Late Night Pest control thread

Been a few days since I posted my last kill, got 3 this week.

Remember to always be vigilant against the armadillo Jew.

What have you taken this week?

I actually managed to get me sneaking up on it on video this time, some real savage shit.

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Other urls found in this thread:

that armadillo did nothing wrong you fucking halfwit

>inb4 a bunch of pussy asswipes complain about pest control
Too late

They tear up muh yard, muh garden, muh leprosy, muh animals.

If he didn’t want this he shouldntve violated the NAP by trespassing.

What is the answer to the Armadillo Question? (A.Q.)

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*rubs paws*

Yes Goyi-I mean guys, defend us! We are just helpless wanderers

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This young scrappy Opossum tried to get after our chickens Saturday night.
Wife stepped outside when we heard the birds getting upset.
Dachshund/Jack Russel mix tore out after the scent and got into a scrap with it and the marsupial decided a tree was a better place to be.
It took a 9mm through the neck that didn't hit anything vital.
870 pump with OO did deed.
Tough hide.
Dog wouldn't let go of his new chew toy for a while.

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how big is ur dick? is it weird looking? tell me about how u feel powerless and ineffective and take it out on varmints :)


> something I dont like
> must be a penis thing
> everything must be penis thing
> I can't stop thinking about penises

Why you always thinking about other mens cock? There's a board for that, post your shit there

literally the only valid thing is "muh yard". but i doubt he has this many dillos digging up his yard. he's got the most densely packed dillo turf in the entire country if so.

inb4 OP is running an armadillo sanctuary to sate his desire to kill critters

“Whatcha doing bud?”

*armadillo jumps a foot off the ground*

*one hand spray*

“How bout another one?”

“...that’s kinda fucked up”

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If I get a hunting license can I shoot deer for fun? I have no interest in eating them or anything I just think they're dumb and that it would be fun to kill some. Can I just leave their dead bodies in the woods or do I have to take them with me. No moralfags please.

Pretty alright bro, about ~6 inches. Pretty thick desu but nothing extreme. I last a pretty long time which is nice

This guy gets it

Accurate. Why do betamales always talk about penises when they get uncomfortable?

Nah, killed 3 in the past 5 days. Population is pretty dense here desu

Wanton waste of a game animal. No.

Eh kind of a waste. I only pop pest creatures on my property that pose a threat to my pets, property, etc. coyotes walk into the yard every other month and I spray them down.

Otherwise I have deer that are comfortable enough around me to graze about 30 feet from my porch every day


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Taken with 22 winchester subsonics.

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Fuck yeah pest control thread. Nothing new to contribute unfortunately, but I assure you I hate ground squirrels more than most. Keep it up boys.

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did you eat the armadillo? you gon be a leper user

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Oh god oh fuck oh shidd

Armadillo more like big gay


>"lol penises yum"
fuck off lefty

OP is based and the rest of you are reddit newfags who don't know what Jow Forums stands for.

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You need a license and to buy a sex specific tag for each deer you plan to shoot. In some states it's illegal not to harvest the animal. Check your local laws.
In my state theyre pretty overpopulated but something seems wrong about not harvesting a game animal. It's not bad food and adds a unique meat to your diet.

This should be the fate of all armadillos.

Who the fuck would do something like this?

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Insect people

When I first saw that webm people were saying it was during some kind of virus outbreak and those were some of the infected pigs. I cant confirm though.

Red Bastard Removed

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This. Some people have nothing in their lives except their sexual parts, so they can't stop talking about them and project them on everything.
>hate somebody's X?
they must be tiny dick
>hate somebody's opinion?
they must be an incel with a tiny dick
>have no real life skills and only a useless art degree hanging on your wall?
I'll just use my menstrual blood to paint with and call myself an artist

They're the same people that say body shaming is wrong but will also tell you you have a small cock.
Hypocrites, every one of them.

Dude stop wtf


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The making of a serial killer

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Epic kill

That's really not bad for a soft point. Try Vmax for truly violent expansion. Vmax projectiles are an incredible feat of engineering. Not just their insane expansion but the ability to stay together at absurd velocities through fast twist rates.

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>12" of intestines strung out behind

Fucking metal

Hot damn!

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Aw, but foxes are actually cute.

Oof someone reported the vid of me shooting the armadillo on YouTube, UwU

Bloody Mess perk?

Did you cook it?

i like when people overkill small wild animals like foxes and racoons
pls post more gorey animal rekt

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I made a comment about you being a riflet but I didn't report. Sucks.

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Yeah it's called gotta go fast

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anyone got any good deer rekt?

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It's crazy how such a large and powerful projectile does far less damage than tiny bullets designed to dump energy immediately

>4225 fps

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No kidding, it pushed through like a big slow cannonball. When I shot that squirrel the first thing I thought of was the brush gun video from IV8888.

Next time I will use my AR with drum attached or 12g 00 buck at extreme close range. Don’t know how I would get pump 12g on video though

wherever a liberal has the power to censor he will censor.

Good luck bud.

Taken with .22LR, the one in the middle had a compound leg fracture that had “healed”. He was hobbling around the yard. My guess is he wanted to die

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17 Remington used in th his video.

Get fucked liberal

Yes, but they are still to be removed.

Why would you get .22 win subsonic? I feel like that's pretty much. 22lr

I assume he meant Winchester brand .22 LR subs

>I just wanna kill something without repercussions
You have to be 18+ to post here

You're thinking of the .444. The masterrace brush gun

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No pic, but i shot a bunny with a .44 mag once. Was pretty funny

Someone from Texas wouldn’t spell center as centre. This is an Anglo larping as an American, aka 90% of Jow Forums

No I wasn't but that's a cool gun anyways, I would love to tag a ground squirrel with that. For science.


Duh, it's an armadillo.

3 billion birds. Where's the cat sloting user? If you see this, You're doing gods work user. Gods, work.

>that broken leg

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Why? They eat rodents.

If you look closely you'll see that's not a leg but another rabbit, albeit immature and recently sprouted. Rabbit's reproduce through budding.

> he smoked the giant rolly polly

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