Redpill me on the waco siege

I saw greentext a while back elaborating on the extent of the feds' shenanigans. Anyone know what I'm talking about?

Attached: waco-21.jpg (2700x1800, 1.76M)

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Basically, the Feds wanted the hero optics after their fuckup at Ruby Ridge.

Feds just wanted to murder people. There's nothing more to it than that.

Okay, but what are you going to do about it? Nothing. The government will what they want and you'll roll over like a good boy

Nothing. The crazy suicidal death cult offed themselves. Feds just facilitated their doomsday predictions, but didn't actually start the fire.

You have to justify the budget for tanks and sarin gas and heavy machine guns for your police force, so when the opportunity comes up you tacticool the fuck up and use all that shit

The most important lesson of Waco is that wood is flammable and is a poor bullet stop.

Someone already did do something about it.

Attached: bang.jpg (372x285, 24K)


Killed a bunch of 50 year old grandma irs desk jockies? Sure showed them.

Didn't one guy like rent a box truck and fill it full of ANFO and park it next to a federal building in Oklahoma?

What ever happened to that guy?

0/10 bait. You suck at this. Have a carrot dick as a participation trophy.

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Also Fed are only humans too.

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>Blows up empty building and daycare
And how much has changed exactly? Stop riding off his back when he didn't even do anything substantial.

The feds have admitted years ago that they lied about not using burners.

>engineer vehicle with integrated flamethrower crashes into building
>flamethrower is still going visible to everyone when vehicle backs out of building
>fire erupts from building at location of ingress
>"Holy shit! They just lit themselves on fire guys!"

My favorite friendly fire was when one of the ATF agents tried to bounce rounds off of the drywall around a corner at a Davidian and shot one of his bros that was loafing outside right through the drywall. Know your target and what is beyond.

>bounce rounds off of the drywall

>bounces round off the drywall
Only the ATF could manage that.

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Irrelevant, as fires were started where they didn't have access too.

Yeah I'm sure they're telling the truth THIS time

>And how much has changed exactly? Stop riding off his back when he didn't even do anything substantial.

Why do people think that a single person can change anything anyways?

I mean, they are telling the truth unless they have access to teleportation tech.

Were you there? You watched the seige?

>he thinks feds are people

Evidence does not lie.

Evidence can be fabricated and destroyed, especially when the govt investigates itself.

I think you might be absolutely fucking retarded

Try that again, with any kind of proof this time

Except the data taken was from footage obtained at the time. Comon bro this is pretty common knowledge.

You're deflecting with the fallacy of "anything that explains away the conspiracy becomes part of the conspiracy"


Evidence can be fabricated and destroyed, especially when the govt investigates itself.

Why would you blindly trust someone who has is a proven and admitted liar?

This was from a sweedcuck, not the us government.

Again, comon bro.

Who paid the swedecuck?

Also, why would the feds initially lie about not using burners if they had nothing to do with the fire?

>comon bro, just trust the govt

>Who paid the swedecuck?
Are you saying that experts are beholden to tell the people who paid them what they want to hear?

>it was not from the US government


They want someone to do the dangerous work for them because they're lazy hesitant fucks. They want some hero to come along and make everything better overnight. What pisses me off is how they want to claim McVeigh's "achievements" to feel powerful and pretend like they actually are freedom fighters. In reality McVeigh didnt do shit and they wont either.

That is indeed a common scenario.

Seen a couple documentaries about it. Feds were probably right to try and break that stuff up. I don't know why it gets "associated" with right wing sort of stuff. It's just the kind of thing people try to make the government look bad about, I think if you had a son or daughter and they fell into that cult you wouldn't have been too happy about your son getting cucked and his wife turned into a sex slave with them both doing forced manual labor to farm and convert weapons illegally.
That screen cap looks like silent bob shot up some herion in his basement for a week converting it into a neck beard nest/drug den having a 24/7 watchathon of alex jones then spent 3 days putting his computer back together cause he took it apart and couldn't find any electronic surveillance pieces on it and decided to jerk off to something on chan but ended up browsing a thread that appealed to his delusional paranoid fantasies when he couldn't get an erection.
Kids breaking their spines from inhaling CS gas? CS gas doesn't even effect most people. Now that I look it up, it's even more potent than CN. lol
You know there are lots of documentaries about when this happened, along with some of the former branch members, you can find it online like youtube, or netflix, even the history channel airs documentaries about it from time to time.

