With colt out of the picture, it's time we direct attention to Daniel Defense

With colt out of the picture, it's time we direct attention to Daniel Defense

>supports gun control
>laid of a ton of employee's so he could suck up profits more

the man is out of control, I personally think he shouldn't be allowed to stay in business.

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What was wrong with Fix NICS?
Hardmode: more details than SHALL

whoa fuck DD

Hey shareblue

HK is anti 2A as well.

There’s literally nothing wrong with fix NICS as it was originally intended and you’re a sour grapes fag.

Prove me wrong faggot.

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>supports more governe,not infringement

but in all seriousness tell us what shootings it would have prevented.
you can't just make laws without saying what they would do...well you can but it's how we got into this mess in the first place, stop making it worse just because "what's wrong with it?" logic.
you have to say why it's needed.

As someone who is not an ARfag at all, why do people fawn over DD? My friend has one and I do not notice a significant difference in quality over my M16A1 clone.

What's there to fix? It sees what's necessary. They need to know your first dogs name too?

Fuck DD,
(((SIG))) must go

It didnt automatically pass every american citizen to own a firearm.

>all gun companies get paid off by government
>country disarms itself with its own tax dollars

That guy who shot up the Texas church for starters. There were a handful of other cases where guys should’ve been bared but people didn’t properly pass information.

Good quality control, solid fit and finish, good rails, used by SOCOM.

Information isn’t always properly put into the system and shared between agencies. It basically sought to fill in the gaps and make sure nobody fell through the gaps.

>there is nothing wrong with making 75,000 seniors prohibited persons

Is that you Obama?

Sounds like it's the agencies record keeping that sucks donkey dick and not NICS.

The trouble with Fix NICS was how it was planned to incentivize agencies and localities. Basically for "keeping the list updated" the jurisdiction would get more money. So, some judges and cops might trump up charges or plant evidence in order to get more people on that list and keep it "updated".

t. a literate fag who actually reads gun control bills and can understand their implications.

>There were a handful of other cases where guys should’ve been bared but people didn’t properly pass information.
So the solution to incompetent government is more incompetent government? People rag on Ayn Rand and not totally without cause, but she was 100% right about government officials failing upward and people not only accepting, but demanding this happen over and over.

Are those all of people who should be prohibited? If so what’s wrong with that? If not why would they suddenly be prohibited.

Fix NICS includes the reporting agencies, not just NICS you fucking hyper brain.

That’s not what “keeping the list” updated means though. It just means regularly sending in reports as they occur. Not that you need to generate a certain number.

>fix NICS
>by that I mean the agencies who keep records and not the information lookup agency
My tires are flat, I should fill up the windshield wiper fluid to be on my way.