What is the appeal with anime x guns?

What is the appeal with anime x guns?

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The juxtaposition of manly tools opposed to cartoons helps even the most wretched critter think they're not disappointing their father.

I know, anime boys with guns are much better

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You can wack of to both. It's abound to happen at sum point.

Some animators are borderline spergs who either know their shit or are at least in the ballpark. Then there's so bad it's funny
Either way there's usually a neat fight scene

In the opposite end there are the people who fetishise guns and anime tiddy. Turns out there's also a market for that

Fun things are fun

allows us to harmlessly fantasize of a world where idealized women are useful

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Tits or gtfo.

Lets say for the sake of argument in the world of this picture the enemy aren't subhuman rapist savages.
So why would thry fight naked? Why don't they wear body armor?

Some guns are anime girls

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because it was hot and humid that day obviously

>carrying all that extra weight
>using a camo pattern that isn't universally compatible vs using local flora and dirt/mud
>ball soup is bad enough, soggy twats are worse
>fight how you train
And most importantly
>who the fuck would shoot a naked woman

So weebs can make shitty posts and say "LOOK AT THE GUN IT'S Jow Forums AS FUCK BAKA LOLOLOLOL!!!" (if there's even a gun in the picture, and it's not just an anime girl named after a gun). Most of the pictures' guns are also atrociously drawn by anything you could call Jow Forums standards. But they don't care, they're so desperate to force their aspie hobby here. Lowest quality poster group on this board, hands down.

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Based and gaypilled.

Because both make my cock twitch and my soul happy


There isn't one. That's why this shit has containment threads.

Because it lets us imagine a world where everyone is cute, and firearm ownership is common and accepted.

>goes on 2+2chan
>whines about the very thing that created this site
Post your guns plebbitnigger

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I'd shoot my own family if they tried to kill me. Just because said target looks more innocent doesn't mean they are.

Checked and .22pilled

Anime girls are great, guns are great, and they pair very well together, pic related. Also, i've jerked off to both separately countless times, they're even hotter together. This is Jow Forums after all.

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They trigger the post 2016 facebook boomers something fierce.

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I like anime and guns.

Both are symbols of perfection. And you can fap to them.

2d world is worth protecting


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There is none, weebs use it as an excuse to shitpost on Jow Forums

Cuz japan in July has weather that makes you want to commit seppuku

Cute girls and guns, whats not to love?

Adding cute anime girls to anything will improve it.

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Springfield front site blade is missing she might need to repair it.

Guns but I can masturbate too

It pisses off boomers for some reason. They act like they don't lurk on the /gwg/ threads. Anyways it's a better way to convey a story about a cute girl killing 6ft 200lb dudes than irl imo desu.

The desperate lonlely faggots on this site have to post anime girls because they can't get real ones; they do similarly with guns they can't afford or a pass a background check for

Post girlfriend

ppl like to combine things that they like

stay mad

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Pisses off the post election normalfags who infested this site, which is its own reward.

>stop liking things I don't like

>being this buttblasted

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Which is great since it gives rise to a whole genre of girls cooling off in front of fans.

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They're both autistic money sinks.

Honestly, I dislike the idea of "anime triggering the newfags" and stuff.
I really like anime but you're making me feel like a "normal" (not annoying) homosexual caught in the middle of a gay pride parade.

It's a squad consisting of an anti-material sniper, a DMR and a SAW. They're clearly dicking around with what gear they got.
It's also hot out

Japs are militarily neutered so drawings of guns and airsoft are as close as they're going to get.

post guns


It's Jow Forums so anime is kind of the default.
A lot of people like both anime and guns, especially on the weapons board.
Some people take it too seriously and get upset over there being anime on Jow Forums, so a small part of the fun is jabbing them.

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There is a 0% chance that girl could hold that gun like that.

This is correct
Every """Jow Forums-related"""" anime thread, especially the dumpster fire of /ak/, focuses entirely on the anime aspect and not the actual weapons themselves. /ak/ doesn't care about the details of the Iowa class battleship's service life or the most practical handgun & cartridge combo for carry in bear country, they just want to crank it to fat anime tiddies. And there's nothing wrong with that other than this isn't the anime tiddies board, this is the weapons board, and naming your favorite pair of anime tiddies after a weapon doesn't make it on topic. If the jannies weren't useless they would delete these threads like they do the politics ones because both are off topic drivel that shits up the board.

Ngggggh. I wanna pet the dog.
I want a tactical dog that I can just pet whenever I want.
>Don't like a food? Just feed it to your tactical dog.

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Absolutely seething

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As someone who used to detest Kancolle and the like (and still does when it entirely takes over an otherwise historical naval thread) most fans of it probably do know about the real ships. They pick their favorite girl in the game/series because they like that ship to begin with. It's already been a decided matter that, for better or for worse, anime is on-topic for practically every board with a few exceptions.

Every time I try to browse through the threads there's zero discussion of the weapons themselves.
If I went to Jow Forums and started posting anime tiddies named after GPU's, would that be on topic?

Going by a brief look at their catalog, yes.

/v/ discusses anime drawings of consoles on Console-tan Tuesdays instead of the actual machines themselves. It happens user.

It's all so tiresome.

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So far literally the only guns posted in this thread are by weebs. If you don't like anime, good news. There is literally already an entire website which was created to be Jow Forums without anime. If you weren't a newfag, you'd know that.

it's also shit and dead, because it turns out nobody actually wanted Jow Forums without anime.

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Based tactical nig

Oh shut the fuck up you whiny baby.

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>mfw finally got around to watching this
>mfw that fucking P90 reload first episode
I hate I put this show off for so long

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You're on Jow Forums nigga

battlefield rape user inbound rn

Wait a second, Katou Jun draws guns too? NICE