An icon leaves us.
Germany is actively retiring the MG 3 now, with the H&K MG 5 taking it's place.

We will soon see them rust on the battlefronts of shitholes and in 40 years they will be historical weapons.
MG 3 farewell
Mauser is smiling upon you
May your buzz resonate in the kube
MG 5 welcome
May you be a worthy successor

Attached: mg3_l1.jpg (800x533, 186K)

Other urls found in this thread:


what a mistake

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stupid af

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>MG 3 farewell
>Mauser is smiling upon you
>May your buzz resonate in the kube
>MG 5 welcome
>May you be a worthy successor
youre a faggot

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rip greatest mg ever

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Goodnight, Sweet Prince.

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shouldn't it be MB 5 for maschinenbesenstiel-5 ?

It's an obsolete old piece of shit.

>mfw they are gonna be destroyed

Attached: whatthehell.jpg (734x596, 88K)

>H&K MG 5
Is it just me or did they more or less copy & update the M60?

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I hope it doesn't melt.

2:23 hehehe

What do you think an m60 is a copy of?

Do you know what gun the M60 is based on?

What about my nigga MG4?

Exactly how?

>5.56×45mm NATO

Attached: Girls.png (449x401, 490K)

only the top cover is copied from the mg42

Is it a copy of the MG42? That's neat as fuck, I honestly had no clue.

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>Jeden Tag kommen weitere dazu


Mg3s will continue to be used as vehicle mounted weapons for a long time to come user.

aren't the coax on Leopard 2's MG3s as well?
those are there to stay

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>removing the bipod from a mg

Yes they are. And you can find them on basically all other german vehicles except for Pumas

Why is the MG5 s much fatter and taller?

its good as an automatic rifle but trash as a gpmg

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The feed system is, but not the rest of it. That's from the FG 42.

the absolute state of current engineering

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But also! Slight, very slight, but still viable chance that demilled parts kits will flood the US market for a halfway reasonable price.

Because it's unweildy and goes through ammunition like crazy.

Lotta good that did him. With an M240B or PKM he wouldn't have that problem.

>1000-1300 RPM
As much as I love the aesthetic and all thing Nazi-related, that shit was pretty retarded.

They had problems with people running through machine gun fire in WW1 so they put a stop to that with the insane cyclic speed. In reality, towards the middle to end of the war they slowed it down to ~900 or so

Not really. The point is that you would have a short window of time to put rounds on targets that are moving from cover to cover or otherwise present a limited window of opportunity to fire upon. You can always fire discipline your way to lower effective ROF.

Unfair, since it retains excellent benefits from the rim that makes it the best post 1945 general purpose machine gun ever made.

>Lotta good that did him. With an M240B or PKM he wouldn't have that problem.

Nigger plz, these are Arabs we are talking about


6.5 Grendel
which is good enough

>Mg3s will continue to be used as vehicle mounted weapons for a long time to come user.
Why? They are fucking terrible vehicle mounted weapons. Too light, overheat and need not only barrel changes every 110 rounds but fucking bolt assembly changes every 220 rounds.

For an infantry weapon it's passable, to be light weight and unable to fire sustained fire. But for vehicles that can carry thousands of round the MG3 is terrible.

The FN-MAG is superior in every way other than rate of burst fire. But as soon as you want to fire off more than 100 rounds in 60s the FN-MAG is faster firing.

Short recoil doesn't require a gas tube mounted to the barrel and doesn't need to have a gas piston attached to the bolt, allowing it to be smaller.

for the exact same reason the MG34 was kept in production and mounted in vehicles during in the war despite the MG42 being much more efficient to make


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That's a nice just-so story, I don't believe it for a minute. They had problems with machine gunners not hitting their targets. I've seen nothing to suggest that mechanically correcting it did any more than the US Army's attempts to mechanically improve hit probabilities.

I readed that they tried a general purpose mmg, and one of the purposes was as an anti aircraft gun, so thats why it has a so high cycle rate

this is the cringiest shit i've read on here that was 100% unironic in awhile

The samefagging raids are retarded. I see you OP

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Because of the way the barrel change happens?

They still gonna be using mg3s as vehicle mounted weapons,so the most we can hope for is a bit of surplus

>Too light, overheat and need not only barrel changes every 110 rounds but fucking bolt assembly changes every 220 rounds.

That poor barrel.

>starts the burst at a high arc
>muzzle climbs to 45+ degrees by end of burst
Those rounds are landing three counties over.

