Fishing With A Gun

Whats the best gun for the job?

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Dynamite gun.

non-gun powerhead

Attached: 1pc_gator_bang.jpg (574x297, 32K)

glocks work too

Attached: glock.jpg (1280x720, 160K)

Years ago I came across a yt vid of some guy in India loading a musket with shot and shooting fish in a pond or something. Doubt I'd be able to find it again.

Based and Floridapilled

You'd heck of a shotgun.

To harvest the fish you must become the fish

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I hope you aren't using lead projectiles fagget.

I've used .44 magnum to utterly knock out fish that come to surface and go belly-up. I think anything more would be overkill.


Don't use words you don't know the meaning of.


Higher velocity / energy will be absorbed by the water and likely shatter a non-special-snowflake projectile. If you want to hit fish directly with a bullet then it should be as low velocity as possible for a given depth you're trying to reach. Otherwise you'd want as high energy as possible to try and kill the fish with the shockwave (like explosive fishing does) except a man portable firearm might fare very poorly with that method outside of a small closed environment like a barrel.

>anything over .44 is overkill

Tell me, what's your definition of fudd? Enlighten us.

That's not what fudd means moron.

Fuck off, Squid.

I really enjoyed hunting fish on reefs in the Aegean sea with the SEAC 50 pneumatic speargun.
Kinda wish I had the 40 instead since most of my kills were in tight areas around the reefs and the shorter spear would have made it easier.

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my unit made national news in my country because we were out grenade fishing in some hillbilly's pond

Are you above or below the water?
If above, a net launcher with a reel/winch
If below, this.

Attached: 1438201340888.jpg (2250x1500, 569K)

shotgun obviously

Attached: boating accident.jpg (950x632, 138K)