I 1639 Free Online Certificate

To purchase a semiautomatic in WA you need this cert. Get it for free in 5 minutes. Jannis can prune my pubs.

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>Complying like a cuck
You still have to register your shit. Fuck that.

I liked the idea until I realized I'm put on WSP's shitlist.
No thanks the feds already got my name down, don't need local police knocking too.

Has anyone bought a semi auto since the legislation went through?
I want to buy some guns but I dont want to waive my rights to medical privacy.

My father in law has. Said it's literally just the same shit, except you can't buy semi auto rifles with out it. Whatcha trying to get?

You're a sicko
You're uninformed
You're going to be someone's useful idiot

>It's literally the same shit
Yeah, on your end. The issue is all the info that you give them access to when you sign.

I have $4,000 set aside to buy the B&T GHM9 and APC9.
I bought a bunch of other guns prior to the law passing and ended up going on a spontaneous vacation for a couple weeks with my wife and forgot to order the B&Ts until I was back in state and their receipt date would have been after the law enacted.

Wait it out if you don't like it. These certs are through private companies. They don't have to report to the state without a warrant. This isn't a database. It's a 5 year document retention schedule. Less robust then any piss poor background check. Don't get it for free. Go pay $100. Fucking niggers

OP already knows that.
Get the pistol version, doesn't require the stupid 1639 training shit for it.

No interest in waiving medical privacy.

I know it doesn't need the training but every non shotgun, mag fed firearm purchase made after July 1st now gives the state access to your medical records. I'm just not cool with that.

Bolt, lever, pump, semi auto pistols don't go through the medical records, only has a 10 day waiting period. Rifles get the medical shit. Reread 1639.

OP wasn't the person I was replying to. Thanks for your input tho. It was really helpful.

Reminder you waive HIPAA rights for life by complying

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You're literally recommending we pay $100 for the sake of paying $100

I just bought an AR
Walked in.
Walked out.

Idk what counties you live in but law enforcement here has flat out said they will not comply.

comply fags think leathal force is logic
they like following the rules to their detriment but don’t really care that everything that got this initiative to the ballot box would make the founding father this state was named after want a new revolution.

I thought this bill didn’t make it?

Wow, WA sounds like it's really gone to shit since I moved away ten years ago or so.

>Counties enforce 1639
WSP and the DOL enforce 1639 and no FFL is going to risk their license and jail time. Nice LARP tho.

why’d you leave cold mexico

To build windmills in brisket Mexico. I miss having mountains and public land to fuck around on but moving back home sounds less and less attractive every year. Burn your tongue on some Ivar's chowder for me sometime, man.

>semi auto pistols don't go through the medical records
All handguns waive medical privacy too, just like semi auto rifles.

yeah and I hope you get a to swallow bag full of delicious dicks with a strawberry shake

>waive my rights to medical privacy
>you waive HIPAA rights for life by complying
How the fuck is this garbage even legal?

>To purchase a semiautomatic in WA you need this cert.
No, I don't. Fuck Inslee.

Move to East WA.
Not Spokane, though. Fuck Spokane.

I'll think of you while I do, buttmuncher

I'm recommending you get it for free if you.want to legally purchase a semiauto rifle. Shit k, are the dumb shits new?

>they can give you a deal on your compliance, just let them infringe your rights

I thought gun nuts were all for "states rights". I guess that's only when it fits their purposes.

I am in eastern Washington. My Sheriff even said he wouldn't enforce any of the new law. Guess what all the FFLs around me require.
It really has. This state used to be so good.

>I guess that's only when it fits their purposes.
Nice b8. But nah, we're for states rights when it adds to freedoms and gets around bullshit federal laws (ie, weed, gay marriage back in the day). When it adds more restrictions, I'm still for it, but I'm against the restrictions it creates. It's like how you can be pro-gun, but still hate mass shooters. It's not the gun or the power of the states that's bad, the problem is how it's used.

fuck slavery
fuck Gun control
oh yeah
and fuck niggers

i believe in states rights suck my cock, dude

> i believe in states rights

except when they try to increase officer and school safety in a way that you don't like


sorry i meant to say i believe in states rights to suck my cock but i'm fucking drunk as ass really mucked that one up

>moved from Seattle to Spokane to get away from all of the liberal cuckoldry
>5 years later a massive influx of Californians moved here and are shitting up everything

Now I have to move again. Thinking about North Idaho or West Montana.

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You can’t run from it. The left will catch up no matter where you go.

>he thinks he's fleeing instead of leading the charge

What even the fuck is the status of the lawsuit challenging I-1639? I havent seen a single iota of information about it getting challenged since june

No, local LE does the background check just like with pistols

Do you see now?
The only solution is congregation.

Yeah I thought that was blocking enforcement

must suck to live in a communist state

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Nah, they can go fuck themselves while I build 80%.
Fuck this state
Fuck the WSP
Fuck the faggot in Seattle
And fuck you, nigger

1/10, blow me after class

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>he fell for the 'it can only be challenged on legal grounds if it passes' meme
Nah, we're fucked now.

We are so fucked this used to be a nice state though...I knew shit was going downhill since 594 or what the fuck it was. Literally nobody in island town wanted either passed but look what the fuck happens when you let faggots amass their hordes of addicts, and other left wing scum

You only need the certificate for rifles right? Semi auto handguns still fine?

Yes, I spent a day driving across state lines to a gunshow in Coeur d' Alene. This tiny 40 table show in Idaho was better than any gunshow I've been to in WA in the past 5 years.

