Best place to get PSA rifles?

Where'd you get yours? Is it cheapest online or can you find good prices at stores? Advice? Live in Southwest is that matters

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The PSA website.

Just buy 2-3 aero lowers online on black friday dumbdumb. It's just around the corner.

What If im not 21?

I know those feels.
If you have a friend or family member, offer to pay them $10 to go and get it for you and put their name on it. Most will do it.

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My friends are out of state, and my only family member that would has a weed card.
Or start asking random strangers to do it for you as a trade for tugjobs.

PSA sells fully assembled rifles, which 18 year olds can buy.

This is a Federal felony.

Thanks, I'll have to learn to navigate the site, but are the prices usually reasonable on there? Also, do you think I could find a PSA in a brick and mortar store?

It's craigslist for guns, depends if a tightwad posted or someone strapped for cash. Pawn shops usually have used guns on the wall.

You're right I just checked the site and they offer complete firearms. Some are 18+ others are 21+. How do these things come to my door though?

You have to go through an FFL.

Anything legally a firearm goes to an FFL first, anything else can just get shipped to you

muh federal law

>Some are 18+ others are 21+
Rifles and shotguns are 18+. Everything else, from handguns to machineguns to bare frames, is 21+. That's Federal law.

>How do these things come to my door though?
You carry them there, after picking them up from the local gun shop you had them shipped to.

Okay, I'm new to this. So I have to pay a fee and send forms to the ATF?

It's really fucking stupid to straw purchase something if you're not already a convicted felon.

Buy it online, ship it to your local gun store, pick it up when it comes in, and complete the 4473 there at the store.

And if I wanted to buy something at a store I could fill everything I needed out there, but then have to wait and come back, correct?

It's a 5 minute process where the FFL picks up the phone and calls it in. I don't know your states laws in regards to wait times.

Gun shops have Federal Firearm Licenses, which allows them to ship and sell guns. You would tell PSA to ship the gun to a nearby FFL. They'll likely already have his license on file. If not, you would need to contact the FFL and have him send it to PSA. (Even if PSA has the gun shop's license on file, you should still call them up first if you've never done business with them, if only to find out what fee the FFL charges.) The gun would be shipped to the FFL. You would go into their shop, fill out the Federal gun buying form "4473," pay the FFL however much he charges to do transfers, and leave with your gun.

Note: state law may make this process more complicated or time consuming. If "Southwest" means California, it will be much more complicated and time consuming.

Alright Im trying to read up on it but am getting conflicting information and political articles. Could I walk into a store without any prior experience with FFL's or forms and walk out the same hour with a firearm if I'm clean? Thanks also

Yes if you buy one off the wall. Its a few extra hoops if you're getting one from online see

>Could I walk into a store without any prior experience with FFL's or forms and walk out the same hour with a firearm if I'm clean?
Depends on the state. In most states, yes.

Doesn't sound too difficult, but it seems like they just want more money through fees. Also not CA and thanks.

The fee is for the FFL owner to make the transfer. He pockets it as profit.

I'll consider both options then
This makes sense and I can't be too upset over it then. What's the typical fee price?

Depends on the store and the state, average, keyword average so you flyovers don't get buttmad and go "nuh uh", is $20-$30. Gets worse the bigger the chain store and the more liberal your state is.

Typically $40-$70. Usually around $40.

>What's the typical fee price?
$10 to $150 is the usual range. Towards the lower end in a pro-gun state, towards the higher end in an anti-gun state.

My state is red so thats good to hear. Thanks for answering, but one more thing would having weird motor tics be a problem when going through this process? I'm not diagnosed or anything for it either and most people don't notice. I don't want to get turned down and put on a list or something and never be able to try to buy again

Nah, as long as you have a clean record and don't insult the store owner you're good to go.

Okay thanks it doesn't really inhibit my functions, just really painful sometimes

An FFL can refuse to do business with you if he thinks you're some kind of nut. Or any reason, from the color of you hair to the kind of shoes you're wearing. But that doesn't get recorded anywhere. If you've never been convicted of any felony or misdemeanor domestic violence, or been hauled in front of a judge and declared mentally unfit, you can buy guns from a willing seller.

>$70-$150 for a transfer
You poor bastards
Where I live in Texas it typically ranges from $10-$40 depending on where you are and who you're buying from. As the other two said that range depends entirely on how fucked your state and city laws are or how much of a cunt the LGS owner is.

If you want to skip the transfer fee entirely, a lot of LGSs nowadays will work with a larger warehousing conglomerate and offer their own online selection, which allows you better options than what they actually have in store. Sometimes they have good prices and other times they slap $100 onto the price.

TL;DR: Do some research on what your local options are, settle on a gun you want, then price check a few places to figure out where you can get a good deal.

>This is a Federal felony.
No it's not you fuck. When OP come of legal age he can be gifted the rifle legally. Most states its 16 or 18 for a rifle.
It's illegal to buy for a felon or someone who is unable to otherwise legally possess a firearm. It's called a strawman purchase.

