Sir we're here to enforce the voluntary gun surrender program

>sir we're here to enforce the voluntary gun surrender program

Attached: swat.jpg (550x349, 59K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>The doors are unlocked

Attached: 1568487322424.gif (370x281, 1.98M)

The mods deleting your reddit screenshot thread wasn't clue enough!

Go fuck yourself, honestly. We can't have discussions about fucking guns on Jow Forums anymore.

We can, till you and your cavalcade of fags shit it up to hell and back.

that's an interdasting way to assault a building

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This is a weapons board, not Jow Forums. If you have an issue with sensible gun control, gtfo.

apply yourself, faggot

Bait harder next time nignog

Let's roll, fedbois.

Attached: nah.jpg (1600x1200, 185K)

All gun control is insensible, gtfo shareblue.

lol you shareblue nigs tongue my anus


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Gun grabbers will be sprayed with Lofentanil-DMSO from commercial drones

Attached: Drone_Spray.jpg (1280x720, 150K)

I miss old History Channel


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I always thought it was a shame the stairs were't boobytrapped too.

I’ve never asked. What was the story behind this?

Good luck, faggots.

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Go suck-start a shotgun, NIGGER

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what the fuck is dmso??!?!?

A chinese soup featuring dumplings.

>stacking along the sidewalk instead of along the walls out of view from the windows
Cops playing soldier is the dumbest shit

fucking CHECKED

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I believe this was in south america. I think the guy attacked his wife or something so swat responded and he filled his house with gas from the oven. Then he set it off as soon as they kicked the door in.

Based and 1776pilled

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Keep baiting shareblue

Attached: 1568752526472.png (1522x487, 21K)

Fucking neck yourself

Iv damke