What is the right way to carry and walk with an assault rifle?
What is the right way to carry and walk with an assault rifle?
Pointed at your friend's back, finger on the trigger, hopscotch motions
The right way is to always have the rifle up and ready to shoot. If you're doing anything else other than pic related you might as well off yourself stupid lazy nigger.
Put one foot in front of the other
Sling it around in the air by the three point jerking it a few times hoping it fires.
Safely tucked away in a closed and locked hardcase separate from any ammunition
Mag in, round in chamber, on safe, with finger on trigger guard and stock tucked into shoulder pocket and no sling unless you're a pogue
Stored vertically inside your rectum, OP
Pssh this isn't OPs first rodeo. He can take it horizontally.
Low ready, tucked into shoulder, keep your head down
Silence nigger
>no sling unless you're a pogue
Where do people get this stupid shit from? Slings are fucking useful. Need to prep a banger? Better have a sling. Need to carry a litter? Hope you have a sling. Need to use some breaching tools? Sling. Ladder? Sling. Open up a candy bar? Sling. Ect ect.
Slings are fucking useful. Dunno why idiots treat them like they’re bad.
It's a common feeling depending on the era of grunt.
I was an 00's GWOT fag during my trips, all in urban areas. In and out of trucks and buildings it became commonplace to remove slings as they only caused you headaches getting caught up on shit.
Back stateside and near the end of my time as we transitioned out of counterinsurgency we used them again because we were light infantry and walking everywhere is the name of the game.
A sling is a tool and there are many different jobs. Apply it as needed.
Why didnt you retards use single point slings like everybody else? The ones with the clips? My unit did the same shit, dismount and mount, in and out of vehicles, and everyone except the SAW gunners had a single point or something nigger rigged to the same effect.
Are you actively patrolling? Or just out and about and happen to need/feel like you need to bring your rifle with you? Low ready for the former, slung behind your back, ideally in a scabbard, for the latter.
this is what a career e4 sounds like
Quality post desu; fighting from and around vehicles is a different ballgame than mostly on foot. It's a large reason why we went from 20" M16s to 14.5" M4s, and why a lot of modern 5.56 rifles are toying with even shorter barrels or bullpups.
Sounds like the opposite in my experience.
E4s wanted to change shit, usually to make things easier. Command would say fuck that we've always done it this way.
Depends on the unit.
Make sure not to drop the gun too.
Makes sense I guess. We rarely use vehicles now, but always do offsets of a few km at least. But we still do plenty of house to house work and that’s almost when you need it most with all the SSE going on after the fact.
Two point sling with an emergency disconnect, AND a separate retractable cord reel. As for walking you use a mobile variant of the weaver stance. Welcome to the next level.
and soon you'll be walking out the door!
dont be a animey bitch
Nice I laughed harder than I should at that
Alert to the dirt, aka being a hard target. holding the weapon just up enough to the point where you cant rest it on the sling. If youre not patrolling just sling it, but when theres a chance of contact, you want to be ready to split wigs. They also teach us something called the combat glide but thats more of a mobile shooting technique.