MG 42/MG 3 is a terrible infantry weapon. The cyclic rate is too high since you have to be on and off the trigger. It is only beaten by the M2 in muzzle flash at night.
The real draw back is the rate of fire. You can not suppress an enemy long enough to support rifle infantry assaulting an objective effectively. This is why the MAG 58 family became so popular with the ability to change your gas settings and rate of fire. Never mind the easier barrel changes and reliability.

How do I import one a single component at a time?

MG3 jams and it's a clusterfucked mess.

M240 jams and you can rack it, slap it, tap it or grease it until it works, fast.

it makes me sad the merkel caliphate will just probably melt these down or give them to brain dead africans.

source: your ass

I wish the CETME Ameli actually worked

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Because they have fucking millions of them, and trading them out isnt whort whatever little advantage some other gun would offer

>They are fucking terrible vehicle mounted weapons. Too light, overheat and need not only barrel changes every 110 rounds but fucking bolt assembly changes every 220 rounds.
Confirmed for never having operated a Mg3

Dude the MG3 is one of the most reliable weapons out there.
I've shot a few thousand rounds on the MG3, the MG4A2 IDZand the 5 already (i'm in the German infantry) and the MG3 never jammed once with live rounds.
Well actually even with blanks it never jammes unlike the other 2.

Not saying the MG5 is bad in any way.
The scope is very useful, especially because with IDZ, you get that new NSV600 night vision scope for you handguns and it's fucking amazing hightech shit.
It's almost like in a videogame and you can see people moving in the dead of night hudnreds of meters away.

It's reliable enough on the 900rpm setting, anything else jams up after some time.

The trigger feels alot better, more crisp and has a more defined point of actually firing.

The shoulderstock is adjustable, very great especially if you have to lay behind it for hours, or stand behind it on a Mungo or something.
The vertical Frontgrip with it's bipod is good enough for most things, you can switch between that and a classical bipod anyways if necesarry.
If you are lucky, you get a LLM02 for you MG5 too, makes it really good for CQC.
It comes with a modern sling instead of thing old leatherstrap, alot better to carry, you can even do low-ready with it for a reasonable time.
Also it makes it faster to deploy the gun in a prone position.
Also it's internals make it more protected against NDing it.
It has multiple safenodges on the Action to prevent it from firing if one fails.
Because well, NDing a mashinegun is really bad.

How fast fire rate the infantry use MG3s have?

The standard as it has been since it was made, between 1100 and 1300, it depwnda on how worn out it is, the temperature and if it is dirty and/or well oiled.

Also the MG42 had anywhere between 1500 to 1900 and could basically increase ROF until it destroyed itself.

The myth that they decreased it down to 900 towads the end of WW2 is bullshit.


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They only tested guns with 1600rpm and came to conclusion that 1000-1200 is enough

Second thing
Why only russians have managed to create gpmg that doesn't weight over 10kg?
I bet that they could make 7,62x39mg that weights only 6 or 5kg if they wanted and arm whole military with them.


It is old design and I haven't seen any lmg tried to be 4 to 6kg

The KSK has a sceletoniued version of the MG5, it's below 10 but obviously more fragile and thus not suited for the avreage grunt.

Well the MG5 comes with a gas system, that in itself is heavier, it's scope weighs something, the a du stable stock, the rails and so forth.
The sometimes mounted LLM, the additional grips, adjustable bipods, that all adds up.
Also the Barrel is kinda heavy but then again it can sustain about 300 rounds fired through it in rapid sucession before needing to be swapped.

How about the RPK?

Don't Worry Austria is still using the MG 74 it is basicly the same and it is considered to be used for a long time comming



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what gives?

In that tigers in the mud book otto complains about a fresh group armed with brand new never seen before mg42s driving straight into the soviets and letting them capture them all and hearing the mg42 fire coming from the soviets during the night.

The MG3/MG42 works well with good ammo.

Poor ammo OTOH interacts badly w/ recoil-boosted guns compared to tapped gas.

They already retired the Bren back in the 90s

The M60 is essentially an FG42. Literally the only thing it took from the MG42 is the feed tray and top cover. Those are 2 very important parts to be sure but the rest of the design is ~90% of an FG42.

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No, because they already have a lot of them

>Why only russians have managed to create gpmg that doesn't weight over 10kg?

HK 21 is 8kg

Parts kits when?
Ah, who am I kidding, they'll be destroyed or given to Estonia or some other country.

T. Pulled straight out of my ass

Rip, good weapon. I am at the Spanish Army and using the mg3 is funny and reliable to use (except if you get a bullet jammed, be careful and wait a minute or protect your face before fixing the jam. I met a couple of fuckers with their cheeks scratched scarface style because they were impatients).

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