Who here thinks big?

Who here thinks big?

Also, improvised weapons thread because why not.


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>Motor oil

Stop memeing this. Motor oil is fucking useless in a molotov.

All the nazis are planning all the shootings, damn socialists.


Attached: 0e5639a9-33f2-4046-9dbe-485c1f793eea.gif (640x514, 335K)

Makes you wonder why rioters don't use aerosol can bombs like this. Would probably fuck you right up if it went off next to you.

Why not
>2 cup
>2 cup
>1 cup
Then you dont have to draw the retarded half cup.

Put some effort into it.


Fuck off with this worthless waste of bandwith and space.

We're dealing with 375ml bottles here. Not 2L wine bottles.

What should be used instead?

Just gas. No additives.

>short burn
>easy as fuck to extinguish
>doesn't stick

According to the 1969 Army Improvised Munitions Handbook, options include:
- Lye+Rosin or Castor oil
- Lye+Tallow+Ethyl alcohol
- Detergent+Ethyl alcohol
- Egg whites or animal blood serum, plus a small amount of salt, lime or soda
- Latex+acid
- Wax (furniture/floor/candle/soap/crayons all recommended)

I'm not posting recipes though. Look it up yourself. Old manuals rule.

Not wrong but the handbook says gelled fuel is often preferable to raw gasoline in fire bottles because it
>adheres more readily to the target and produces greater heat concentration

Depends on your use case, I guess.

Wax or fat.

t. someone who hasn't made a Molotov cocktail.
It's more than enough to set someone on fire or fuckup a windscreen. 95% of additives advertised on the internet do nothing productive at all.
Now that's something I hadn't considered. For those who don't know, rosin is the leftover solid sap after turpentine and other volatiles have burnt out of the pitch. It's hard and very brittle almost akin to glass, but when heated up it melts and sticks to things.

>95% of additives advertised on the internet do nothing productive at all
I think a lot of that shit is disinfo.

>or fuckup a windscreen
Yeah, on a stationary vehicle, but I think there's a reason people started making them sticky. Clothed people are flammable enough but vehicles aren't so much.
In the Spanish Civil War when they were pretty much invented, they didn't use additives to gel them or anything, but they used them by wrapping the bottles in blankets. The idea was that the bottle would break, but the blanket would get soaked and then chewed up in a tank tread and melt the rubber wheels.

So if you just want to firebomb cops don't worry about it, but when Canada and Mexico finally execute their pincer directive and armour rolls over the hill maybe keep it in mind.

no u

Won't work modern Styrofoam doesn't contain benzine with is what you need

What about the Styrofoam from a bean bag chair?

I wonder how something like eagle seal acryllic would perform? It’s got xylene in it so I imagine it’s flamable, if not, add more xylene or gasoline to the mix.

how recent has that been, I made some napalm with styrofoam a couple years ago and it did fine.

I made napalm laced with thermate once. It was absolutely BLYATIFUL.