Who has the video from the Jow Forums meetup where everyone tried to shoot the same target and basically wrecked the...

Who has the video from the Jow Forums meetup where everyone tried to shoot the same target and basically wrecked the dirt in a 25 yard radius while the target went unscathed? I want to show it to a group of Vietnam vets. Will post their reactions.

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Oh hey it's those guys who showed up at Charlottesville with guns and blocked off the streets

>Shooting and bayoneting pictures of frogs drawn with sharpies inna desert

>nigger music
Not even fun, bumpin music. Sad state of affairs.

Attached: cosplay.jpg (640x853, 85K)

that actually looks like fun. you know, if not for all the lefties

What a bunch of fags
>shooting looks fun
And water is wet

what's this stance called?

Attached: john brown gun club.png (1385x1440, 2.12M)


We took them down years ago because the media and shills were trying to fuck with us.

The poot-n-shoot


I've never seen 5.56 "recoil" look so strong before

What, don't you feel scared at this vulgar display of power?


It's because it's a mixed parts POS gun.

I have a few Frankenrifles and they don't have that problem. The real reason it recoils so much is because his magwell grip and poor stance.

Be a real sha—

In minecraft

Jesus they’re going to get massacred

Doesn’t know what the pocket of his shoulder is. Can’t wait to have their purple and magenta scalps as trophies come the Revolution Attemp (theirs).

I don't understand how people can be so inept. Like I've shot guns since I was 4, maaaybe I don't understand, but then again I've brought friends shooting who have never handled a fun in their lives and they were slapping gong at 100 yards.

Same. My standard shooting distance and I get beginners hitting steel torso targets with red dots and scopes damn near instantly with the right trigger pull and stance. Irons take more practice but still.

Fucking kek. This is what they think training for war is. Can't hit a target with a rifle at 10m but they think that they'll mow down the combination of ex-military/police and hunters they'll be facing in an all-out fight.

And that's just their shooting. I guarantee you not one of those fat fucks could last a day out in the wild.

Would be fun to crash that party from a 1000y

Attached: AI AX338-01.jpg (1800x791, 415K)

Holy shit lmao

Attached: threema-20190813-192834-6c79de4b4bbf8a71.jpg (1024x505, 101K)

This the Whiskey 3?

You forgot
>Dressed as ATF agents

Attached: 1560536840043.jpg (407x600, 34K)

They're ready, trained to shoot fascists and shit pants with maximum efficiency.

Attached: file.png (742x707, 697K)

How many do you think were Federal Informants?

Honestly none, one at absolute maximum. The government doesn't really care about these sorts since they're no risk to anybody they care about.

Maybe to anybody at all tbqh...

The fuck is that

You don't shoot like that?

That’s called
Fat ass larper stance

>black women shoots target at close range with rifle
>everyone claps
you can't make this shit up

I hope they get the gulag

lmao which fucking soph video is that from?

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>That moment they're shooting the pictures of Pepe like they're some goddamn Commie execution squad

At least they embrace the demons they actually are, I suppose. I wonder how many of them were imagining they were shooting unarmed people on their knees and thoroughly enjoying it. My guess would be all of them.

>target is 5 feet away
whew. i sure am worried about these cocksuckers. They're worse shots than the niggers.

jesus christ

This is fantastic.

>at 4:30 the dude in the dress
>the hamplanet chicks right before him
>the dude who clears his SKS like a retard right after him
holy shit lol

>would be fun to murder other 2a advocates

inb4 'commies only want guns so they can take yours away'

>every commie revolution results in weapons being banned so the State can solidify power and ramp up the purges
>but this one will be different, they're totally responsive gunowners!
They're literally shooting Pepe targets. They want to kill you just for posting on Jow Forums, why would you trust them?


Its all so tiresome lmao

>frogposters getting the bullet
I see no problem with this

You wouldn't execute an apustaja poster, right?

Attached: throwpillow,36x36,750x1000-bg,f8f8f8.u10.jpg (750x1000, 220K)

they dont know the difference my sweet boy

Ian's friends :)

>Pepe target

Aw, let them have fun.

*shame somebody burned the desert at that shooting spot.

Literally lold. Can you imagine? Theyd scatter like roaches.

These are the fuckstains who give shooting, caliber and weapon advice in the tone if an "expert" around here. That's why this place is such a joke.

Truer words were never spoken, but add vulgarity, hostility and contempt.

lol shareblue tongues my anus AND they can't shoot
>thanks for the bump :^)

I totally would in Minecraft if I could make that shot. Out in the styx, anything goes

looks like a fun time but they are all fucked in the big igloo. Standing in front of a target 7 yards away isn't training you for shit.

Being a leftist and being a 2A advocate is mutually exclusive, at least in the US.

Thank you for using the proper name.
Apufags will be the first to get minecrafted.

Marx was against the disarmament of the proletariat though.

If it wasn't for my strong desire to keep my guns I would still be a left-wing pussy.

How fucking hard is it to draw a swastica the proper fucking direction?

Marx also thought his system worked


the mag dump

Attached: thanks friend.jpg (1206x1280, 189K)

he's like chicken winging and trying to shoot it like an AK. They're gonna drop their mags accidentally hahahahahahaa

Commies/leftists/SJWs "in action" always make me laugh.

Attached: 1557972252673.webm (854x480, 966K)

High speed low drag

I was gonna mention that sks retard if no one else did. That really triggers my autism.

High Speed No Sack

Well bully for him. Crying shame nobody actually in charge of shit got that memo.

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>shoots sks
>drops mag
>racks slide back

I mean it only holds 10 rounds...

Based polack kid.

What the fuck? That's absurd.

It's because the shooters are new, small, and/or weak.

Who gives a shit what Marx thought. George Orwell said some pro-gun shit but that didn't stop him from fighting alongside these other "based commies." You know, the ones digging up the corpses of nuns and desecrating their bodies. The only good commie is a dead commie.

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Good Lord. Fuck commies.

If shit went sideways, any one of us could be in place of those targets and they’d all happily pull the trigger.

lol didn't even think about that, can't afford to shoot all 10, or maybe he just isn't enjoying himself?

idk I'd like to know too, dunno where she went to after youtube banned her

I think she went to bitchute but everyone stopped caring.
Like that dude who makes the feels guy edits and eveyrone pretends to care

huh, apparently she's on freespeech.tv
and cut & colored her hair wew

>subscribe and pay money to see content
yeah okay shes a literally who now

I can kind of see the point, it's not like that site could be ad-supported
still not subscribing tho

I don't think the John Brown gun club folk are the type to try and reinstate a state after they've toppled it. Anarcho communism is still an oxymoron but they are different than tankies. Either way it doesn't matter because they seem to have the combat knowledge of range fudds.

I don't usually like to say this word, but yikes. Fucking yikes.

>Being a leftist and being a 2A advocate is mutually exclusive

political ideology is not black and white.

you're trying way too hard to fit in

It is when your sixteen and desperate for an identity.


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>It's because it's a mixed parts POS gun.
My AR literally came in bags (except the lower I bought) with zero branding and my wife weighs 120lbs and doesn't get nearly that much recoil out of it, despite not knowing how to shoot very well.

I'm guessing someone who's aiming at a target 300m away

Do you vote for politicans that actively try to destroy the 2nd amendment?

>b-back that ass up??

it is a little

You wouldnt happen to have any pictures of her tummy on hand, would you? For research.

holy fuck these hipsters

at least these people own guns unlike 65% of Jow Forums posters