What would be your perfect long-range riflescope reticle?
What would be your perfect long-range riflescope reticle?
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H58, it gives you everything you need plus more. Even has markings for 12 inch drill
You gotta pump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers!
Dragunov is best.
A single dot with Semi Automatic Command Line of Sight.
everything else is bloat
sup poorfags
Do you guys ever look though a scope and just think, this looks fucking busy .
I kind of get the whole you don’t have to fuck with turrets appeal
But I also really enjoy simple not cluttered scopes ya know
I tend to go back & forth between xmas tree reticles and MSR.
What are the triangles for?
these are ideal
depends on task
most dont bother me too much but
is pushing it
There's also an improved MSR made. Haven't checked it out yet.
you mean the grid set up? theyre for measuring and shooting angles and are in either MOA or MIL. Theyre for much more precise shooting at great ranges when coupled with a ballistic calc sheet than using something like a bdc or duplex reticles. Theyre not good for much other than taking up sight picture unless you know how to make a ballistic sheet or range distances with them.
Are they for hitting movers or something?
The idea of the xmas tree reticles is that you can immediately adjust your shot without turning your turrets.
You can also use the reticle to shoot a shot at a distant object at the same range of your target and then immediately use the reticle to know the drop & windage. Then use the reticle to compensate without touching the turrets.
But I like touching my turrets. Does anyone make a reticle for tracking moving targets?
Any military style reticle can be used to calculate relative speed? I'm not sure what you're asking about...
You can use any mildot or more complex reticle to calculate speed and how much you need to lead it. It's kinda like an AAA sight.
No. If I wasnt phone blocked it would be easier to show you what I mean but how theyre normally applied:
>have accurized rifle with ranging reticle optic and loaded with a bullet with a known ballistic coefficient (think of it like a measure of how much drag the bullet will endure) and known velocity out of your specific gun
>go to a website or use some kind of handheld device to enter into a ballistic chart builder all current environmental factors like wind, humidity, altitude or known atmospheric pressure, and the known BC, weight, and velocity of your bullet
>it sources you a table of different ranges and what angle you need to hold for each of these distances
>using the reticle (or dial if you choose) to hold the correct angle and pull the trigger
>hit target on first try at 641 yards
If the reticle like OP's image was in say MIL and you wanted to shoot 500 yards, the chart might tell you to hold 2.5 MIL high and 0.5 mill left to compensate for the wind. Youd just count down the grid in your reticle of where that is and aim with that spot of the reticle.
Which reticle should I get for .338 memepua if I want to fuck around 1000 yards
you should start with something that isnt a money pit m8
>i don't know!
is this yahoo answers?
A computerized one that locks onto the target, tracks it, and holds fire until it is certain of a hit.
Sure, already exists.
Sometimes utility trumps aesthetics
I like my H59.
They should use midgets against snipers: he won't know how close they are until it's too late.
Im sure an exceptionally small person has had a bullet go over their head for that reason. Pretty sure most snipers carry range finders though.