Keep complying and thinking voting will make a difference. I'm sure if you grovel, pay enough fees, fill out ever increasing paperwork and obey more and more regulations you get to keep your expensive toys.

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Would you like to come to the shop with me?
FFL's are not complying with this shit.
Have you purchased a semi auto recently?
Did you have to show proof of completing a training course and certificate?

Just like how WSP enforces 594, right?
>that sweet

Just fucking don't obey.
How the shit do you think Prohibition got repealed?

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Do you waive these rights when buying handguns now too?

I am honestly a little confused by i1639 because it seems like they applied the extra scrutiny from handguns to rifles but I am unsure about the HIPPA part and how CHL's work for purchasing now. I kind of want a new G34 gen 5...

What about CHL and the "cool down" period
They used to exempt for that

The real question is, what should we buy before the next set of initiatives

>Do you waive these rights when buying handguns now too?
Read the transfer form you’re going to sign, question 4 on the second page. You’re signing this form regardless if it’s a handgun or semi auto rifle. If you’ve ever bought a handgun using the previous form you’ve already signed away your medical privacy because the highlighted area of text above where you sign has the same disclaimer.

>I am unsure about the HIPPA part and how CHL's work for purchasing now
>What about CHL and the "cool down" period, They used to exempt for that
They do nothing, FBI took away the courtesy of letting WA FFLs do the nics check on CPL holders for pistols. It wasn’t a part of 1639, it was a decision of the FBI. FFLs logging into nics don’t even have an option to check the box for handgun sales anymore, only long gun and other.

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I1639 certification only applies to semi auto rifles. Part of the initiative did way with CPL holders getting to waive the waiting period.
I know others who have bought shotguns from Cabela's since July (one semi auto and one pump) with no difference than before.

what is this gay thread

All shotguns, manually operated long guns, and guns you’d mark as “other firearms” on the 4473 (receivers, pistol frames, mossberg 590s) are normal old nics check and you’re out the door same day. There is talk that “other firearms” is going to fall under the new form come next July but I haven’t seen any proof of that or anything from the state confirming or denying that.

>Dont get it for free. Go pay $100.
>literally one post later
>I'm recommending you get it for free if you want
Damn dude I wish I could backpedal that fast

Oh cool, I did not know that. Been struggling to find a good 80% because I thought receivers were affected
Thanks fren

>pic related
Has it always been like this for handguns?

Fuck off Karl, useful idiot is a retarded term to use.

I'm not waving my medical privacy. They can fuck right off and why in the hell hasn't this shit been overturned for all the shit it does to HIPPA yet?

Because it's not doing anything wrong in terms of HIPAA. You as an american are *waiving* your HIPAA rights, completely on your own accord. They're not forcing you to do anything in the eyes of the law.

Yes, if you’ve ever signed the previous form for handguns in the past like five years

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Why do you retards keep acting like legality is relevant?

Correct. The whole thing is a total mess. I just bought a rifle the other day and I came into the store all prepared with my certificate and it turned out that there is not even any formal process for checking or verifying whether or not you took the class. It comes down to a checkmark on which you can lie on if you want. The funniest thing was I was able to walk out the same day with the firearm meanwhile my piece of shit pistol took 10 days. I am considering just moving to Leavenworth at this point

I didn't think the pre i1639 form waived HIPPA?

That fucking blows. Half the reason to get the chl was negating the wait period

Welcome to Washington
Bring your tent and syringes or alternatively find a bull for your polyamorous girlfriend and crack open some Onions

>in the past like five years

Since 1994 I think.

>Part of the initiative did way with CPL holders getting to waive the waiting period.

No, that was a separate bill. And that change was effectively forced by the FBI not wanting to do 2 NICS checks for every handgun sale in Washington. I suspect the system is overburdened.

Because having fair and just laws is the foundation of a stable society. Everyone just doing whatever they can get away with is how you end up like a Central or South American shithole where the only barrier to criminality is if the bribe to the cops is lower in value than the gain from the criminal activity.

Read the disclaimer I posted, it says it right there

Yeah the pistol transfer thing has been for a while but I’m not sure if it’s always waived medical privacy, the form before the current form was the standard one for like five years so that’s at least how long it’s been, I don’t have access to the previous revision before the final pistol transfer application.

I mean, yeah.
The point of states rights are that they fit your purposes.
Are you dumb or something?

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not as retarded as being one. KARL

>end up like a Central or South American shithole where the only barrier to criminality is if the bribe to the cops is lower in value than the gain from the criminal activity.

Enormous areas of the US are already like this, where do you think we'll be in 5-10 years?

b..but user, isn't that a violation of state law?

...not that anybody cares

I'm surprised by that because most armslist sellers seem skittish as fuck to sell to people without a NICS check. I just doubt that there are that many transfers that happen between friends.

So it would totally be legit to require a HIPAA waiver in order to vote, right? What a crock of shit.

You have to wave your hipaa rights here in NJ too and its bullshit

Why the fuck would you move here?

>we have a problem and it's getting progressively worse
>just be part of the problem bro, it's like way easier
And then everyone wonders why everything is shit.

Hawaii too

That's ironically the standpoint I try to show people - imagine if we put other amendments to the same standard, say, the 19th? The 4th?

Depends entirely on what you are buying across state lines. Shotguns and non-semi-auto rifles are perfectly legal for Washington residents to buy from an FFL in another state.