Gun painting

Hey I'm looking to get a Gucci paint job on some of my guns, no homo. I never had one painted before, but I have a Benelli Nova and think it would look nice with the Koi paint from CS GO.

Where can I have gun professionally painted? I live in North Eastern PA btw. Also general gun paint thread.

Attached: 29109f56ba5521c7d6cf8ac06ac35e92.jpg (520x355, 26K)

1.Aquire paint
2.Disassemble Gun
3.Paint gun, let dry

I'll paint them for free. Just pay for shipping both ways and drop your email.

>be left with a pile of parts and no gun
Sure thing mr atf man

>strangely disgusting and compelling at the same time

No atf here bud, I'm just a guy trying to get more practice painting guns. Gimme the guns bud

i used to have koi I now have blossom but I think daybreak for the m4 is the best looking skin. if only it didnt have so much wear

post gallery of work

Maybe you should stick to video games nigger

Attached: bing bing.jpg (526x472, 32K)

>can't reassemble a simple firearm with the manual and countless videos on youtube
Pretty helpless honestly.

You do know there are a fuckton of guides and videos on the internet on how to disassemble and assemble guns, right? Not like you’re building a car from scratch.

All you need to send is the furniture, you keep the actual gun.

Don't be a pussy, let the man airbrush your wood

This. Go over designs and finishes by e-mail, leaving a solid trail and using registered mail only, and any lawyer would save your ass if he jews you out of your wood.


Anyone ever have a gun painted by a place? Not interested in the user trying to have me send him the gun. And the fags hating on gun paint can eat my ass. This is aesthetic.

Attached: _cs_go__nova___koi_by_an_sfm_artist_d8ijefw-fullview.jpg (1024x576, 37K)

That looks like a koi fish with downs and I had a S&W reblued by S&W. The worst part is waiting in line to ship it then the wait, that's about it.

Id totally paint it but i dont think i can paint that well currently. More practice or maybe some trials i could do it.

Well the skin name is Koi so that makes sense

Time to grow up

Time for you to stop being a miserable cunt

Look for a local gunsmith and ask if they do cerakoting, at least look up cerakoting first, and you'll notice this kind of thing is actually quite common among normies.


Thank you

You can easily make it battlescarred safari mesh with some spray paint

I rocked the old krylon job on an AR pistol, happy with the result.

Attached: 39102C93-6BE3-4BE2-A598-FA4A8486EF3D.jpg (4032x3024, 2.77M)

Attached: 1541461161315.jpg (750x714, 56K)

I think it looks cool

Thanks user. Love those reactions at public ranges.

>he doesn't know how to reassemble his guns

Attached: laugh_at_you.gif (173x267, 2.51M)

Maybe able to 3d print some copies of the furnish to practice paint if you want to get into painting your own guns, and stop being a pussy and strip your gun, you'll get it back together eventually. It's like building a PC, google will help put you one together in a couple hours. Once you've done it the first time, it's a billion times easier the second time

It's actually legal to send your entire gun away to a gunsmith and actually have it delivered right back to your door once it's done. No transfer required. Even legal for interstate sending.

What a waste of a premium handguard