Why aren't moon-sized space battlestations with planet destroying capabilities a thing yet?

Why aren't moon-sized space battlestations with planet destroying capabilities a thing yet?

What are those lazy baboons down at space force doing all day?

Attached: 61+YJltYewL.jpg (500x500, 86K)

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Bruh they're still figuring out if their gonna get Tricare or not and if they should bring back the digitals. Give it a century or three.

We chose to send all our money to third worlders

trying to convince congress they exist.

It took an entire galaxy’s worth of effort to make that user.

The moon is already there bruh. What do you think the dark side of it is?

Ssssh, you'll ruin the surprise.

Attached: 1568604288783.jpg (3104x2072, 749K)

It took a galaxy spanning empire 20 years to work out the math and science. On the upside once they got the fundamentals down the bigger 2nd death star was 2/3rds done in 6 months.

Attached: pennies.png (1127x733, 452K)

Shine on, you crazy diamond.

Because we signed a treaty with the russians saying we wouldn't do that coupled with the fact that putting shit in space is expensive as sin

The USSR had a spy station with an autocannon on it.


Why would we build a planet-destroying space station when we haven't found any other inhabited planets to point it at?

Because all you need to destroy a planet is a really fast rock

What I'm getting from that image is we need to start euthanizing retiree's.

But they could've had $12B for welfare by eliminating NASA!

>alien species discovered
>its an entire fleet
>they start to slowly converge on earth
>then out of nowhere a single ship is launched
>on top of it is a man in a space suit and red cape
>turns out its Ichiro fucking mizuki
>Starts singing Ima Ga Sono Toki Da
>dark side of moon lights up
>it starts turning into a humanoid shape
>its motherfucking getter emperor
>he fucking swats the entire alien fleet
>humanity is saved
>then everyone dies

Attached: OH NO OH GOD.png (651x353, 116K)

>pennies for the hungry
>woman is morbidly obese
She'd do well to be a bit hungrier.

Attached: Indeed.jpg (1920x808, 112K)

1 time, yes, but its a bit of an escalation to go to "death star"

4 years actually

that healthcare budget has ballooned a lot since then. shame the governments retarded scheme relies on insurance companies and the elderly instead of going to the people directly.

20. Construction of the first Death Star began shortly after the Empire's takeover and ended some time before Battle of Yavin. It was the second Death Star they cheated through construction.