>Stalin ended the holocaust WW2 in Europe would have never started if Stalin didn't have Molotov sign the non-aggression pact with Germany, USSR is 50% responsible for WW2 even being a thing
It was a monkey model, Russians keep best tech for themselves. Israelis fly to the border and release their payload which "glides" to Damascus, so they technically are in israeli space. They didnt need to shoot israeli planes just the payload. That exhausted their munitions unfortunately, or they'd repel the israelis. Its not like they hit anything of consequence, they let them hit empty sites all the time schlomosteinenbergman
Jayden Carter
>circle jerk about how invisible the F-35 flying around S-400s
>Be US, get paranoid for having a country like Turkey wanting to operate F-35s near long range air defenses.
Does this board not see the contradiction here?
Does this board circle jerk more about Rhodesia or Israel?
Not to be a Jow Forumstard but this just further shows that we are israels bitch. Thank you guys for compromising the F-35s that you were so worried about having them near s-400s.