when I was blown away by the voice command functionality even though it only worked like 1/3 of the time because of my broken English
I wish I could go back

The Awesome thing was that the voice commands were sometimes faster than the controller.

Yes controller, I had EndWar for my xbox. Something of a mistake.

There’s a VR combat flight sim called VTOLVR that uses voice commands for your wingmen. It works really well, and it feels cool to say stuff like “Fox-3” when shooting and have your wingmen respond.

You guys think this shit will be any good?

Attached: TSM.png (958x518, 600K)

Ah, Endwar.
Yeah, that was good game.
The voice commands were a gimmick at best were never really usefull if you played on PC.
Also, Russians were OP as fuck.
>the helicopters are supposed to counter tanks.
>But in soviet russia tanks counter helicopters
>and APCs
>and infantry both in and out of cover
>and all other tanks.

Attached: because fuck your helis.jpg (620x349, 31K)

Only if you are a MASSIVE NERD

So of course I'm going to buy it.

voice commands were great in Ghost Recon 2

I'm not sure whether its because sims attract the most passive agressive simdads and annoyingly pedantic autists or whether its because /vg/ has a ton of gachafag generals that consist of nothing but fanart spam which obliterates the slower generals. Here's hoping the new Microsoft flight sim, or DCS F-16 revives it again.

That's why you slap em with arty and helis at the same time

World of Guns is on sale for ~20 buckaroos for full access to all guns, those that will be added in the future are also included.
You have no excuse to not pick it up

>Jow Forums-video games

>tfw blessed to shoot next to an USAF reserve base where you're always seeing F16's taking off and the roar of jets

I saw an AWACS taking off last week, truly amazing.

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Yeah, jets are pretty cool arent they?

Attached: falken dabs on missile silo ac7.webm (960x540, 2.93M)

They're fucking beautiful.

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>start getting into DCS
>feel reasonably comfortable with the frogfoot
>decide to try MP out
>game freezes for 10-15 seconds constantly
What the actual fuck, it runs just fine in singleplayer but the second I step into a lobby it constantly goes unresponsive

>Reminder that arcade flight games and flight sims can coexist

go back to /v/ you fucking retard


Attached: AC7 F-22 sortie.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

Yeah, that’s DCS. Just wait until you start really playing it and are able to recognize all the broken bullshit and ignored problems. You have a stick?

wait is AC7 not gonna have a full campaign?

It did have a full campaign.
This is the season pass mini-campaign.

Attached: streak eagle skin ac7.png (1366x768, 1.61M)

Only two types of people play ace faggot. Retards who are simply too stupid to play real sims, and many of them will fully admit this.

And the other is anime loving weeb fagot anime fag weeb shitter fags who only play ace faggot for queer anime fag weeb shit, these people have absolutely no real interest in aviation but for some reason they refuse to admit this.

I'm guessing the OP is in the 2nd category. Fucking faggot.

>And the other is anime loving weeb fagot anime fag weeb shitter fags who only play ace faggot for queer anime fag weeb shit,
Did you just have a stroke?

Attached: winniepoohnendodisgust.jpg (356x466, 18K)

Oh, cool.

My sides

I don't get your anger but find it hilarious regardless

Honestly I'd love to be able to experience how fucked everything is instead of freezing constantly and then my game crashing. I've got a T16000M stick and throttle, it feels like the perfect fit for the low fidelity models. Enough buttons to map everything you'd need

>X29 in dogfight with and fucking owning an F15

Please, user. My dick can only get so hard.

You know as time goes on that's going to happen more and more on Jow Forums.

That's an Su-47

Attached: EE2bxs4WsAAf6U3.jpg (1920x1080, 161K)

>tfw tacticool Ace Combat Sea Goblin spinoff fps never
How Jow Forums are the Splinter Cell games? [nospoilerson/k/]And which of the Rainbow 6 games is the most Jow Forums?[/nospoilerson/k/]
user those are Su-47s.

Attached: 1507251944699.jpg (364x355, 21K)

Splinter cell is very Jow Forums

Get Falcon 4 on steam, install BMS 4.34, get the Alternate Launcher. Have fun with your real sim that has much less bullshit.

The new Il-2 Great Battles are really good too, much less of an aerial death match than DCS multiplayer and you’ll probably be able to run it. You honestly aren’t missing much, the only thing DCS multiplayer has over singleplayer is that you aren’t flying against enemies with absolute bullshit flight models.

>Looks like they're sending the sub to attack Oured in a suicide mission

So the plot is Operation Cherry Blossoms at night but with Nukes?

I'll keep that in mind, thought in the mean time I've figured out my DCS problem. Turns out malwarebytes was basically being malware and stopping DCS from utilizing the CPU randomly

>first mission out next week
didn't they first tease this like a month after release? took their fucking time god damn

>Get Falcon 4
>a 20 year old 'sim' that doesnt even model dynamic stalls or spins

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>I don't get your anger

What's not to get about literal dick sucking fagots who watch anime who only have an ill perceived 'interest' in aircraft because they play an arcade game marketed towards weeaboos and anime fags? Ace Combat is just one corner aware from the degenerates who play Sonic and dress up as furries.

7.62 hard life with mods which give 100's of real life weapons is one of the most Jow Forums experiences O had in vidya

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>Reminder that arcade flight games and flight sims can coexist
They can. Too bad most ace combat fans are blind fanboy faggots. Now, I usually don't talk ace combat on Jow Forums, but threads on /v/ are usually completely circle jerking meme spouting shit shows. I can't not like the stupid dramashit story in AC5 or 0 apparently.

>Too bad most ace combat fans are blind fanboy faggots

Well, more often than not they are literal faggots, so there's not much you can except. They're actually gay is what I'm saying.

Yes, but why do you care? Were you just so shit at Ace Combat that you couldn't enjoy it and are so unbearably envious of other people that you have to look for an Ace Combat thread on Jow Forums just to troll them?

I do enjoy the odd cock up the ass.

I like Ace Combat because it's fun. I now appreciate jets more because of this and I'll most likely never touch DCS because I simply don't have the time to learn it and I would rather buy more ammo than build a gaming pc. Whenever I want to play a fighter jet game, I'll run through missions on AC because it's accessible and fun.

Stay mad.

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Ace Combat 1 was one of the first games I got for my playstation

VR mode was hella sick

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>I can't not like the stupid dramashit story in AC5 or 0 apparently
Agreed. Never played zero but 5 was unbearable. Try AC04, way better in that department

>I can't not like the stupid dramashit story in AC5 or 0 apparently.
Sounds like Assault Horizon would be your game then
Meanwhile it’s pretty much impossible to depart in the Hornet, it still sinks into the ground with negative ground effect when dirty, and the A-10 is still underpowered and inaccurate. Oh and also the missile FMs are broken, there’s no dynamic campaign or VOIP, and you’re jew’d at every opportunity.

>play ace combat
>don’t watch anime and actually fly for a hobby
Lmao keep being assmad