Technically it's illegal to use someone else's money/services/reimbursements to buy a gun for them whether or not they are a prohibited possessor.
An actual gift of a firearm is not a crime though.

>offer to pay them $10 to go and get it for you
That's the felony. If someone gifts the gun to the guy with no monetary compensation. It doesn't matter if the guy is a felon or not, the issue here is answer the question on the form asking if you are the purchaser. If money is changing hands from the receiver and the purchasers, then they aren't the ultimate purchaser and thus lying on the form, thus a felony. The guy who is underage wouldn't get in trouble, the person buying for the guy would. This has happened to a cop buying a blue label glock for his uncle. They were caught because they legally went through an FFL to do the transfer

Don't like the law? Well, no one likes gun control laws except gun grabbers. Go ahead if you want to break it though. I'm not stopping no one, since it ain't my skin.

got mine online and picked up at a gun store that only charged $10 for the paperwork but if you know other gun owners you could probably get a good deal just talking to someone

That makes sense and I hadn't thought of the ten bucks as the issue. I'm sorry for being a prick and just lashing out.

It is, but no one cares.
It isn't if thats your only way of getting it, like with stripped AR lowers. Most people aren't going to do it for free either because it takes a while to fill out paperwork.

IKTF fellow zoom zoom, but PSA sells pre built rifles as well.
Basically you buy the firearm online, they send it to a local dealer of your choosing (which will almost always be a gun shop), you go to said dealer, fill out the 4473, and walk out with your new gun. Make sure you have some extra cash for the fees involved though, and although you technically could it is better to just go and do that shit yourself.

Best place to buy is PSA website. If you buy an upper and lower seperate the upper can be shipped to your house, the lower has to go through an FFL. You have to be 21 to pick up a lower, though a parent or someone else can always just pick it up and give it to you. If buying a complete rifle you can just pick it up at the FFL.

This is assuming your local laws aren't more strict than federal laws.

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Buy the upper, lower parts kit, stock etc and then buy an 80% and finish it.

>tfw i paid $10 in Ohio for my Vepr-12
>and other people think a $40 floor is normal

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Where in Ohio? The best shop in the Cleveland area is $25


Our fee is $30 for long guns and $35 for pistols because extra paperwork. Some FFLs are just greedy fucks.
>t. Upstate NY

Also under 21 and just built my first AR. You can get the upper no matter your age, I ordered mine from the website no problem, it's just like buying something from Amazon. If you can't get anybody to buy a lower reciever for you, get an 80%. It isn't technically a gun yet so there's no age restriction on buying one. Downside is you'll have to mill out part of it yourself, upside is there's no serial no. so the gubmint doesn't know you have it.

So I can just order an 80% lower and not have to deal with filling out paper or paying a fee? Just like ordering anything else off the net? If that's the case I'd like to get in on this before it's gone

Yes, just like an upper there's no paperwork required to buy an 80% lower. Unless you have friend with the tools though, you'll also need a router and a jig to mill out the missing holes. You may want to pick one up sooner than later, people tend to panic but them before big elections and after highly publicised shootings.

At the PSA website... might be a good place to start

I've bought a PSA from a brick and mortar store. They'd literally order anything I could legally buy from the manufacturer for me.

yes you can get it all delivered to your house.

Its not a long process of just completing the 4473

Hello fellow Jow Forumsommandos how can I go about committing a felony but also get away with it?????

he was asking for the legal process dingus


You might get a delay on the background check. With the political climate the way it is right now people are buying guns right now. Don’t worry about a delay it happens sometimes. A delay is not being denied it just might take a couple days for everything to go through

>order upper and lower online
>upper goes to your house, lower to an FFL
>pick up lower at FFL
or if youre a zoomer
>order full rifle to FFL, pick it up there
its not hard guys i know youre autistic but please

OP didn't even know what an FFL is... I doubt he has a gov ID.

do you mean he needs one of those?

under 21 can only buy complete long guns
no receivers

that and the FFL is retarded. people should be able to walk into a store buy a lower or complete firearm like any other item

Yeah, well thats not the way the things are and its literally never going to change. Get the fuck over it.

has nothing to do with the ffl its the law.
its 21 for all guns. with an exemption for 18-20 to buy long guns from a ffl.
people think its 21 for pistols implying well if its not a pistol you can buy it if over 18. really its 21 for everything but you can buy long guns at 18.

not OP, could a friend in another state buy one and go through FFL then send to another state?

I'm like 50% sure you can pick up fully assembled rifle lowers before you are 21.

Nvm, I'm wrong. That's dumb that isn't the case though.

dumb is an understatement. its very fucking retarded.

Quit being a bitch and just order the full rifle to an FFL. Is it that big of a deal?

Good Lord. Mine charges 35 bucks which includes the background check.

You know what, don't buy a gun.
