Why do nations do stupid shit like this...

Why do nations do stupid shit like this? The more I see this the more blatantly obvious it comes that 97% of camouflage patterns and color schemes are just useless meme shit with no real word application.

Attached: 3B62132C-8C68-4057-9845-1EFC7D3336B5.jpg (1000x629, 120K)

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Blending in for the invasion of Candyland's Cotton Candy beaches.

ive been told that the glossy and bright paint schemes are just for parades, but ive never seen any pictures of modern Chinese armor without that kind of paint.

looks cool
yeah we know it doesn't but third world decision makers dont think that way. it's gotta be unique (muh national pride) and badass.

Because parades and mandatory fun are a big part of that country's culture.

>but ive never seen any pictures of modern Chinese armor without that kind of paint.
Because you’re a shitposter on Jow Forums and you don’t actually have an active interest in the topic at hand.

In an era where most anti-tank targeting is going to be done via infrared and thermal, it really doesn't matter all that much what color it is. Further, this if for an aquatic unit i believe. In that case, in the coasts of China, their pacific islands, and east asian coasts in general, it may be more effective than you would believe

why are you getting mad over paint?

Just shows why you are small time. You simply does not know how high the mountains or how deep the oceans are. You are an American fat mutt that only types on a keyboard while living in your mother's basement. Chinese research and development is the best in the world.

It's so we can't find their tanks after we sink their transport vessels.