What does Jow Forums think?
Is there anything this rifle cant do!?
Oh, i didn't watch your video
Universal background checks are dumb as fuck. I'll just get an ffl if they do this and have guns shipped right to my front door, I don't give a shit.
I’m on phone, and I thought the video you linked you elaborate further on the donut stock. Since it doesn’t, I’ll just have to rate from what I see.
Well I’m sure it’s weighty with a somewhat weird balance, but it’s also novel it does look like it would be comfy. I give it an 8/10
Actually looks like it'd be a good stock, I just wouldn't want to have to store it.
So the video is by Vox, and it basically says that UBC is actually insufficient and that we need a licensing system. The big problem I have with that is that I simply don’t trust the government to make fair and impartial license requisites. For one thing, it checks mental health. Well who does that include? Institutionalized psychos, sure, but ADD adderall recipients and people who sought help for depression as well? What about medical marijuana card holders? It is federally illegal after all.
And then there’s the surveillance state and how that plays into this. One of the intelligence agencies, I believe the FBI, declared people who subscribe to conspiracy theories as terror risks. That means every mainstream narrative, that Epstein committed suicide, that Hillary dindu nuffin and Seth Rich died in a mugging, hell even if your a Q cuck that also means you.
And if the system is any way opaque, the whole country can essentially become Hawaii or Connecticut. They could target you because you’re right wing, worse, they could target you just because you’re not one of the big people that have pull in your area. I know of at least one britbong who had a license revoked because he was a gun youtuber and HIS COMMENTS SECTION were too right wing.
In short, licensing is a pathway to everything our enemies want and basically fuck you faggot if you go along with it
5/10 for it being a toilet, I don't think I'd be able to really even pull the trigger properly
but would it work well as a toilet seat?
would probably help with that conceal carry in public restroom issue
unironically I also think vehicle licensing should be abolished
I think so, looks like he took the hinges off but I bet his boomer ass didn't bother filling the holes for just this joke, so should be easy to install again. Now sitting you would need to go real wide or side saddle like a Victorian bitch
it's okay because I already sit really fuckin wide
like a good 120 degrees or more
>bumhole stock
^This user sums it up pretty well. The organizational and logistical side of me feels that the video makes some surprisingly good points for something from Vox and I would be in accordance with it... However, it's making that argument on the basis that we trust the government and give them more power to regulate our lives. This is the same government that will incarcerate me if I don't pay for the stickers on my license plate every year, deem it illegal for me to live off-grid and generate my own resources, and who want to use social media to monitor how I'm behaving and choosing to live my life.
But as they say, Communism wouldn't be bad either if it weren't for the flaws of humanity.
Too bad you aren’t allowed to have an opinion if you use non words like unironically
look at this fag gatekeeping language
you should unironically commit sudoku
Fuck licences, but as an Australian who goes to the US using your visa waiver program if I could just get a loicence and use that to buy guns without needing to do a 4473, that’d be nice.
But my convenience isn’t worth your liberty.
Embiggen is a perfectly cromulent word
I bet you think yeet is a word as well
>I've never used any vernacular or slang
can you define it?
I think posted the wrong picture
go yeet yourself
chode chugging fagboi
For the first half of the video I was like "wow, this is the most reasonable thing I've ever seen from Vox". Then they started in with the registry shit and getting approval from every jurisdiction you've ever lived... no thanks.
>Gov't having access to an incredibly detailed list of firearm owners and any of their past issues compiled in a quick access license registry
now hypothetical result of this:
>some faggot elected president, while left majority in at least one house
>institute nationwide license system, since republican fudds aren't entirely opposed to it
>years pass, AWB 2, doorkicking boogaloo
>ATF starts sweeping the nation in comply or die confiscation raids as they can find out everything about a given gun owner 100x as fast since now its a well compiled database, rather than current system
So would I think licensing is a good idea? A hard pass for me, champ.