How to celebrate

How is Jow Forums planning on celebrating when this bitch finally kicks the bucket.

Attached: Dianne_Feinstein.jpg (800x1013, 86K)

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Shootin guns, firework and BBQ.

Turning our guns in to the local buyback

Burning the flag of Israel and the talmud, while shooting your guns inn the air

What's the difference between Jewish Dicks and American Dicks? None!

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Break out the full autos and a shit ton of tannerite for that lizard's death.

She will use the same Lich magic that RBG is currently using just long enough to get the Cohen Act passed.

Include her in my prays that night (only evil people celebrate the death of a person), then head to the range the next day for a comfortable shooting session with some friends.

This, I give people shit for wishing Trump death and I'll give shit to people wishing ill onto those on the opposite side of the coin

How supremely noble of you faggots.

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Better pure of soul and sound in mind than a psycho hypocrite you nigger-tier cunt

Cock smoker.

Why do I always think of Thatcher when I see this picture.

It's a very useful and tasty skill.

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>Only evil people celebrate the death of a person

Ask me how I know your retarded? Evil is as evil does, and finding pleasure in knowing that another person who wished to rob you of your agency is completely normal, natural, and inherently righteous. Also, here's your (You) for getting me to respond.

>doesn't like smoked meat
Are you even male?

There's a massive difference in the need for bad people to die and celebrating their death.

This. That said, praying for your enemies does NOT mean you have to like them or be buddy-buddy with them. It means you want them to repent of their fuckery.

>Evil is as evil does, and finding pleasure in knowing that another person who wished to rob you of your agency is completely normal, natural, and inherently righteous.
There's a difference between a desire for justice and vindictiveness.

Based and correct.

Cooking whole birds is disgusting. Either the breast ends up dry or the legs end up rubbery, no exceptions. When will people learn to spatchcock?

Celebrating a person's death is a normal, healthy, human reaction to seeing someone who wished to do you harm perish. The catharsis of seeing an enemy perish is natural, and being able to claim victory over your opponent's loss is nothing that anyone should ever be ashamed of. Granted, it should be relative to the amount of pain caused.

When justice is served there should be cause for elation. Don't be such a faggot.


True. Spatchcocking is the way to go. The image was just pulled from an image search.

I'll never understand how ((they)) control so much when you never really meet ((them)) as much as youd meet a black person or a Hispanic. Fuck, even chinese people..yet everytime I meet a jew, they're always in some type of profession that has influence in everyday life, wether its healthcare, education and /or teaching. I mean, the only two jew girls I fucked was a teacher and the other a human resources manager in a big hospital, yet they literally are super unrepresented in everyday life. Even then, you could argue that indian and chinese people also have these professions, specifically in healthcare ..actually only healthcare yet you dont see them trying to influence others but when I worked in healthcare, everytime there was some type of regulation or fundraiser for support of a certain politician it was always a last name ending in berg or Stein. Same goes when I was in high school, I went to an inner city school that low income, full of chinese, irish , spanish and black yet tons of our teachers where jews. Its like, the pol memes are real.

She'll probably die shortly after passing an assault weapons ban

Where the Democrats would name it the feinsten law or something a d would say we should never repeal it because now is not the time to talk about repealing a law we need to mourn

And the great work she did leave it on the books forever as a honor to her etc

Jews being obnoxiously jewey is not the same thing as pol not being full of shit, paranoid faggots.

Your average Jew on the street is not "in on it", and they're not monolithic.

"...population was estimated at between 5.5 and 8 million, depending on the definition of the term, which constitutes between 1.7% and 2.6% of the total U.S. population."

Naturally, you won't meet a lot of them in real life.

They are also concentrated in various metros.

It would be very rare to find a jew in the middle of nowhere.

I see them all of the time, there is a large law firm in LA that is strictly Jewish.

They won't hire you full time unless you're a Jew.

But they will let you do contract work for them....

Evil never dies

of course

This, she's led a messed up life, I pity her

>they're not monolithic
Yes they absolutely are. They're not monolithic in the way that Hispanics are culturally predisposed to help one another, or because they've form tight-knit communities, but there's something to be said of Zionists and the way they've managed to hold influence over even the passingly Jewish households and the way they think.

Which is why praying for her after she dies is completely fucked up; it's too late for repentance then.

>cooking whole birds is disgusting
>breast ends up dry or legs end up rubbery
When will people learn to brine whole birds properly?
If you didn't brine it overnight though I completely agree

Get a real liberal in her seat who'll act on climate change and Retard Control.

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The damage is done, who cares how a digusting person passes

She's done more to protect gun rights than Trump has.

Why celebrate incompetent enemies dying when they're probably gonna be replaced by competent ones?

Ding dong the witch is dead!

>act on climate change
Tell us your plan to appease the weather gods

Is there?

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based COOOOOOOOOMposter

Imagine being such a diehard Christcuck that you don't get joy from the destruction of your enemies

old democrats don't die, they just get escorted to a plane of hell where they will be more effective

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Are Jews hard to look at for any length of time because I’m Antisemitic?
Am I Antisemetic because jews are hard to look at for any length of time?

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Christianity was a mistake


That's religious discrimination and not only is it illegal in the US as a whole but even more so in the state of California. If you have a reasonable claim you could make a lot of money.

You're praying for God to have mercy on her soul.

>Implying laws actually apply to Jews
If this were true then why are mohels not being arrested for child molestation?

In theory this is true, but in real life it's only illegal for white Christians.

She's your god's Chosen. Don't worry about it.

Don't get my hopes up. Feinstein is some sort of liberal vampire-golem, she exists purely to occupy a seat and to feed off of the anguish of gun-owners everywhere.
Bitch ain't never gonna die.

Imagine being such a weak faggot that you pray to a god you don't believe in to kill your enemiesa

>celebrating the death of someone when it is from extremely old age

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The descendants of the tribes of Israel are the chosen people and chosen or not the only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ, our Lord and saviour, and his teachings. If you're a jew you likely don't believe in either and thus don't make it to heaven.