So. Who attacked the Saudi oil refinery. Iran or Israel?

So. Who attacked the Saudi oil refinery. Iran or Israel?

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The Houthis did because SA is genociding them. Who gives a shit who gave them the drones

looks like an Israeli Harpy drone.

the US

-But, butt nos is different.
-The front fell off!

>WhY WoUlD IrAn Do THiS iT MuST Be FaLsE fLaG
actually not hard to figure out. Iran's economy is being raped by US sanctions and they're desperate. Just like when North Korea gets desperate they start attacking SK (see those various artillery/sub attacks during the early 2010s) so does Iran strike out at their neighbors when they're crying for help. They hope it'll lead to rounds of negotiations that will give them more aid to keep them afloat, specifically from the EU.

If EU agrees to give more aid to them (macron has promised $25 billion in gibs for Iran but it's still not enough) or if a new Democrat administration lifts sanctions on them Iran will probably stop lashing out like this as much for a time.

Basically, they're poor and want more welfare and don't know how to react besides lashing out. Kim Jong-Il mastered this negotiating tactic.

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>being this brainwashed

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Iran has copied Israeli drones in the past

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Not a rebuttal

It's literally more likely it was Israel trying to get Iran LIBERATED than whatever bullshit mental gymnastics you're on about.

t. jew

>Israeli attacks Saudi Arabia with some of its most famous weapons, from the direction of Iran
truly this makes more sense than Iran chimping out

>explaining foreign policy rationally makes me jewish
rent free

>It's more likely that Israel fired its own weapons (not expecting to get caught) from the direction of Iran from its bases in Iran I guess as part of some convoluted conspiracy to get Iran than Iran chimping out and pulling a north korea

t. muslim

glow harder iranian shill

Attached: JIDF.jpg (640x640, 102K)

y'allah shut it down you dirty infidel. It was the Zionist Entity and that's that

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None of the Iranian "knockoffs" are swept wing though unlike the craft in the OP image

>Identical Panel & Vertical Stabilizer

Similar != Identical

The correct answer is both

The debris looks nothing like the Israeli(?) drone.

multiple iranian kamikaze drones are swept wing

It's retarded that Israel would use its own weapons for such an attack anyway. Iranian shill conspiracies are nonsensical as always

you know you're a shit hasbarat shill if even the shareblue sci-fi forum disagrees with your hot take

because it's not. Jow Forumsestinians are just retards as always

Imagine if a Eurofighter was shot down over Chile and accuses Brazil because it looks vaguely similar to a Gripen.

Nose is different

Rotor is different

fuselage is different

it having a "radar seeker" proves nothing
wings are different

Israel didn't event the concept of vertical stabilizers

Probably an Iranian knockoff. Makes no sense Israel would announce its presence with something like using its own weapons anyway.

based rational poster

fuck the shills

Iran and it's based as fuck. I hope they annihilate Saudis.

However bad Iran is, I still hope they rape Saudis, and take down Israel a notch.
I can understand Israelis really, but they live on a stolen land and they mess with their neighbors all the time. I undeestand them but I really feel they don't have some moral high ground here.
And their influence in US politics is absolutely horrific and needs to stop.

>kikes try and cointelpro this thread to oblivion

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