No, it indeed is not.

>I think if you had a son or daughter and they fell into that cult you wouldn't have been too happy about your son getting cucked and his wife turned into a sex slave with them both doing forced manual labor to farm and convert weapons illegally.
Yeah I'd definitely want the govt to shoot, gas, and immolate them... for their safety and wellbeing y'know.

>CS gas doesn't even effect most people.
Oh, you're actually retarded.

What is credibility, alex?

Ok have a nice day.

Ask trumps attorney general about what he did.

Hello glowing one.

Nonexistant as it pertains to the federal govt and its hired lackeys.

Pfffthahahaha, conspiracybrain. long watch but worth it

So anyone the government hires is a lacky?

As you so aptly put; Ok, have a nice day!

Yes, I do believe that people in positions of power conspire with one another. History has many examples.

Wew lad.


>"Uncle Sam is sooooo perfect and incorruptible!"
>"shut up and be more patriotic, you crazy conspiracy nut!"

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No no no user, you believe anyone who has anything to do with the government conspires with the government. One giant, multinational billion man government hivemind.

This is logical, and indeed an intelligent stance.

Some pedophile fags were raping babies and had illegal weapons, all in the name of God. Because God commanded pedophiles to rape babies, I guess. ATF fags plan to search warrant the compound. News media fags tipped off pedophile fags that ATF fags were coming. Shoot out killed 4 agents. Then there is a long barricade situation. Pedophiles eventually set their compound on fire killing all inside so they can be closer to God

>The source is not an American nor has anything to do with America beyond being asked his opinion
Conspiracybrains lol

>The source is not an American nor has anything to do with America beyond being asked his opinion using evidence provided by the American govt and being paid for his work by the American govt.

>evidence is video of the fire propagation
Must be that same CGI that created the plane that hit the WTC amirite conspiracy brain

Attached: Waco.png (1088x958, 97K)

This is bait

>>The source is not an American nor has anything to do with America beyond being asked his opinion
It's called being a hired gun.
>"see? This guy's outside our organization (but is still getting paid by us), and he says we dindu nuffin!
The United States government is the biggest international crime syndicate mankind has ever seen.

Wasnt this dude a fag or something?

Attached: Glow-in-the-dark-thread.jpg (640x492, 23K)

>conspiracybrain is unable to comprehend objective analysis or something as simple as academic integrity.

>academic integrity

Where exactly was that? The feds had operators infiltrate the davidian compound numerous times to place bugs, they even claim to have been "within arms reach" or koresh at one point. Furthermore the feds used those bugs to record audio which they claim was of the davidians spreading accelerant in areas where the fire started.

How exactly did the feds physically plant bugs in rooms while not ever having access to them?

>he litterally cannot comprehend it!

The conspiracybrain is a great anomaly of the ages.

>convert weapons illegally
Not only is there no such thing in America (see 2A for details), there's also zero evidence for that claim.

ATF/FBI did nothing wrong.

>bugs are never placed ahead of time
>bugs are harder to hide than bombs


Nononononononono they said they didn't have access so they didn't. Trust them. I mean sure they had access all those other times, but not this time.

>Ruby Ridge
Was a dry run for doing nothing wrong.
Fuck those crazy white nazi fucks. Glad they are worm shit

>Oh, you're actually retarded.
CS gas doesn't do shit, getting put into a gas chamber filled with it was easily the best couple days I had in basic. I was sick within 2-3 days of getting there and was sick the entire time except once I went into there, then it cleared out my sinus' and I felt better than every for a couple days till I got sick again. I'd honestly had thought everyone was joking and trying to pull a fast one on me that there was even gas in there and just trying to fuck with my head if I hadn't felt a hell of a lot better than usual after it. Opened up the lungs and made running easier.


