First purchase thread

So I live here now for school, and I'm from out of state, wanna pop the cherry and get my first purchase done since I come from hell where the laws are shit, any advice about the process?

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Check your state laws on out of state ownership. Check your school rules for firearms ownership. Check your firearms laws for age restrictions.

I'm from CA, 26, and go to law school, am I fucked? I know the school doesn't care about ownership, but the campus is non-carry outside of ECCW.

I don't live in arkansas. You do. Use your preferred search engine.

If you keep your CA DL you're fucked. But if you get one in your new state you're g2g

Rifle purchases should be fine but think you need to be a resident of the state for pistol purchases (fed law?) You going to school in LR or Fayetteville?


Nice. I'd hit up one of the gun stores and ask. Recommended ones are Wildman Arms in Bryant, Fort Thompson in Sherwood, and Don's Weaponry in NLR. There are others, but those are my favorites.

For rifles, they have to be legal in his state of residence.

Good point. There should be plenty of options though. Of course you won't find any ca compliant ARs.

Rifle pattern or configuration? ARs are still legal in CA (for now) if you put the cuck shit or Kydex wrap around the grip.

Don't know. I'm no lawyer

I saw Don's come up when I did a google search, I'll probably go there and get the word from the horse's mouth I guess. Like the state by the way, everyone is really nice and doesn't mind going out of their way here.

Would be best to check the laws in Cali for that.

Yeah, we're a good bunch mostly. Always some crazies, but being from Cali I'm sure you understand (I'm originally from San Bernardino). Welcome to the state.

Yeah dont.
There are ways, if you still want one in CA. but from the looks of your replies you’re too chicken shit to do the labour

Don's is good, when I first went there, they felt a bit fuddish, but after shopping a few times, they've warmed up a bit or at least I've grown used to them. The range is well used and you may get some nogs in there, but they try to keep the place respectable. Range prices are good and an decent selection of pistol rentals. They are planning on expanding it and adding rifles and allowing machine guns someday.

>Makes thread asking for advice for something I'm completely novice to
>Some bong comes in stating I don't have the balls to break the law
Thanks for the bump I guess.

Arkansas Armory is better, Don's is owned by a faggot Fudd

I see you’re in LR, if you ever have the chance take a ride down past Hot Springs to the Ouchitas, absolutely beautiful, great ranges, a bigger national forest than Ozarks. I wish I could go there more but I live in Fayetteville.

Nlr native here, how's it going boys

Buy 43x or a psa gen4 AR in 9mm

Good, tired of all the recent Blackie shenanigans though

Ark Armory has a really nice range, mainly because it's basically brand new when compared to Don's. But their selection is pretty bad, mostly stuff that would fall under non-CA compliant (although not sure how adding a grip wrap like suggested works), their range prices are more, and their transfer fees are more, hence why I didn't recommended them.

OP, I will be picking up a transfer at Don's in a couple weeks (still waiting on the e-check to clear, so no eta right now), if you want, shoot me an email at thrownaway98 @ protonmail dot com, and we can meet there and vet each other. I'm a member of a private range over in Benton, and I wouldn't mind letting you tag along if you wanted to go shooting. Might be worth joining if/when you buy something, although it may not be worth it depending on how long you will be staying in Arkansas.

What compels someone to list a fucking antique rifle or whatever on Gunlist and say 'CCW required'? There's a fucking dude in my city trying to sell a Maverick 88 for retail price and has 'CCW required' in his listing. A fucking shitty budget shotgun.

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I'd say it's a way of making sure the person purchasing the shotgun is legit and not a criminal.

Just keep an eye on Academy's weekly ads, they put the 88 on sale all the time.

I work at one of the local Academy's in the Central AR area, I'll tell you what I tell anyone who walks up.
>no handgun sales to out of state licenses
>depending on the state you live in no MSR sales either
That's Academy's policy though on the last one.
Easy solution, just get a AR ID or DL and you'll be gtg
Or the G2C.

A certain demographic likes cheap guns. That same demographic usually doesn't have a CCP

>Easy solution, just get a AR ID or DL and you'll be gtg
Cool, thanks for the help, I have to register my car anyways for tuition purposes so I'll grab one then.

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