Operators from fiction (movies, games books) you identify with. i'll start

Operators from fiction (movies, games books) you identify with. i'll start

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Based Larry poster

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>possessive of my guns
>eat lots of sandviches
>tall and strongfat, look down on itty bitty baby men

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Hail to the king, baby

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>you identify with
Can't say I do but regardless here's a favourite
>inb4 zoom zoom

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This guy was a complete and total Murphys law SNAFU why do identify with him, are you a 24/7 SNAFU?

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Is that Colbert?

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Not really an operator, but Dolorous Edd struck a nerve. Sees they're fighting wights, and sees the writing on the wall.
> Once they figure a way to work a dead horse, we'll be next. Likely I'll be the first too. 'Edd,' they'll say, 'dying's no excuse for laying down no more, so get on up and take this spear, you've got first watch tonight.'

because he redeemed himself through self sacrifice

The man, the myth, the legend

You lizards need to learn that I'm a lot scarier than you

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How the fuck did this game have so fucking good characters? Like, the entire damn cast is great.

I really liked that one dude from that one movie with that other guy and the hot chick in it? There might have been a sequel, too.

>avid outdoorsman/survivalist
>loves coffee
>travels around everywhere in a camper van taking up jobs and contracts
>lanklet that wears glasses
>owns and used a variety of weapons
>soft spoken and mild mannered but won’t hesitate to paint the walls red with your now brainless head or drench you in piss before slicing you into pieces
>doesn’t flaunt his profession or money around, is an actual silent professional
>also operates in all locations and environments from urban to wildland
The other Mercs are pretty great, but Sniper is the embodiment of a true Jow Forumsommando.

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Just genuine good writing really, amazing game all around.

Is that Dick Kickem?

>embodiment of a true Jow Forumsommando
that explains the piss jars then

>tfw no BC3

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Never identified with a character more than Boyd Crowder. People draw the comparison a lot too. Fuckin hated Raylan too. It's strange.

Post body

PayDay 2 characters

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thought this was reznov until I opened the thumbnail.

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"let's do in the whole damn village"

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>Somebody else posting Finest Hour material on this board
Best CoD opening too

I saw myself in Ray on a really uncomfortable level, especially in the ending episode, during the football game meltdown.

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Search your feelings Jow Forums...you know it to be true.

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Kill Em All 2075
I am Park man
410,757,864,530 DEAD GUARDS

Not exactly a pure-bred oper8or, but the conditions make the man.

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>Sir...I just wanna say..I'm sorry...

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I wouldn’t be a cop, but I would sure as hell be an Ordinator

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Remove Geonosians

This would be most of Jow Forums irl

based and commandopilled



bro spoilers

>tfw no baker or Red

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he was redpilled



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At this point I hope it stays that way, because there's no way they wouldn't fuck it up. Even in 2014 DICE execs were asking "what did people like about Bad Company 2 that made it so popular?" So if the people who made the game don't know what made it work, and now EA is way more heavily involved than it was 9 years ago, don't expect a repeat performance.

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Myabe you should develop some actual jokes instead of recycling yet another fucking wojack edit you drone.

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I'll give my condolences to your kangaroo wife.

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This. There's no way BC3 wouldn't be an abortion at launch. I'm just gonna enjoy the last couple hardcore BC2 servers that there are.

>has no original jokes
>has no original comebacks
>resorts to memes for banter
You should have been aborted.

>Emotionally underdeveloped/suppressed
>Not special/special-ops/really special in any way
>Angry and depressed
>Don't believe I deserve a good life
>Deeply suppressed kill/rage-switch
>Generally an average or under-performer despite beingly highly capable
>Used and abused by basically everyone around him
>Trouble forming any deep relationships
>Hate self and the way I've allowed the world to make me
>Darkest impulses are most valued by employers
>Can shoot real good

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Make me some coffee grimesy

In some states the user could still be aborted, according to the lefties

Extremely based

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Oh no - Seven - Is down!

Oh no - Four - Is down!

Damn! - Eight. - Is down!

Oh no - One - Is down!

Oh no - Five - Is down!

Damn! - Six - Is down!

This is three - taking command!

Enemy - MAN - 300 meters!

Nine - Attack that - MAN - 12 o'clock.

Nine - disembark!

Nine - disembark!

Nine - board that - M113!

Nine - disembark!

Nine - disembark!

Nine - report position!

Damn - nine - is down!

Attached: txyktjen7sxz.jpg (743x760, 64K)

They took your food and you should be really mad! Let me remind you who your real enemy is, the enemy.

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>That mall security job is starting to look pretty good right about now.

Edd is a great example. Too bad the fat man will die before we see if he makes it to the end.

Emil Mateseranu and Larry Phillips Jr.

For whatever reason these guys always seemed like such badasses to me. I remember watching the news footage on TV when I was a kid and just being stunned. The amount of fucking nutsack you have to have to pull off what they did and go out like that is just unreal to me.
Something about bank robberies like theirs is just oddly romantic in a dark way, the amount of planning and surveillance and things that have to go right, theres almost nothing else left like it.

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Thnx m8

Oh they'll drag it out eventually, and more likely than not, it'll be an abomination.

>tfw I'm a school teacher that does part time armed security on weekends

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>ignores the gun laws of his country
>customizes his pistol for his purposes
>kills 3 men before his 18th birthday
>so well practiced at reloading his revolver that he has it down to an art form
>kills tigers and zebras for his pants
>regularly shoots himself on purpose

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kek is that operation flashpoint?

based jojoposter

>clone commandos aren't operators

Attached: ish3.png (482x288, 181K)

No shame in liking the Netflix Marvel series, user. Best things Marvel have put out since the first Iron Man.

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Lie on the ground, or move, and be in it.

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it's coz yo forehead so damn big

Based Denton poster

EXTRA based Tribunal posters

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based and Thrapilled

I read Team Yankee recently and Bannon seems pretty inspired by Lt. Garger. An inexperienced and somewhat hot-headed officer who is quite poor at administration, but gradually becomes surprisingly effective in battle.


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based and sweetwater-pilled

You know that guy in Cod 4 who's in the back of the helicopter when the nuke goes off and he reaches out to try to grab your hand for help and your guy tries to grab him but you can't reach him and he goes flying out?


what game