>there is a video i swear
>doesnt post a video

Waco was an unmitigated disaster and a text-book example of all the things not to do under those circumstances. However, conflating negligence with intent is so fantastically retarded that its honestly impressive.

>academic integrity
>anyone having "integrity" because "ohhh, they're just so good and incorruptible and objective!"
Sorry, pal, but the Feds have been proven time and time again to aid, abet, and even directly commit murder, rape, embezzlement, human experimentation, deceit, starting wars on false pretenses, overthrowing democratically-elected leaders, drug, human, and weapons trafficking, spying, unlawful imprisonment, and every other fucked up crime in the book.
All it takes for a "conspiracy" is two or more people doing something they shouldn't be doing. That's why it's a crime (unless done by the government).
The Feds reserve the right to kill you and your family for any reason, including no reason at all, Constitution or rule of law be damned.

>it cleared out my sinus' and I felt better than every for a couple days till I got sick again
Yes, my physician also prescribes CS for when I get a sinus infection.

>conspiracybrain literally stating that integrity does not exist
Makes sense, due to the mental gymnastics you need to be a conspiracybrain.

>defending pedophiles

Ahh, here we have the """"""""american""""""telling us how our country is.

>integrity exists! Believe me! People are good!
Everyone has their price. But please, continue to live in your Disney fantasy world where everyone you dick-suck is absolutely perfect and incorruptible. Just don't come crying to me when they put your head on a spike.

So you admit then that the feds indeed had access to those areas where the fire started and are now moving on to "well they werent there exactly when the fire started so it doesnt matter"?

>integrity does not exist! Trust me guys money is the only thing that matters!
Conspiracybrain proving that not only is he incapable of understanding the concept of integrity, he proves he has a price.

So, tell me, are you actually a conpiracybrain, or just another paid shill?

I read this and cant help but wonder what it is about Jow Forums that makes it so attractive to insane people.

>you're un-American if you don't worship the gubbmint or even if you criticize it!
Nice try, George Dubya.

>human experimentation
Tuskegee airmen
>starting wars on false pretenses
muh Saddam has WMDs
>overthrowing democratically-elected leaders
>weapons trafficking
Iran Contra and Fast and Furious
>drug trafficking
Iran Contra

All the other charges are pretty obviously true.

Reminder the age of consent at the time made the leader not a sex offender sooo

So you admit that bombs are as easy to hide as bugs? Also, interesting that you admit the bugs are real. If so, you do realize that his followers talked about starting the fire, correct?

>Doublethink in 3...2...1...

I have had family, friends, and employers stab me in the back.
NOBODY in this world can be trusted. The world is a dark, ugly, hostile, and unforgiving place, and anyone is capable of betraying you for 30 pieces of silver.
I know it's not a nice way of looking at the world, but it is the cold, hard, objective reality that will gleefully rip open the flesh of your asscrack.

>I am an American i tell you, America is the great Satan!!!

This thread reads like two competing AIs turned loose on each other with both operating under the false premise that the other is human.

Exposed the militia movement as do nothing pussies who condemned men like McVeigh for doing something.

>omg a human institution is not perfect and because in 200 years of existence they have done bad things
>thus they do bad things 24/7
Based retard.

Maybe, but basic human decency does.

>Everyone you know stabbed you in the back.
Maybe because you are fucking insane user. Ever think of that?

glowniggers killed a whole bunch of innocent men, women and children and after burning them all up, they took selfies while standing on their ashes.

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>america has done bad things!

The thread reeks of foreign shills.

>I have had family, friends, and employers stab me in the back.
Maybe its a you thing? This thought has honestly never crossed your mind?

What's worse having sex with a 16 year old or setting a 16 year old on fire?